Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Playing it Cool (2015)

Requiem for a Dream -

I wanted to watch this movie for a pretty long time now but it allways somehow sliped out. I dont know even where to begin ... this is one of the movies that had the deepest feeling to it and really hit me, i never had a strange feeling watching this with any other movie i did. The acting was excellent, all congrats to the actors that can act in a movie like this. The movie has a deep message and it hits your straightforward and every charather has its own path which is disturbing and uniquie and the same time. If you have on a plan to watch this it has allot of disturbing scenes to some of the viewers and its not for everyone. I watched myself the directors cut edition and i dont reccomend you to watch that one. I proboably wont watch this again in any time soon, even if i liked it so much it will get me in a strange feeling that i got it after watching it. If you are planning on watching it, you wont be dissapointed but be warned you might get disturbed with some scenes ...

Care for some gopher?
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (J. Lee Thompson, 1972) -

Despite an interesting story and a good ending, the movie could have been much better. Thompson doesn't do much of interest here, storytelling- and directing-wise.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
The Incredible Hulk

Full review is in my review thread.
Optimus Reviews
LATEST REVIEW Zack Snyder’s Justice League // Godzilla vs Kong
My Top 50 Favourites

"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

The Driver (1978)

Walter Hill directed this slick little action flick and that makes quite a difference as he's one of my favorite directors and you know you're going to get some entertainment from him. This movie, one of his first, is no different. The title tells it all, with Ryan O'Neal as a getaway driver who takes jobs for good money, but the criminals are not always trustworthy. And cop Bruce Dern is hot on O'Neal's trail to put him behind bars. There's not a whole lot of dialogue in the movie, except from Dern, but it's not really needed when the action really tells the story. Car chases all over the city with O'Neal completely confident and never flinching for a moment despite any obstruction or blockade. Isabelle Adjani is supremely beautiful as someone who assists O'Neal, and she's simple known as "The Player." I couldn't quite figure out what she actually did except hang out with O'Neal and help him. Practically everone has a title instead of a name, with O'Neal as, naturally, "The Driver," Dern as "The Detective," Ronee Blakley as "The Connection" etc. etc. Just a lean, nicely edited movie that passes fast and leaves you filling fulfilled.

The Password is Courage (1962)

Mainly comedic WWII movie, with some dramatic parts, especially towards the end, this is a great feel-good movie. Dirk Bogarde plays Sergant-Major Charles Coward, an ironic last name given that he is never afraid of anything throughout the movie. His main goal is to defy and frustrate the Nazis at every turn, especially while imprisoned at a German camp. He comes up with plans off the top of his head and causes complete chaos at the camp, all the while looking innocent, at least for a while. Great, uplifting stuff, based on a true story.

Safety Last (1923)

Classic Harold Lloyd film, with small-town Lloyd going off to the big city to make his fortune so he can send for his gal (Mildred Davis) and they can be married. Lloyd ends up being a clerk in a department store, but sends letters to his girl, making her believe he's a big boss and that the marriage will be soon. Of course, everything goes sideways and he comes up with a big stunt so he can get the money to marry. Great, silent movie with the famous sequence of Lloyd hanging from a high building's collapsing clock. A true keeper.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Shane (1953)

I know I loved this movie as a kid, but it had been so long since I last watched it, that I could hardly remember anything about it. For whatever reason, I wasn't expecting all that much now.

It's a flat out wonderful movie. It's got the feel of something for the whole family, but it's much more adult than I thought it was. Besides the violence, there's feelings that are portrayed that aren't voiced, and that makes it a complete film. I wasn't sure about Alan Ladd at first in the title role, but he ends up making Shane a memorable character. The rest of the cast is great too, with a young Jack Palance playing the baddest bad guy with menace and style. It's filmed beautifully as well.

Care for some gopher?
The Red Shoes (Michael Powell/Emeric Pressburger, 1948) -

Not my kind of movie, in generell. But the very solid direction, the three main characters and the stunning, colourful images make for an entertaining movie.

Battle for the Planet of the Apes (J. Lee Thompson, 1973) -

I have to return some videotapes...
Beetlejuice (1988) -

Really a fun movie and it holds up so well. Keaton is brilliant, but everyone knows that. Burton's quirkiness aids this film so well and without him this probably would have been straight to video. Such a classic.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Care for some gopher?
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Steve Box/Nick Park, 2005) -

A step up from Aardman's first feature film Chicken Run. Charming and fun with lots of little jokes.

An Affair to Remember (1957)

Maybe I'm going nuts because this is the 5th movie I've rated this high out of 9 movies seen this month. I was not even expecting to like this one hardly at all. Nickie (Cary Grant) and Terry (Deborah Kerr) meet on a cruise and fall in love. The only catch is that they're both already in serious relationships, so they agree to sort out their lives and meet 6 months later at the top of the Empire State Building. This movie reminded me of Before Sunrise, which is a movie I'm not a fan of. I cried so many times that it'd be easy to forget about all of the humor in the first half. Outstanding musically and visually, I thought this movie was beautiful and heartbreaking. Grant and Kerr were fantastic. I think I'll go chug a beer right now.

An Affair to Remember (1957)

... I was not even expecting to like this one hardly at all...
I'm surprised that you liked it so much! When I seen you post in Movies You're Watching Tonight, I almost made a joke that you would hate this. GBG is going to be thrilled that you love this film. Now you have to see the original 1939 version Love Affair.