Avengers: Infinity War


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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Why are they all suddenly sporting facial hair? Is it plot related? Have they all gone hipster? Are they dark alternate universe versions of themselves like evil Spock?

This might just do nobody any good.

Scarlett’s short.

I prefer Nebula and the cybernetics to the real thing. Possible subconscious S&M angle in there that I haven't discovered about myself.

Super dooper top-secret exclusive black-op pics.

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images may or may probably not appear in any movie you will ever watch

This might just do nobody any good.
That Hellboy one looks better than the actual thing in the reboot.

I'm expecting no real consequences here. Well, I suppose 'Iron Man' is going to die this one.... because they made it obvious.

OH WAIT! Remember the last time they did that?

I'm going to be pissed If they have a scene where Captain America and Iron Man team up again. What would be the point of butuchring the 'Civil War' storyline then?...

Oh yeah, that's right. To garner 1.132 billion.

Also, something doesn't impact me If I'm expecting it. I'm shell shocked others are so invested just because a trailer is out. There's no surprise... therefore, no emotional attachment. ESPECIALLY If these characters are immune to any real consequences, as they keep making one-liners while the audience bursts out in laughter.

Highs: Spidey-sense, return of Hulkbuster, "get this man a shield", mind stone theft, Thanos' voice

Meh's: Blonde Widow, Thanos' look

This'll definitely be a midnight showing for me
I'm a nitpicker when it comes to comic movies so...

The only thing special about Black Widow is that she was a statuesque Russian agent in an Emma Peel catsuit with a dark red bouffant hairdo.
Never liked Johanssen as the Black Widow because she's short and petite, they never gave her a trace of a Russian accent (did they ever even show her speak Russian?), and now they've given her short blonde hair.

Might as well make the Thing blue and say he's made out of Nerf!

And, I'm sorry, but Thor's the only male character I'll accept with long hair - and they went and gave him a haircut too. There seems to be this need to take whatever makes characters unique and recognizable, and change it so they are no longer recognizable (the mustache on the Mona Lisa).

كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
That Hellboy one looks better than the actual thing in the reboot.
The Hellboy situation pisses me the fÜck off

We waited so long for the closing off of the trilogy with the awesome characters and story we loved. Ron and the rest wanted to do another one but NO!, we get the nobody-studio deciding to reboot it with some lame idiot instead.

The only superhero "franchise" I care anything, at all about....and they do this
Still kicking and it hurts.

Del Toro deserves to shoulder some of the blame. He wasn't going to get the money to make it how he wanted and he wouldn't compromise. Good or bad, who knows.

If Vancity can make Deadpool for $50 mil, Del Toro could have made H3.

And hopefully Disney gets the rights so he can be in an Avengers movie one day.

This might just do nobody any good.
I’d love to see Guillermo Del Toro as an Avenger.

Happy New Year to All!

Thought I'd post this in the thread for what is sure to be THE best movie of 2018.

Watching this trailer again and its getting me more hyped up now seeing as I recognise a bit more the hard work and patience Feige has done to make this unlike anything in cinema before.

The only four films I've not seen as The Incredible Hulk, the first two Captain America films, and Dr. Strange. Might catch them before the big bonanza in May. That and Black Panther too.