The MoFo Top 50 Pre-1930 Countdown: The List

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The Last Command was my no. 7 and it is my favorite film by Josef von Sternberg. Joseph von Sternberg is an excellent storyteller and i am certainly going to watch more from his filmography.

Here is a ranked list of the films by von Sternberg that i have seen:

1. The Last Command (1928)
2. Dishonored (1931)
3. Shanghai Express (1932)

4. The Scarlet Empress (1934)

5. Morocco (1930)

The only film i have seen by Griffith is The Birth of a Nation, which i did not like and i am not that sure i am keen on watching more, though Intolerance is probably a must watch for a cinephile.

I had Josef von Sternberg's Underworld in the nineteenth position. The more I watch it the more I actually prefer it to Scarface (1932).

Holden's List
19. Underworld (#47)

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Way Down East is the first film I've seen, and I like Griffith so far but I haven't seen much including not seeing his two big I ones. It didn't make my list though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A bit bummed to see Way Down East so low on the countdown, but at least it made it. I love this film! It was my #1

Way Down East (D.W. Griffith 1920)

By far my most favorite pairing of D.W. Griffith and Lillian Gish. Way Down East is a dramatic, heart felt tale of a teen age girl who's abused by a rich womanizing, older man and then abandoned to fend for herself. This was a really touching and though provoking film, it's bittersweet and happy all at the same time but never becomes cloying. The ice flow rescue scenes on the frozen river was one of the most dramatic endings I've seen in any movie and so well done.

A bit bummed to see Way Down East so low on the countdown, but at least it made it. I love this film! It was my #1
Interesting that you disliked Birth of a Nation but loved this movie. I guess they're very different subject matters (I haven't seen either), but they were both directed by the same guy. Do you usually like Griffith films?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Interesting that you disliked Birth of a Nation but loved this movie. I guess they're very different subject matters (I haven't seen either), but they were both directed by the same guy. Do you usually like Griffith films?
They are both totally different subject matters with different emotional impacts. Even though I hated Birth of a Nation I would recommend it as a must see.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Two potent silent dramas. The Last Command is my #15 and Way Down East was on my preliminary list.
As far as I'm concerned [no matter what his politics], Emil Jannings was the greatest actor of the silent era and this may be his best performance. I agree wirh TokeZa that The Last Command is von Srernberg's best - a multi-faceted account of the fall and shame of a man and the ruthlessness of Hollywood.

Way Down a lengthy epic with a celebrated climactic ice floe sequence. For those who want to watch, I post it below.

Seen 8/8
My List
1. Entr'acte
2. The Goat
15. The Last Command
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I watched Underworld. It was ok. Kind of hard for me to follow which affected overall enjoyment but that's because I havent seen a lot of silence though. The director has a unique touch on his films.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Last Command was my no. 7 and it is my favorite film by Josef von Sternberg. Joseph von Sternberg is an excellent storyteller and i am certainly going to watch more from his filmography.

Here is a ranked list of the films by von Sternberg that i have seen:

1. The Last Command (1928)
2. Dishonored (1931)
3. Shanghai Express (1932)

4. The Scarlet Empress (1934)

5. Morocco (1930)
I have seen Shaghai Express and The Scarlet Empress actually won the 30's Hall of Fame so The Last Command sounds like something I could very much enjoy so that'll go on my To Watch List.
CR was mentioning Way Down East and I was unable to see it before the deadline, so I'll be doing the same with that.

MY LIST: Seen 4 out of 8 (50%)
16) The Man Who Laughs (#48)
22) Underworld (#47)
25) The Iron Mask (One Pointer)
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Seen 9/10
My list:

(this is getting embarrassing - wonder if any host has ever not had any of the movies on their own list show up in the entire countdown before )

I have seen Shaghai Express
Interesting, never even knew there was an 'adult' version of this fillum out there

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Both films today were on my list!

6 for Hunchback, 8 for The Wind. Laughton is awesome as Quasimodo and I really liked Gish in The Wind.

Haven't seen those either.
Seen: 3/10

My List
23. The Man Who Laughs (#48)