True Detective (HBO) Official Thread


Finished here. It's been fun.

In Rust we Trust. Can't wait for this Sunday's episode.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide

Can not get this song out of my head. I am enjoying this show, purely because of its fairly restrained, subdued, and moody feel. It is like a much more glum version of Twin Peaks. The photography in striking, and there is unmatchable chemistry between Harrelson and McConaughey.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
That 6+ minute long take at the end of the episode was truly a thing of beauty.

That was the best hour of TV I've seen since "Ozymandias." Masterful across the board.

Dare I say, also, that that tracking shot is up there with the best of all time? There's plenty that are as technically impressive, but there's none that I can think of that has employed the technique with as much visceral power as this one.

Can not get this song out of my head. I am enjoying this show, purely because of its fairly restrained, subdued, and moody feel. It is like a much more glum version of Twin Peaks. The photography in striking, and there is unmatchable chemistry between Harrelson and McConaughey.
Bro, you said that perfectly. I would love to be a "high" fly on the wall while those two were off camera. McConaughey is definitely focused on ridding himself of the romantic comedy image, and its working.

The song creeps me out tbph, but the show does too for that matter lol! This is like Twin Peaks meets Winters Bone but done better than either.

I thought they were gonna start up where they left off the last episode! This one still was strong, and that ending was everything.

I was just going to come on here to say that that long take / tracking shot is possibly THE GREATEST I have seen of all time, in all of film and television, f*cking beautiful, I watched it twice, the second to confirm that it was indeed all one take and I am left wondering how on earth they got that all right with all the fight scenes and gun shots. BRILLIANT.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Wow, I didn't notice that, but will have to rewatch it. We watched it on the DVR around midnight last night and I knew I'd have to rewatch it to get everything.

Also, was it my imagination, or was a woman at that secret club wearing a shirt that had the same saying as the coffee mug we see in Cohle's present-day interviews (on the table along with his multiple beer cans)? Something about "BIG HUG"? I could have sworn her shirt said the same thing, with the same font/coloring as that mug, which says "BIG HUG MUG" on it.

Can't believe we're halfway through with this great segment of episodes.

The Adventure Starts Here!

Can not get this song out of my head. I am enjoying this show, purely because of its fairly restrained, subdued, and moody feel. It is like a much more glum version of Twin Peaks. The photography in striking, and there is unmatchable chemistry between Harrelson and McConaughey.
I bought the MP3 or that very reason. Couldn't get it out of my head. Also had to look up the lyrics -- very strange and difficult to memorize. (There's a complete verse in the middle that they don't use in the credits.) I played that song on "repeat" most of Friday afternoon while I was working... and I still don't have it memorized. The lyrics are very brooding and add to the moodiness even more.

Finished here. It's been fun.
"from the dust mesa her looming shadow roams...

Man, the intro song is a thing of beauty. True Detective is only 4 episodes in, and by golly. It is Grade-A television. This show is a thing of beauty. Reminds me a tad bit of Twin Peaks, but with the realism of something like The Wire.

This series is just epic. I got a strong GTA vibe with that last scene. This is best work Matthew has ever done and probably ranks pretty high for Woody too. Each episode is unpredictable. I love it.
''If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?''

Holy Cow was last nights episode intense. McConaughey acting was so spot on that
WARNING: "True Detective Episode 4" spoilers below
I felt like I was on drugs with him. What bad ass he is to.
If anybody thought the show was to slow just watch episode 4 and your opinion will be changed. I can not wait till next Sunday. I should have waited till the season was over so I could have watched them all at once on a lazy Sunday.
Stallone is my hero!

Finished here. It's been fun.
My face when viewing the glorious long take:

I've never seen a shot like that in a TV program. Absolutely astonishing camerawork.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Finally watched episode four. I have been fairly lukewarm on this show. The final scene in this episode may have finally changed that for me. It made me very anxious for tonight's episode.


Just watched episode 5 and all I can say is I'm lost. I think that they are trying to say Rust is the killer or he has some personal interest tot the case that we are not privy to yet.