
My life isn't written very well.
I was watching this show on TV the other day. You've probably seen the kind of show I'm talking about; a flashy, quick cut program with re-enactments, witness testimonials and bizarre music. This program was about UFOs, and how people from all over the world claim to have had encounters with our friends to the north. These encounters included abductions, sightings and eyewitness accounts of people describing things they just couldn't explain.

If you're like me you watch these programs just for the videotapes people have made that document their experiences. I ususally excuse the people that claim to have been probed, prodded and pierced becuase those claims, maybe true maybe not, can easily be made up because there is no physical evidence (except for a lady who swears something had been put into her skin, and upon x-ray, lo and behold there actually was a foriegn object inserted just beneath her neck).

The video evidence can be amazing though. I kept thinking to myself, "What are these things they're catching on tape?"

My mind tries to come up with answers: They're government experiments, flares or domestic aircraft. Which some of them might be. But it is my firm conviction that not all UFOs are products of the examples I've just listed. There are some that cannot be explained, and they're right there on tape. So what are they?

When thinking about this, strip away all that you know thus far about UFOs. Reserve a part of your mind for explaination for some of them, but also understand that not all of these objects can be explained. So if they're not government experiments (C'mon guys a vehicle that can change direction in mid-air--we can't even get some of our best defense equipment to work properly), and they're not hoaxes (Let's face it a man snapping pictures in South America, probably doesn't have the resources or know-how to construct an elaborate hoax).

Let me put it this way: Say there are 5 sightings caught on tape of UFOs in Anytown Earth, 3 can be somewhat explained, what are the other 2?
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

My dad and his family talk about a huge UFO they saw in West Virginia back in the 40s or 50s... and then my dad saw a UFO where I live back in the 70s, and so did other people, and he reported it to the newspaper. Anyway, his brothers and sisters have said that this UFO in West Virginia burned a factory or something down.

I do believe that there are aliens from space and that they've visited Earth. I've talked to someone who saw a little hissing white alien in the woods near Dallas, Texas... and he also saw one outside his old house in Mexico. Mexico has a lot of alien activity (aliens from SPACE).

A good book to read is "Alien Agenda" by Jim Marrs (yes, what a name). Kazaa has some interesting UFO documents you can download too. Terrifying if it's true. From what I've read, there's a nasty species of grey aliens that are in cahoots with the government to kill humans for our blood and sex cells. There's also a blonde/green eyed (kinda like me) species of aliens that are good and they're helping us from these creatures. There's also Django.

My life isn't written very well.
Wow Sexy! It's a bit easier to dismiss such claims mentally, than it is to accept them as truth isn't it? It just doesn't feel right to think that Alien, or UFO encounter claims can be true. There's just something in your head that automatically makes you think, "That can't be true!"
But who would make this stuff up? OK some people might, but what about those that actually believe they have come into contact with something or other?
Have you ever had a strange encounter in real life, then thought "no one will believe that this happened," so you go for days without telling someone, but finally you need to speak of it for your own peace-of-mind, and when you finally do it just sounds so ridiculous that you wished you'd kept your mouth shut, but it actually did happen?

Have you ever been accused of doing something that you really didn't do, but everyone around you thinks you did, and the more you try to claim your innocence, the more you think your accusers believe you're lying?

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
Have you ever had a strange encounter in real life, then thought "no one will believe that this happened," so you go for days without telling someone, but finally you need to speak of it for your own peace-of-mind, and when you finally do it just sounds so ridiculous that you wished you'd kept your mouth shut, but it actually did happen?
I've run into this kind of thing with writing. Unless you're doing a straight-up memoir, often times you'll try to put an actual experience or conversation into fiction--and then people will say, "That just doesn't sound believable to me."

Or my favorite, in the conversation instances: "Nobody talks like that."

It's an old chestnut, but it's often true--the truth is stranger than fiction, just as Bad Religion say.

Have you ever been accused of doing something that you really didn't do, but everyone around you thinks you did, and the more you try to claim your innocence, the more you think your accusers believe you're lying?
And are you Django?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

About the UFO thing: I, too, find it hard to believe that we're alone in the universe. And there are so many sightings that I also have to believe that there's some validity to them. Hate to use another cliche, but it fits: where there's smoke, there's usually fire somewhere.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

My life isn't written very well.
Originally Posted by Mary Loquacious
And are you Django?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Actually Mary, that's a very good point. But in his case the hard evidence shows that his claims are truly false. Or better yet, we believe his claims are false because there is solid sentiment from both sides. With UFOs there is a side that is missing, mainly physical proof, and admission of said proof by authorities (the "they" we always hear about). For some reason society will only believe an outlandish claim if someone of authority says it's true--a scientist usually (?).

What people say they "saw" does not mean actually so-called UFOs , or if they did see anything in the first place. Sightings are sometimes what the person wants to believe they think have seen. (Alien ship specifically). Naturally if someone is a skeptic, he/she will believe that anything they see floating in the air in any distance, whether paper plate or dust, is a creature from outer space.

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
The video evidence can be amazing though. I kept thinking to myself, "What are these things they're catching on tape?"
Like I said above, sightings are alot of paper plates, just normal objects like lights in the sky from normal buildings , planes and etc.....

Physical proof would be needed. I need to see an alien before I believe in it. Oh sure, it's fun to watch and stuff when watching seeing The X-Files , but that's just fiction .

I mean, out of all the galaxies , there has to life besides here I guess but, visiting here?
Like I said..........I need proof.

Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
There's also Django.
Wh'?? How did the conversation suddenly turn to me?

On the subject of aliens, here's one for you:

Lets put a smile on that block
Im normally not much of a sceptic but i totally dont believe in Aliens visiting Earth. Why on Earth ( ) would an alien space craft full of lifeforms travel millions and millions of miles to visit our planet, hide from us, steal some cows and drunken wino's from the street then dissapear again? Its just stupid.
If they have the intelligence to build the technology to get them here then im sure they would have the intelligence to say hello or kill us all or something...or at least invite us up for a probing.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
If they have the intelligence to build the technology to get them here then im sure they would have the intelligence to say hello or kill us all or something...or at least invite us up for a probing.
And so the old saying goes... "You are more advanced than a mouse, how often do you explain yourself to one?"

It's my gut feeling that UFO's are a reality. I suspect that there are many fakes out there but historically there are too many anomolies in the sky to disregard.

Take a look at the carvings on the ground in Nazca, Peru.

Take a look at the abydos heiroglyphs:

How about some skulls, also found in Nazca:

There is weird sh*t out there... let me know if you want more weird skull pics. There are hundreds of them.
Click image for larger version

Name:	alienskull02.jpg
Views:	74
Size:	17.0 KB
ID:	1787  

My life isn't written very well.
Those pictures are pretty eerie. Especially the abydos heiroglyphs; is that a helicopter? I've never seen those before. Yeah post more. I'd also like to see a good picture (one not enhanced) of the famous "head" on Mars.

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
I'd also like to see a good picture (one not enhanced) of the famous "head" on Mars.

I am having a nervous breakdance
I've seen a documentary about those carvings in Peru and it was very fascinating and probably one of the most "unexplainable" phenomenons I have ever heard about.

Another really cool thing is those underwater ruins they have found on the shore of Okinawa, Japan.

This is supposed to be the ruins of a lost civilisation that flourished 6000-7000 years ago but it wasn't discovered until as late as 1995.

This has nothing to do with UFO's really but at the same time I think it is part of the same discussion. I think it is naive to believe that as soon as we can't find a logical and "manmade" explanation to anything it has to be the work of aliens. But visiting lifeforms is however yet another possibility and I wouldn't exclude that possibility. No matter what, things like this is very fascinating and it is always exciting to hear and learn about it.

The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Many Native American tribes have legends handed down for generations about the mysterious visitor that came from the sun and returned to the sun who shared words of wisdom with the ancient elders… Some tribes referred to this visitor as the great white teacher which I always thought was interesting since the legends started long before the Europeans came to America…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

there's a frog in my snake oil
Ah, i heard something about that find. It looks like London after 50 more years of global warming (damn fresh arctic water pushing our hot water over to france. Or so i believe. Chalk global warming up as one of those "of undecided nature" things too)

I've never seen those abydos squiggles before tho. Crazy. Hmm, me go investigate. D'you know any of the background on that stuff Tooster?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if advanced life forms exist somewhere and could manage to traverse large areas of space. And if that were the case, i wouldn't be surprised if they took a very sensitive approach to another inhabited world, or just "trod" on it. Or even messed around with our sex genes and colluded with the politicians. Well, maybe not that one (....tho it would explain a lot...onder ponder: ).

Yup, the problem is...there's not much evidence. The footage of zig-zagging lights, when you can see it's not just the camera moving, is always interesting. And all those pilot's reports of strange lights/things hanging around near them and moving improbably.

Aside from that, i think those big "line drawings" on the ground in S America (of a monkey, and hummingbird-thing etc) were supposedly made as part of a ritual walk. It makes sense that they were just messages/"offerings" to god/s etc

As for the skulls. Yeah, bring em on Sir T. Tho i can't take pics like that seriously, even when they're real, coz they could be mocked up. Same for the Face on Mars (Is it a NASA-recognised feature?) Tho like Mary say, life is stranger than fiction.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

I've got 10 or so photos (skulls) that I'll collage for you. There are arguments that these are the result of mutation/skullbinding. The arguments against that are the mass of the bone. In some of the photos the skulls are so elongated they would surpass normal bone growth.

I have background on any of this stuff.

The abydos heiroglyphs were uncovered fairly recently. they are on a frieze up close to the ceiling and have somehow escaped attention. Zahi Hawass (Egyptian minister of antiquities) says they are depictions of baskets. Accompanied by the 'machine' heiroglyphs at Dendera:

This stuff gets crazy (and a little scary).

My pic of Nazca disappeared.

Oh yeah...


I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Many Native American tribes have legends handed down for generations about the mysterious visitor that came from the sun and returned to the sun who shared words of wisdom with the ancient elders… Some tribes referred to this visitor as the great white teacher which I always thought was interesting since the legends started long before the Europeans came to America…
That is why it was so easy for Cortez and the spanish army to conquer the Aztec empire. The priests foresaw a big disaster but Montezuma thought that Cortez was a returning god and offered him enormous riches of gold, and the spanish decided to conquer the city and exterminate every trace of the heathen culture.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Heheheh. That is most bizarre. Just skimmed it (the forum-extract response page is quite intriguing too) - here's another strange in-depth defence of a strange theory that's worth a skim:


It's some guy defending the helicopter heiroglyphs, using cultish Greek mathmatics and some strange argument about whether the plaster was meant to fall off (well, whether or not it's a later-ancient fake or something - or shoddier than the other sections)

Hmm, ultrasonics/X-rays eh? (well, they claim it would explain the very fine shaping of granite) That must be what killed off those civilisations then. It would've been bleeding useful in the afterlife tho. See what's goin on outside your pyramid and all that. Why didn't they include one i wonder

Nah, you never know. Greater civilisations than ours might've been n gone - all traces swept away by glaciers, sunk to the bottom of the sea, or been destroyed originally by their own technology etc etc (there was a "natural reactor" discovered in Oklo in Gabon in the 70s i.e. some uranium that seems to have been chain-reacting for 100s of 1000s of years. Never know, might've been a short lived nuclear experiment ) And we do have this terribly corrosive oxygenated atmosphere, so who knows what tools, art and other evidence of lifestyles have been lost.

Intriiiiiguing. On the skulls tho - surely you can't acheive that skull-shape with skull-binding, coz there's no real restriction points (well, i always thought the ones done by vikings etc were achieved by pushing/restricting one area to force another out etc. [Blerr] But to be honest, i'm guessing, just like the monastic 14th century chronicallers that got so very hysterical about vikings - the aliens of the previous centuries)

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Piddzilla
That is why it was so easy for Cortez and the spanish army to conquer the Aztec empire. The priests foresaw a big disaster but Montezuma thought that Cortez was a returning god and offered him enormous riches of gold, and the spanish decided to conquer the city and exterminate every trace of the heathen culture.
Yeah, i heard about that. And a parallel theory that suggested the Aztecs were disheartened coz the milky way's movement meant it no longer seemed to stretch out like a bridge to the moon as it did during the growth of their civilisation [well, i'm remembering sun, but surely that can't be right ]. That was given as the reason for their fatalism and belief in their own decline/need-for-a-saviour. Have you heard anything about that? (i've never heard a reason for why the new god was expected to be white either)

there's a frog in my snake oil
Wow - they are freaky. They do have that kind of undulating look that i associate with skull-binding etc - but if the bone density suggests they haven't been stretched - then they're certainly intriguing (any idea what sort of "age" they're attributed too?)