The Secret Life of cinemaafficionado


The People's Republic of Clogher
Girlsoflife dot com ... bookmarked!

Shouldn't this thread now be in Games & Tabs? I can move it.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

My brother doesn't have my control but we make a good tag team.
You wouldn't be able to tap out of this one:

The second one looks more New Jersey then Asian. The fourth one is from a web cam, and our pal Skippy is absent from the Asian pics.

Also I agree with Tacitus, this should be a game!

We are all, of course, very impressed with your remarkable ability to find pictures of women on the Internet, given how scarce they usually are. But since none of these constitute evidence, you're basically just spamming the thread. So any further picture spamming will be removed.

If, on the other hand, you want to post the proof that seems to always be forthcoming, go right ahead.

The part where there's anything at all in the photo demonstrating that it's you.
Do I look invisible to you or do you need glasses?

Now you're just playing dumb. But I'll play along (briefly) and spell it out for you: no, that human man in that photo is not invisible. However, nothing in the photo proves that it is a photo of you. Here ends a stupidly obvious explanation that you're pretending not to understand because you have no response to it.