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Lost (Possible Spoilers)


HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
I can't wait until Wednsday night. This is getting crazier. I bet you that the others are actually natives though. Some one was saying that they were just people who had crashed in the same plane but got sick quicker or something. I disagree. The French woman was talking about them like they had been there for forever or atleast since she had been there. I think Hurly is the man that Desmond is looking for as well. I guess we will all find out in the next episode or the next few episode. It all depends on what one slipper said to the other.
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

It was what did the one snowman say to the other.....

BTW- the answer is: Can you smell carrots?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
I heard slipper buddy. I think your delusional.

Lost is one of my favorite shows to watch on tv and the suspense is absolutely insane.
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.And when you look long into the abyss, the abyss looks into you." -Frederick Wilhelm Nietzche-

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by HellboyUnleashed
I heard slipper buddy. I think your delusional.
He's really not. I heard Snowman too. Slipper would be a way too boring object to use in the first place anyway. Snowmen are cool.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
I don't know. I was doing homework at the same time so maybe I heard slipper for some reason. I missed Hurly's episode. Did it show the crazy guy that kept on repeating the numbers at the hospital? If it did, I am clearly wrong about Desmond but I don't know. I don't know if anyone noticed on the commercial for the episode tommorow night but it looked like Michael had gone crazy like the others. I don't know, maybe it was just moving so fast it looked like him.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
What an episode, so the whole thing is experiemental...but for what exactly.

I thought they could have shown more on sawyer and Jin and Micheal, but good ep anyways.

Thoughts, theories?

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I'm going to start putting my thoughts in spoiler tags for those across the pond who haven't gotten these eps yet.

WARNING: "Lost" spoilers below

I think the whole thing is an extreme version of Stanley Milgrim's obedience experiments. The button doesn't do anything, the purpose of the experiment is to see if they'll press it and for how long they will keep pressing it until they stop.

Jin's speaking English was a bombshell, but I think they should have revealed that in an episode instead of the preview of next week's.

The flashbacks are becoming increasingly dull, which is hurting the show I think. Season 1 had some intense, hardcore flashbacks, but 2 of the 3 so far have been just boring and uneventful.

The other survivors went all Lord of the Flies, which I think is really cool. What interests me a lot about their situation is that they already had a pit dug, but for who?
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HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
That was really jacked up. I wanted Sawyer to shoot that women and then ask questions later. That Jin thing was pretty weird. I definetly want to see more of that stuff. I really wished that Hurley would have come down and they would have asked "How'd you get down here?" and he'll say "Y'all didn't see the elevator?" That would be great. I still don't think that those people that they showed as the others were plane crash victims because the French woman talked about them like they had been there for a long time. I think that some people survived from the back but I think that they were caught and broken by some of the original others.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I live in Canada, I'm assuming your in the states, so we get different Next Week episodes, Jin speaks English????? Hmmm

New Theory: Sun's father owns/runs the Dharma organization nad yes Jin is in on it, whether or not Sun unknown.

I believe that Danielle has spoken with the tail end survivors about the Others....and they made a pit as a defensive thing. We know for sure that they are not the others....the others took walt on the boat, which is clearly not them.

Some people claim that "shaft" is from the drug smuggling plane...thoughts?

Notice how Desmond crashed on the island and took over for flight 815 has crashes and taken over for Desmond....will Locke stay, considering the island has given him so much.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect
I live in Canada, I'm assuming your in the states, so we get different Next Week episodes, Jin speaks English????? Hmmm
It may not necessairly be in next week's episode, but the preview for next week's tagged onto ABC down here ended with Jin saying "Everything is going to change" in plain english.

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by blibblobblib
That episode was awsome. I love Locke. I want to massage his bald head as he tells me all his secrets.

I thought you had to give up your massage business as part of your parole Blib!!!!
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

Gooood comparison. Twin Peaks was so good! I haven't watched all of them but loved what I did see! Also, I know thread this isn't about other shows but NIP/TUCK is VERY good! I haven't been addicted to a US show since nip/tuck. LOST is gripping.

"We all know it's the icing and not the cake that makes people want to eat the cake"
-Tracey Hayden 'One Child'

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
I thought you had to give up your massage business as part of your parole Blib!!!!
They can take my freedom, but they can never stop my ability to massage.
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
When you think Season 2 will be aired over here Blib?
Well from what ive found out, the last episode of Season 1 will be shown over here in the UK on January 8th. So Season 2 won't be out over here on the box until at least September 06. Which is pretty sucky.

And Gellerbing, i totaly agree on the Nip/Tuck coolness, i LOVE it