I need help with a movie title


Neutral Milk Hotel
In the movie im looking for, all i remember is pizza that grew on trees. Does anyone know of what the title of this movie could be?
" I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, whe we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. May and hour of wolves and shattered shields before the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we Fight! For all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand men of the west!!"
-Aragorn: The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King

It kind of sounds like a movie based on a dream I have...every night.

The Fat of the Mailbox
Tried a Google search, but got no where. Are you sure you're not thinking of Rosie Odonnells backyard?

Neutral Milk Hotel
I think i also remember walking rock statues of some sort

The Fat of the Mailbox
Originally Posted by Uncle Rico
I think i also remember walking rock statues of some sort
Now I think your talking about the time you found some sugar cubes in a VW van.

The Fat of the Mailbox
Whoa- I think I may have found it for real!


Neutral Milk Hotel
Thank You So Much

The Fat of the Mailbox
Yes, I rock.

i need help with a movie i seen what happens was the us militery or us special forces kidnap people and then make them run throught the forrest and then set there troops off to kill them but the next person they kidnap is a x marine corp and insted he starts to kill them off one by one anyone know the title

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by lambert_scarface
i need help with a movie i seen what happens was the us militery or us special forces kidnap people and then make them run throught the forrest and then set there troops off to kill them but the next person they kidnap is a x marine corp and insted he starts to kill them off one by one anyone know the title
Did it have Ice T in it? Jean Claude Van Damme? There are a couple of flicks that use that premise, none of them very good. Maybe check those two actors catalogs on ImdB to see if those are the films.

Also, in a text based forum, punctuation is your (and our) friend.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

i a was at work the day and my boss said it was probs jean claude like but am sure it was in the 70's or 80's so if yas think of anythink just bell bak

coz what basically happens is the man kidnapped has blonde long hair and he takes the rubbish out and they throw im in the van

The Fat of the Mailbox
Is that the same van with the sugar cubes?

I also need help finding the name of a movie. It was a movie about a child wih a disability who kicked ass at playing Nintendo. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.


Originally Posted by rubyblood
Is that the same van with the sugar cubes?

yeah it mite be if u know the title just hit me bak wif it cheers

The Adventure Starts Here!
Originally Posted by brentfox18
I also need help finding the name of a movie. It was a movie about a child wih a disability who kicked ass at playing Nintendo. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Gee, it's hard not to think this is a modern-day version of TOMMY.

Originally Posted by brentfox18
I also need help finding the name of a movie. It was a movie about a child wih a disability who kicked ass at playing Nintendo. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
The Wizard aka Joy Stick Heroes

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Registered User
does anyone remember that movie where some guy moves into a new town. and a bunch of people there act really wierd, and come to find out that they're mind controlled or something like that. i seem to remember that whenever the main character got caught he got brought to some place and they tried to burn his eye with something. at the end i think i remember the janitor at the school playing some sound that hurts the controlled peoples ears and making them run off of a clif.

Originally Posted by abj14
does anyone remember that movie where some guy moves into a new town. and a bunch of people there act really wierd, and come to find out that they're mind controlled or something like that. i seem to remember that whenever the main character got caught he got brought to some place and they tried to burn his eye with something. at the end i think i remember the janitor at the school playing some sound that hurts the controlled peoples ears and making them run off of a clif.
Disturbing Behavior