Education in the USA (or anywhere in the world)


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Technically, there are different definitions based on what kinds of programs they offer, but most of the time in casual conversation if you hear someone reference "college" they're talking about the same kind of higher education you mean when you say "university."
True in the US, but in the UK college usually refers to an institution attended post-16 either to do 'A levels' before University or to do more vocational courses.

For the ones who are interested, this is how the education system works in Belgium:

We have compulsory education from 6 to 18 years old (not compulsory schooling, so for instance homeschooling is allowed, but you need to take special exams for that)

3-6 years old: Kindergarten (Not obligated) - "Free for all" (same for everyone)

6-12 years old: Primary school (Obligated) - "Free for all" (same for everyone)

12-18 years old: Secondary school (Obligated) - "Free for all" (lots of different directions can already be taken here)

18- ... years old: Higher Education (Not obligated) - College fees are about 1000 euros/year, so it's still largely payed by the government, but it used to be only 500 euros/year only a few years ago. You can go to more expensive specialized private schools as well, but that isn't really that necessary and common here, because our two biggest universities are already of a very high quality and have a very good reputation world-wide. Again, there's a very wide variation of directions you can take here.

True in the US, but in the UK college usually refers to an institution attended post-16 either to do 'A levels' before University or to do more vocational courses.
Sorry, I briefly forgot he was from Canada and not the UK.

I think technically college originally meant the same thing here, but for whatever reason it's come to encompass all higher education.

Best system is in Brazil. I had college and graduate school for free. I only had to beat other people in entrance exams to get in.

In the US is similar because if you are a very good student you can get into college for free as well: You get a scholarship.

In countries like France you just can't get into college if you are not a top student.