What movie have you seen the most times?


I'm not completely sure but i guess: Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Lord of the Rings

Robbin Hood: Men in Tights, Spaceballs, and Alladin

Probably the Star Wars movies, maybe Star Trek movies. I've gone through periods of watching both A LOT over the years.

Surf's Up...I love that movie.

Porn...I have a wide variety

Just a shame none of them have any ladies in.

Underestimated Poms, even though their weather would make a sane person think of the under-thinkable...they still soldier on. You have to give credit to them...

If I could make head or tale of what you just said I might be insulted
I do realise that Poms take awhile to get the gist of things, so I have to be more accommodating. That's my burden and most of the world also..

No response Pom? Lol!

What's the point when your respone would only be more garbled nonsense.
Awww, poor Poms. For a so called smart Man?????? You can't even post a good written response! Lol!

I rarely watched a film more than 2 times.

There are only a few that I have watched 3 times or more since I became an adult. When I was a kid a watched films like Dumbo and Independence Day many times, but that doesn't count. Films that I have watched 3 times or more include: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Mad Max 2, Apocalypse Now and several films by Miyazaki.

The film I have watched the greatest number of times as an adult is Miyazaki's Nausicaa, for a grand total of 6 times.

Probably Moulin Rouge, I must have seen it at least 25 times

War of the Worlds 1954 version and Rocketship XM

I like crank, especially the sex scene in racehorse