What "all-time great" movies did you think were boring.


Although Kubrick is my favourite director, Spartacus was difficult to watch. I'm not sure if it was my expectation for the film but the way the movie was filmed was not Kubrick-esque. Also, though I respect Barry Lyndon as an art film, it was godawful boring. I also see a lot of people on this forum that list 2001 as a movie they struggled thru but in my opinion that film is brilliant.

I'm starting to lose my faith in humanity because of this topic.
Difference of opinion is going to happen where ever you go. Better to know what people think rather than assume they like something just because everyone is supposed to.

adam-dvddaily's Avatar
Registered User
Airplane.... I finally watched it the other night after the naked gun but thought it wasn't as good as everyone made it out to be

Faith in humanity? Pshaw.
That was merely a populistic overstatement on my part.

And to all the Captains Obvious out there:

Yes, I know that people have many different opinions, but it's just shocking how wrong their opinions are.

Yes, I know that people have many different opinions, but it's just shocking how wrong their opinions are.

I don't know how you can find Sherlock, Jr. boring.
Ooh! Oooh! Me! Me! I know! I know!
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
There's a difference between something that's boring and something that just sucks. There's plenty of films that can be boring, if you're not really willing to commit to them (or even if you are, they just seem to drag on), but you could still see some merit in them. Equally, there's plenty of films which don't have time to get boring but just downright suck.

But if I was going to pick something I found boring that lots of other people seemed to love, it would be the Avengers movie. Seriously, that just went on and on and on.

Django Unchained Bored me as hell ...
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Django Unchained Bored me as hell ...

I refuse to watch that film... just dont want to hear a certain word over and over...