Amazon to include commercials in all programming


Recently got a notice from Amazon that starting 1/29/24 they are going to include commercials in all movies and series. Supposedly one can opt out of ads for an additional $3 per month.

It seems to me we're gradually returning to network TV and their commercials (one big reason we opted into streaming services), only now we'll be paying a monthly fee for a similar service that we had with traditional TV!

Are we heading full circle?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Recently got a notice from Amazon that starting 1/29/24 they are going to include commercials in all movies and series. Supposedly one can opt out of ads for an additional $3 per month.
In film noirs that's called the protection racket. Ugh, good thing I don't give Amazon streaming any money.

Watching TV nowadays is like the death of a thousand cuts.
It was a sign of things to come when the home video (VHS) release of Top Gun had a Diet Pepsi ad at the start.

Then again, it was probably also a sign when they started placing advertisements in family Bibles.

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to find an ad for Fred's Big Rock Moving Company imprinted on some stone at Göbekli Tepe.

They're get away with whatever they can get away with. And they can, over a long enough timeline, get away with murder. The stupidity of cable was that people paid a monthly fee to be fed a steady stream of advertisements. Is it any surprise that streaming is going the same way?

Don't worry, you can always go "premium" to get rid of the ads. And once everyone goes premium, they'll start poking in little adverts at the edges.

If there was ever a case for piracy, this reality is part of that case.

I’m not bothered by this small increase. Cannot watch anything with ads so glad we have the choice to opt out.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

It's almost like Amazon thinks it needs even more money.

Or rather, all of the money.

One of my great moral failings is that I actually give this creep my business out of total laziness. Maybe this is the time to cancel my subscription with them, not because I actually care about the occassional commercial, but because Amazon deserves to die.

It's happening industry-wide, so it's pretty clear this speaks to the real, on-the-ground viability of streaming as an economic model. We were enjoying lower prices/services/amounts of content on the backs of venture capital, and now the reality's setting in and it turns out the economic model of television wasn't that far off from the natural equilibrium.

The part that annoys me is that I pay for Prime yearly rather than monthly. I "re-upped" back in August. So they're just going to change the terms in the middle of my subscription? I've got 7-8 months left but I'm not getting what I signed up for (ad-free movies). I'm sure I gave them permission to do this when I pretended to read the terms of service but it's still sucky.
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The part that annoys me is that I pay for Prime yearly rather than monthly. I "re-upped" back in August. So they're just going to change the terms in the middle of my subscription? I've got 7-8 months left but I'm not getting what I signed up for (ad-free movies). I'm sure I gave them permission to do this when I pretended to read the terms of service but it's still sucky.
its annoying when cant cancel the subscription on the phone only on the computer