Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
That's a strength? Following that point of view it's a better movie than 2001: A Space Odissey.
Yeah, you're point being?
You might not like it, but you can't deny it's one of the most influential movies ever made, Sci-Fi or not. Who will remember The Martian in 5 years?

I haven't seen Nosferatu (F.W. Murnau, 1922) but want to watch it one of these days. I like silent films as it requires the viewer to participant in the story by following along and using the imagination.

I haven't seen Nosferatu (F.W. Murnau, 1922) but want to watch it one of these days. I like silent films as it requires the viewer to participant in the story by following along and using the imagination.
Even I have seen it. What's wrong with you?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
This guy only watches Citizen Kane on perpetual repeat. He's never seen any other film. His top 10 is fake, too.

Nah, I don't rewatch films often. I've only seen Citizen Kane once (twice if you count watching it with the commentary track). It's not a film you want to watch over and over again. Not enough babes in it.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Dirty Work(1998)

Director - Bob Saget
Starring - Norm Macdonald, Artie Lang, Jack Warden and Traylor Howard(Worst first name ever)
Rating - 7/10 (15+ rewatches)

I find this movie to be a prime example of like it or leave it, personally I like this movie, quite a bit. Such a ridiculous concept but supplies an awesome amount of laughs from awesome sight gags and Norm Macdonalds trademark sarcasm and aloofness. At around the half way mark the movie starts to sputter a bit when the focus shifts from a buddies getting revenge on the world thing, to trying to stop an evil real estate developers plan and get Norm Macdonald laid. Anyway, the film has a few awesome guest stars (notably Chevy Chase as an inept gambling addicted heart doctor, Chris Farley as the guy who got his nose bitten off by a Saigon whore and Adam Sandler as Satan) This film has lots of lines which are quotable as hell,

CC: "I know there's really nobody to blame for this but myself, well, I don't know, maybe the Buffalo Bills, the Boston Red Sox, or Mr. T or, or the Jets.."

NM: "Wait a minute, Mr T.? Are you telling me that you bet on the fight in Rocky III, and that you bet against Rocky?"

One of the funniest scenes in the whole damned movie, "dead" hookers in trunks was well played.

Buy a bag, go home in a box.

I have to return some videotapes...
I just finished Blood Simple. (1984) and I would probably say its one of the better first films of a director I've ever seen. The film keeps you guessing throughout the whole run time and it can be very gratifying guessing what is happening. The performances I found mostly to be good other than John Getz, thought he was a little weak and didn't feel that invested. The script is a very simple plot with an original twist on it similar to most of the Coen Brother films. The problems I had were some of the character motivations didn't really make sense looking back. I also think a couple of the scenes are a little too drawn out, a problem I have with most of the Coen's films. Overall, it is a very solid picture and worthy of a watch.

I have to return some videotapes...

The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

everytime I rewatch this movie I still can't believe it was made....that elevator scene doe
Drew Goddard really can do no wrong. Very interesting take on the horror cabin cliche.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Star Wars:The Force Awakens

There were a few inspired moments, but this felt like more of a "product" than an actual film. There was too much pandering to appease the rabid fanbase of the original trilogy and there's very little "new" here. Even though the prequels were universally panned by audiences, at least they were made by an auteur with a vision (even if that vision was inherently flawed and misguided). Abrams just brings nothing new to the table which, truthfully, is the saddest part of it all.Some of the new leads were good, tho. Kylo Ren was the character I found the most fascinating, due to him having actual internal conflict. I liked Rey as well, but she's totally a Mary-Sue like many have pointed out. Still, thought the movie was enjoyable despite my numerous issues with it.

Dirty Work(1998)

Director - Bob Saget
Starring - Norm Macdonald, Artie Lang, Jack Warden and Traylor Howard(Worst first name ever)
Rating - 7/10 (15+ rewatches)

I find this movie to be a prime example of like it or leave it, personally I like this movie, quite a bit. Such a ridiculous concept but supplies an awesome amount of laughs from awesome sight gags and Norm Macdonalds trademark sarcasm and aloofness. At around the half way mark the movie starts to sputter a bit when the focus shifts from a buddies getting revenge on the world thing, to trying to stop an evil real estate developers plan and get Norm Macdonald laid. Anyway, the film has a few awesome guest stars (notably Chevy Chase as an inept gambling addicted heart doctor, Chris Farley as the guy who got his nose bitten off by a Saigon whore and Adam Sandler as Satan) This film has lots of lines which are quotable as hell,

CC: "I know there's really nobody to blame for this but myself, well, I don't know, maybe the Buffalo Bills, the Boston Red Sox, or Mr. T or, or the Jets.."

NM: "Wait a minute, Mr T.? Are you telling me that you bet on the fight in Rocky III, and that you bet against Rocky?"

One of the funniest scenes in the whole damned movie, "dead" hookers in trunks was well played.

Glad to see I am not the only one who likes this movie.

The Land Before Time

Overall, very touching

This is one of those animation classics. I remember watching this movie when I was like 5-6 years old. I remembered more the fifth one (of which I'll do a review also). I remembered this series for no reason but the urge to re-watch it was urgent, so...I watched it.

It was a good thing I didn't remember a lot if the first installment, since I could re-discover a lot of things. I nearly cried in the scene where
WARNING: "The Land Before Time" spoilers below
Littlefoot's mom dies

The animation is really beautiful in the same way the message this movie shows is. I don't really remember a lot of flaws, and I don't want to, nah, so I really don't have a lot to say about this movie except that it's one of the few perfect children's movies that can please both children and adults alike.

I give The Land Before Time a
. I've been watching a lot of movies lately so you can expect a lot of ratings coming up.

The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island

Overall, not better than the original, but I still like it a lot.

This is the fifth installment in the Land Before Time franchise (which, by the way, re-boots/continues this year) and it is my favourite. I watched all the Land Before Time films in French, so I can't really give an opinion about the actors' voice-over. I can say that in French it fits very well and that they did a good job. In English, I don't know. The animation wasn't as good as in the first installment since they didn't pay as much attention to details as in the first one.

There were still a few things that didn't quite make sense, like the shadow that floats in the air to give the impression of a huge T-Rex. I didn't quite like the voice-over of the sea-dinosaur at the end...but well.

Far from perfect, this movie still is a very good animation film, despite the fact of lacking the presence of a message of any kind. I give The Land Before Time V a

Before going on, these are movies I started but didn't finish because of either, their stupid content, their bad CGI, their lack of humor or just for being plain BAD!


The Expendables 3

And also not including the next one since I didn't finish it because I didn't find a good player with subtitles for the sign language scenes.

Dawn of The Planet Of The Apes
