The Hall of Infamy


Out of curiosity, what's the single worst movie you guys have ever seen? Not necessarily from this Hall (unless you nominated your #1 least favorite film), but in general.
I already talked about it, but probably the worst films I've seen are Hitch-hike (which I already described upthread I think) and Chloe, Love is Calling You.

The former has an extended scene of sexual assault and it wasn't content I was comfortable making people watch.

Chloe Love is Calling You is so racist and terrible in its message. The only positive thing I can say about it is that it has Black actors playing some (but not all!) of the Black characters (of course those Black characters practice voodoo, are sexually aggressive, want to do human sacrifice, etc). It's free on YouTube, but honestly the idea of someone coming in here and being like "Actually, it wasn't all that bad!" made me super depressed.

For me, "worst" means "You had 65-100 minutes of my attention and THIS is what you wanted me to see?".

I also hated the film. Due to that, I'm never trusting Takoma for recommendations again! I can't believe she nominated such an awful film for this Hall.
Watch as she nominates the sequel. Me? I already have my nom for the next one.

Out of curiosity, what's the single worst movie you guys have ever seen? Not necessarily from this Hall (unless you nominated your #1 least favorite film), but in general.
D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation. I hate that it's such a significant film from a technical standpoint, and is an important part of filmmaking history, because it's so incredibly racist. Its success and portrayal of clansmen as heroes lead to a resurgence of the KKK across the US. Few other films have had such a negative cultural impact. It should be taught primarily alongside Nazi propaganda so more people see the similarities.

Chloe Love is Calling You is so racist and terrible in its message. The only positive thing I can say about it is that it has Black actors playing some (but not all!) of the Black characters
So only slightly "better" than Birth of a Nation then?

Out of curiosity, what's the single worst movie you guys have ever seen? Not necessarily from this Hall (unless you nominated your #1 least favorite film), but in general.
i've said it before in other threads i think but its probably Reservoir Dogs.

I love Reservoir Dogs, but Tarantino's style is likely to put some people off. With me, there's generally a couple scenes in each of his films I find cringe inducing, but not enough to ruin them overall.

To copy/paste something I wrote in another thread:

Also, The Birth of a Nation is obviously racist, but I didn't find it particularly hard to sit through the film. Part of this is because I had a feeling what to expect from it going into the film, but also because I don't have any doubts as to how awful people can be, so I find it hard for a film to truly shock or upset me in that regard. Like, don't get me wrong. I still didn't enjoy it, but I think the film holds value as a historical document as, in addition to its innovative editing, it raises many interesting discussions on how harmful and dangerous art can be which still ring true today (the film lead to a renaissance for the KKK after it was released). I think I have it at a 4/10. I don't know if this is too high or too low, but it's what I felt most comfortable rating it.

I forgot the opening line.
This is the film I love the most for being as bad as it is :

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Krampus: The Christmas Devil (Jason Hull, 2013)

Yeah so I just about loved this, guess I'll get that out of the way. Modern "so bad they're good" movies are such a rarity as often they're a little too in on the joke or just are too self-aware in general to make it feel genuine at all. The thing that's extra bizarre is that this is the too self-aware bad movie and it somehow doesn't ruin it. It sucks in all the fun ways, be it via performances or technical gaffs but there's always something to get a kick out of. Literally the first word spoken cracked me up so I was definitely in the Christmas spirit early with this one. Surprisingly, the acting is like, kinda good?? Like just about everyone in this film is good enough to have a one-line part in a real movie, even though this looks like the kind of production that would just be filled with the director's buddies that have never delivered lines before. Its also surprisingly well paced and it never hits any extended dull patches and every scene has something to laugh at. I will probably watch the sequel at some point.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation. I hate that it's such a significant film from a technical standpoint, and is an important part of filmmaking history, because it's so incredibly racist.

It's like how there's something more horrific about a fancy billboard that's hateful as opposed to a hand-made scribbled sign. Something about the skill and money involved adds an extra layer of ick.

I would have still really struggled commiting to that Sandler movie though. I can take almost anything but things trying to make me laugh and only making me hate..
except it would have meant having to watch Going Overboard
I demand for you both to torture yourselves with Going Overboard asap

I demand for you both to torture yourselves with Going Overboard asap

It has a 1.1 on Letterboxd, a 1.8 on IMDB and the only positive reviews I've seen are of the satirical variety à la Mr. Cranky's classic Good Burger review. If I were a betting man, I'd put money on this being the winner...or loser, rather.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

So, right off the bat the guy's alarm clock goes off at 5:00, then we cut to him waking up and his alarm clock says 4:50...hahahahaha

The movie has some of the "best" ADR sequences to the point where I had to pause from laughter. This was hard to watch mainly because of that.

This movie suffers from not being able to live up to the awesome poster. I was afraid that the ROTOR robots at first were going to be those cheap looking ones we see near the beginning and we were going to have another Chopping Mall on our hands.

Bad acting, bad directing, but at least it "looked" better than a few films in this hall, I'll give it that.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
God's Not Dead

The one film with somewhat of a budget.

So I think we can all agree that this film isn't really trying to tell a story, instead it's trying to sell religious propaganda. It doesn't want to be engaging, thought-provoking, or ignite honest debate. It intends to highlight how you are wrong for not believing. It has a mean-spirited tone and relies on straw man arguments too much. The film looks cheap, like a typical hallmark movie and I can probably guess every sequel looks and feels exactly the same.

Did not like it, will not watch anything like this again...but I didn't want to rip my eyeballs out while watching it.

Since there's a month left before the deadline, this means I get to start annoying the stragglers with reminders. Hooray!


In all sincerity, I feel like I've given out too many reminders for the past Halls I've hosted, so I'm only going to give out two reminders for this Hall. This is, of course, the first one since there's a month before the deadline. The second one will occur when there's a week before the deadline.

Anyways, here's where we're at right now...

@TheUsualSuspect (7/9)
@ueno_station54 (7/9)

God's Not Dead (Harold Cronk, 2014)

I don't even know if I want to get into the religion stuff or get into whether this qualifies as propaganda because this shit sucks enough even without those aspects. I would be bored to tears even if this was shit I deeply, deeply cared about. The main plot really only states one dull point, and we all know it and agree, which is that reddit atheists are ass-holes. Thanks, I knew that well before sitting through two hours of that. Why was this nearly two hours?? Why were all these sub plots necessary?? The least annoying story is probably the two guys who's car won't start, like that's cute and harmless, you know, until they vehicular manslaughter a guy in celebratory fashion?? I assumed he was going to get his comeuppance by being convinced enough by his student's argument and embrace faith to some extent but nah this bitch had to go I guess?? Visually this is at like, cable tv level production and boy is that just a nothing aesthetic and for my money makes this maybe the worst film nominated in that regard. Yeah idk, just long and painfully dull.

until they vehicular manslaughter a guy in celebratory fashion??
"A good thing happened here tonight" . . . while standing like 20 feet from the mangled body of a man killed in a hit and run.