Seeing whole movie vs skipping through parts?


Registered User
Which method of movie seeing you always choose? Skipping through interesting parts? Or watch the whole movie?

If I'm watching an action or cheap horror movie that has few good parts but drags, I'll skip the drag. If I'm watching a movie that tries to do something great, I won't, even if it's bad.

Someone on another forum posed a similar question: if you don't watch it from start to finish, i.e. don't pause for bathroom breaks or any other interruptions, watched it over more than one day, etc., have you "truly" watched the movie?

I want to downvote the idea of normalizing fast forwarding movies you’ve never seen before.

I want to downvote the idea of normalizing fast forwarding movies you’ve never seen before.

While I really couldn't care how people interact with films, I'll never have much interest in the opinions of those who can't sit still long enough to watch a movie in real time.

If there is a scene that I find super upsetting (like torture or animal cruelty), I will sometimes mute and block the screen with my hand and just kind of use subtitles to figure out when it's safe to look again.

But that aside, I never fast-forward through parts of something I haven't seen before.

Now, while I don't often rewatch movies, I frequently rewatch favorite scenes and fast-forward to those.

However, I also usually watch films in two or three sittings. I always want to have good focus on the film, and sometimes that requires taking a breather part way through.

I've fast forwarded through parts of movies. I've DVR'd so called classics and then erased them after asking myself if I really want to watch them or is it out of some sense of obligation.

Thanks Marie Kondo!

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The truth is in here
I don't understand the point of fastforwarding a movie you've never seen before, unless it happens to be painfully boring and you want to see if it gets better.
On rewatches I wouldn't fastforward either, since I only rewatch movies I really like or suspect I may have misjudged.

Someone on another forum posed a similar question: if you don't watch it from start to finish, i.e. don't pause for bathroom breaks or any other interruptions, watched it over more than one day, etc., have you "truly" watched the movie?
If I fell down in the forest after watching a movie would it make a sound?

Damn right it would. The same sound I always make when I fall down. Which is to yell, "Avenge my death!"

I don't think I've ever fast-forwarded through a film on a first-watch.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

The trick is not minding
I must note one thing I am guilty of, although, for me, it doesn’t ruin the experience of the film at all:

Splitting a viewing of a movie up between days. My days at work can be grueling on occasion. Physically. Last night I watched Beyond the Black Rain Bow, decided to start up Late Spring afterwards and about 40 mins into started to get sleepy. Rather then nodding off in the middle of it, and considering it was approaching 4 A.M., I opted to finish it tonight.

Sometimes it can’t be helped. 🤷

I must note one thing I am guilty of, although, for me, it doesn’t ruin the experience of the film at all:

Splitting a viewing of a movie up between days. My days at work can be grueling on occasion. Physically. Last night I watched Beyond the Black Rain Bow, decided to start up Late Spring afterwards and about 40 mins into started to get sleepy. Rather then nodding off in the middle of it, and considering it was approaching 4 A.M., I opted to finish it tonight.

Sometimes it can’t be helped. 🤷
Same. I think I found a decent rhythm now and it's been a while since I had to split a viewing, but a couple of months ago, it was very often.

I've definitely looked away during certain scenes in Italian cannibal movies or bailed on a movie after a certain amount of time, but otherwise don't understand why you'd skip parts of a movie you haven't seen before.

I break up viewings into multiple sittings pretty often, though. Life is short and you only have so much time, gotta pack in those movies while you can.

I must note one thing I am guilty of, although, for me, it doesn’t ruin the experience of the film at all:

Splitting a viewing of a movie up between days. My days at work can be grueling on occasion. Physically. Last night I watched Beyond the Black Rain Bow, decided to start up Late Spring afterwards and about 40 mins into started to get sleepy. Rather then nodding off in the middle of it, and considering it was approaching 4 A.M., I opted to finish it tonight.

Sometimes it can’t be helped. 🤷
I honestly don't see why this is a problem. We don't read books in one go. Heck, most plays have an intermission built in.

Maybe I should start going around saying "But if you didn't read Moby Dick in one sitting, did you really even read it?"