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I was thinking of doing a Noir HoF next month as it's Noirvember...I was thinking of a short duration HoF that would be done and over in only 30 days by the end of November. Most noirs are short and I doubt there would be that many people joining.

I'm thinking I would do it like the first Noir Hof I hosted here:

Anyone interested?
I would be interested.

I'll likely just stick with the Group Watch thread, but I think that's a good idea. For personal reasons, I'm under too much stress right now to join any other Halls, at least for the time being, but I hope to be back in them soon.

Another noir HoF would be great, but I don't like the idea of having such a short deadline. November's looking to be pretty busy for me though, so I probably won't be able to join regardless, but I'll probably creep on the thread.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Looks like there's not enough interest in a Noir HoF at this time. So maybe I'll try it sometime this winter...

What I think I'll do is just make a Noirvember watch thread with no commitments. Just post what noirs you get around to watching or just hang out. If people want to say what noir they will be watching, I'll try to watch it too and post my thoughts. Very informal and just for fun. October gets the full horror treatment from MoFos so November needs a bit of noir love too

The trick is not minding
Looks like there's not enough interest in a Noir HoF at this time. So maybe I'll try it sometime this winter...

What I think I'll do is just make a Noirvember watch thread with no commitments. Just post what noirs you get around to watching or just hang out. If people want to say what noir they will be watching, I'll try to watch it too and post my thoughts. Very informal and just for fun. October gets the full horror treatment from MoFos so November needs a bit of noir love too

If the next vote works out well I expect Noir to get the next countdown treatment. Perfect time for Noir HOF 😎

Trouble with a capital "T"
If the next vote works out well I expect Noir to get the next countdown treatment. Perfect time for Noir HOF 😎
I'd vote for Noir as the next countdown, I guess we'll see what happens when that time comes up.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Or we could have a noir group watch thread along with the countdown if enough people are interested.

We can do both. 👀
and double yup.

BUT first we have to decide on the next countdown and we all know how hard that can be for the MoFos to come to a decision

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'd like Musicals to be the next countdown, but I doubt that's going to happen.

But Noir would be my second choice for the next countdown.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

2 weeks from today will be the day after my surgery and as long as I'm feeling ok, I'll be looking to get the new personal rec going. The only thing I don't like is that a bunch of people finish quick, a few finish late, and so it seems like we have a long lull in the middle. Any suggestions as to a way to make it more consistent and not drag out?

I think that, as long as you set a deadline (and don't make the time limit too long), you should be fine.

The only other suggestion I have is that you make it a requirement to finish a certain number of reviews by a certain date, but I don't know if this would be fair since most the regular participants of the Halls generally finish them in time, regardless of whether they finish early or at the end.

2 weeks from today will be the day after my surgery and as long as I'm feeling ok, I'll be looking to get the new personal rec going. The only thing I don't like is that a bunch of people finish quick, a few finish late, and so it seems like we have a long lull in the middle. Any suggestions as to a way to make it more consistent and not drag out?
The only thing I could suggest is maybe shortening the deadline a bit. If you give people 12-14 weeks to finish, some will leave it to the end. Maybe consider 6-8 week deadline if people are okay with that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
2 weeks from today will be the day after my surgery and as long as I'm feeling ok, I'll be looking to get the new personal rec going. The only thing I don't like is that a bunch of people finish quick, a few finish late, and so it seems like we have a long lull in the middle. Any suggestions as to a way to make it more consistent and not drag out?
Here's hoping for a kickass speedy recovery for you!

So about people finishing early and finishing late, with a long lull in between....Yeah that sucks and makes it boring too.

And I've talked about that problem before and I really don't think HoFs need to be so damn long. I've taken note of many HoFs and something like 1/3 to 1/2 half of the people habitually wait until just the last month or even only just a few weeks before they start cramming in the movies.

The thing is people then assume that everyone is so busy that they can't watch 12 movies in less than a 1/3 of the year and so then we all assume that HoFs have to be really long to be kind to people.

Looking at the Hall of Infamy which has went into overtime the late finishers didn't even start watching the bulk of the noms until right at the end. Hell we could make HoFs one month per movie and there would still be people who would wait until the very end. I'm not saying it's the late finishers fault as they are just using the time they have which is legit, but it does make HoFs boring. Both you and I have hosted HoFs were the time allotted was 4.5 to 5 days per movie and people finished I suggested cutting down the watch time, to like 2 months or 6 movies a month.

Obviously I didn't start the new Personal Rec, as my surgery got delayed until 3/16. At this point I'll wait until then, or maybe a little sooner once the 2010's list is up. It will give us more to choose from.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Obviously I didn't start the new Personal Rec, as my surgery got delayed until 3/16. At this point I'll wait until then, or maybe a little sooner once the 2010's list is up. It will give us more to choose from.
I've said this before but wait until you feel like you want to do it. No rush, sometime in late March is fine by me.

I'm thinking about doing some kind of 1950s sci fi/monster flicks event or HoF. Something small and easy, that is done and over with in one month so no big commitments and I'd be ready of the next PR when you are.

Obviously I didn't start the new Personal Rec, as my surgery got delayed until 3/16. At this point I'll wait until then, or maybe a little sooner once the 2010's list is up. It will give us more to choose from.
No, do it right this second! I can't wait any longer!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is anybody interested in a quick, 1 month long, 1950s sci fi/monster b movie flicks HoF type event? I'm wanting to make it super easy for more people to participate.

*Movies no longer than 100 minutes, so easy to watch (and b movies were short).

*People can either join as a member like we always do in an HoF
OR they could pop in nominate a movie which is optional to watch and if they choose to watch a movie or two and write a short paragraph and rate it on the MoFo popcorn scale, I could prorate it so that their vote could still count even if they chose not to watch all the movies.

Does that make sense? Any suggestions I liked to give this a go so input is good!