The State of Netflix


I would do the same - are you sure they’d keep the more expensive ad-free option, though? I sure hope so.
100% sure.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Ha, I just read this

And then remembered the creation of this thread and what you had to say..... My sister gave me Netflix a while ago, but I've saved a few music documentaries I haven't seen, but I wasn't that interested to begin with. But, with this impending doom, I have and will try to see and complete something. I know it's in me, I saw three movies in one day a few weeks ago. They didn't even hit the 8/10 mark, but decent is better than awful.

Reminds me of the real estate bubble.. Except that Netflix would pay Dave Chappelle 60 million for 3 specials (2 of them which were already in the can), and kept going.. I remember it was being advertised as $9.95, but I doubt anyone pays that much, but I didn't remember to ask my sister. I told her it was junk, and that THIS was the reason she couldn't pay attention to the movies.. I asked her if she saw anything (when she had COVID) and she told me she couldn't get into them. I let her know it's not her, it's the movies. They're not good. But I've sent her all my lists, mp3s, etc.. I even bought my nieces an mp3 player, and still working out the playlist.

CNN+ will be kaput by the end of the month..
Just noticed this article re Netflix hemorrhaging customers--perhaps as many as 2 million.

I was wondering when their excessive spending would catch up with them. I hope it's true that they will now have to focus more on quality rather than quantity.

And Matt, you sure were right about CNN+ !

Definitely a necessary shift.

I think the content deluge, IE: expecting people to just fire up Netflix and click on whatever's in front of them to kill time each night, maybe made more sense when they were the 800 lb. gorilla, but other services have ramped up their own production and people have more options, so "I'll watch it because it's there" didn't really cut it any more.

Welcome to the human race...
Extremely cool how a Best Picture nominee by one of the greatest living filmmakers is singled out as a "vanity project" yet multiple semi-forgotten Ryan Reynolds vehicles with nine-figure budgets aren't just because they fit Netflix's definition of popular.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I’ll watch The Gray Man and I’m hoping for the best…but it looks like all their previous attempts at throw $100+ million plus at an action movie.

Compare that to ST at reportedly $30 million an episode and I can tell you what seems like a better investment, even if that number seems absurd. The legs on a series and the amount of time it stays in the public discourse seems to be a better r.o.i.

I can’t say I’ve been drawn to many of the big ticket Netflix movies, so for me it’s not a big deal. Well, I’m sure Blonde is gonna be a hit 🙄

I think with Netflix’s years of data and a few adjustments, they’ll be fine. If they drop the binge model, that will go a long way in extending the value of their projects. Short of a bout of depression, I can’t watch more than 2 episodes of something at a time.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
You think that was their game with the ST Volumes 1 and 2 breaks? To see what happens with that approach? HBO still does it and I was fine watching *turns my head to the side to hide my forming tear* ...Raised by Wolves, one weird episode per week. GoT obviously held everyone's attention, especially for how long and deliberate that approaching two-season train came to that stack of pennies on the rail.

Yeah, i'd probably be upset at first to no longer be able to binge something but holy cow at the productivity I'd gain back!
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I dunno, that's become pretty standard for hit series' that are winding down: a super-sized season if taken as one, but broken into two. Breaking Bad did it, Better Call Saul did it, Ozark did it. There are some advantages.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Oh yeah, I totally forgot how Ozark played out. I don't remember Breaking Bad doing that, unless you mean with El Camino? I only made it as far into Better Call Saul as the "car accident," then Netflix wiped my account by mistake and I lost all my histories. I have NO idea what season that was or even the story to that point to jump back in. I'd have to restart, which I want to do, but other shows, other priorities.

Nope, BB just did it straight up. Season 5 was 16 episodes instead of 13, and had an 11-month break inbetween the two. The cliffhanger for the first half was...

WARNING: "Breaking Bad" spoilers below
...Hank on the toilet realizing Walt was Heisenberg

I have NO idea what season that was or even the story to that point to jump back in. I'd have to restart, which I want to do, but other shows, other priorities.
Wait, wha? You have to restart? I bet we could figure out where you left off, roughly, in a few minutes.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Wait, wha? You have to restart? I bet we could figure out where you left off, roughly, in a few minutes.
Yeah, but it was quite a while back that I was watching it. I really don't remember the contexts from what was going on at that time. I'm sure I could find that episode through descriptions, but I feel like I would be lost at this point jumping back in where I once left off.

I dunno, that's become pretty standard for hit series' that are winding down: a super-sized season if taken as one, but broken into two. Breaking Bad did it, Better Call Saul did it, Ozark did it. There are some advantages.
Also The Sopranos & Mad Men did this.