Movie You're Watching Tonight


Tonight, it was See How They Run. Done in the style of Agatha Christie, with a mostly British cast, except Adrien Brody and Sam Rockwell. An American director is directing a British play by Agatha Christie (The Mousetrap) into a movie and, in the style of these sort of stories, one of the cast is murdered. The crime is investigated by a British detective with an alcohol problem. The production is halted and, of course, everybody is a suspect. Questions and accusations fly and everybody is a suspect as the not-too-competant detective (Sam Rockwell) tries to puzzle out the crime, with the help of his sober but wet-behind-the-ears assistant (Saoirse Ronan).

I’ve always had a taste for occasional doses of old school English detective stories. This one is enjoyable, keeps it light and comes to its inevitable conclusion, which, or course, I will NOT reveal. Accents might be a challenge for American viewers, but I liked it since I’ve long enjoyed occasional doses of these kind of movies. You won’t find any Oscar performances here, but nobody’s probably expecting that, so just sit back and watch the “mystery”unfold.

when i saw the trailer it reminds me of death of the nile and knives out and murder on the orient express

when i saw the trailer it reminds me of death of the nile and knives out and murder on the orient express
Definitely that genre. That's what we were in the mood for.

Watched for the first time awhile back but that was during the day... Feels like a movie that would be better watched at night.

Twins of Dracula (1971) with Peter Cushing.

The Stepford Wives (1975)
Early morning update, since i saw both late last night. Happy with both movies.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2. I have been hoovering over this movie for a while.
LOL. “Hovering” not hoovering.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Watched for the first time awhile back but that was during the day... Feels like a movie that would be better watched at night.

Day or night, I love this movie.

A very conscious exercise in masochism on my part. @crumbsroom’s review has left a mark, so I brace myself.

Yeah, it’s beyond awful. Feeling rather scared of my Gen Z team right now. Also, like the worst things, it is incredibly self-serious (and yet simultaneously a comedy, we’re told…?).
The original cause of death very believable and very Gen Z…

Vampires (1998)

Countess Dracula (1971)

The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)
I have watched a few Hammer films, but The Blood on Satan's Claw is one from another studio. it looks good and it can open the door for other movies.

The first two movies i have just finished.