Favorites from these actors/actresses


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Just post your favorites from these actors (best acting in movie, not necessarily the best movie)

Denzel Washington- Man on Fire

James Stewart- Rear Window

Russell Crowe- A Beautiful Mind

Adam Sandler- Reign Over Me

Will Smith- Pursuit of Happyness

Rachel McAdams- Wedding Crashers

Marcia Gay Harden- Mystic River

Clint Eastwood- Million Dollar Baby

Morgan Freeman- Shawshank Redemption

Denzel Washington- Philadelphia

James Stewart- Made For Each Other

Adam Sandler- Punch-Drunk Love

Will Smith- Pursuit of Happiness

Rachel McAdams- The Notebook

Clint Eastwood- Gran Torino

Morgan Freeman- Lean On Me
"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot."
--D.H. Lawrence


Denzel Washington Devil in a Blue Dress

James Stewart Vertigo

Russell Crowe L.A. Confidential

Adam Sandler Punch Drunk Love

Will Smith Ali

Rachel McAdams she was probably the best thing in state of play but that isn't saying much.

Marcia Gay Harden Spitfire Grill

Clint Eastwood The Outlaw Josey Wales

Morgan Freeman Lean on Me

Denzel Washington - Malcolm X
James Stewart - Vertigo
Russell Crowe - The Insider
Adam Sandler - Punch-Drunk Love
Will Smith - Ali
Rachel McAdams - Mean Girls
Marcia Gay Harden - Pollock
Clint Eastwood - Unforgiven
Morgan Freeman - The Shawshank Redemption
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Denzel Washington - Malcolm X

James Stewart - Rear Window or Vertigo

Russell Crowe - Cinderella Man

Adam Sandler - Reign over Me

Will Smith - Hitch

Rachel McAdams - Wedding Crashers

Marcia Gay Harden - Miller's Crossing

Clint Eastwood - Revenge of the Creature or The Outlaw Josey Wales

Morgan Freeman - Glory or Street Smart
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Denzel Washington - Malcolm X

James Stewart - Harvey

Russell Crowe - Gladiator

Adam Sandler - Punch Drunk Love

Will Smith - Ali, Pursuit of Happyness, MiB...can't choose cos I love him!

Rachel McAdams - didn't know who she was so had to look her up. She was ok in Sherlock Holmes.

Marcia Gay Harden - dont think she's done anything better than Miller's Crossing

Clint Eastwood - The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Morgan Freeman - Shawshank

Female Jungle Poster
Denzel Washington- Philadelphia

James Stewart- none

Russell Crowe- Gladiator

Adam Sandler- none

Will Smith- Men in Black

Rachel McAdams- Who?

Marcia Gay Harden- Again, who?

Clint Eastwood- Play Misty for Me

Morgan Freeman- Driving Miss Daisy
"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~

Denzel Washington- Philadelphia

James Stewart- N/A

Russell Crowe- Gladiator

Adam Sandler- Airheads

Will Smith- I'm indifferent to him

Rachel McAdams- I'm completely indifferent to her

Marcia Gay Harden- Who?

Clint Eastwood- A Perfect World

Morgan Freeman- Shawshank Redemption

Denzel Washington- The Siege

James Stewart- fussed i am not

Russell Crowe- A Beautiful Mind

Adam Sandler- Not fussed

Will Smith- Men in Black

Rachel McAdams- Mean Girls

Marcia Gay Harden- not fussed

Clint Eastwood- For a Few Dollars More

Morgan Freeman- Shawshank

Denzel Washington- Training Day

James Stewart- Rear Window

Russell Crowe- A Beautiful Mind

Adam Sandler- Punch Drunk Love, (Happy Gilmore for slapstick)

Will Smith- Pursuit of Happiness

Rachel McAdams- The Notebook

Marcia Gay Harden- Into the Wild

Clint Eastwood- The Good, the bad, and the ugly

Morgan Freeman- Shawshank Redemption

Denzel Washington- Remember the Titans

James Stewart- Rear Window

Russell Crowe- None

Adam Sandler- Happy Gilmore

Will Smith- I Am Legend

Rachel McAdams- The Notebook, I guess.

Marcia Gay Harden- N/A

Clint Eastwood- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Morgan Freeman- The Shawshank Redemption

Denzel Washington- Man on Fire
Will Smith- I Am Legend
Russell Crowe - Gladiator
Clint Eastwood- mistyc river
Russell Crowe - Insider

Registered User
Will Smith - Six Degrees Of Separation
Rachel McAdams- The Notebook

Denzel Washington- Glory

James Stewart- Rope or Anatomy Of A Murder

Russell Crowe- L.A. Confidential

Adam Sandler- 50 First Dates

Will Smith- Bad Boys

Rachel McAdams- Not seen any of her films.

Marcia Gay Harden- Miller's Crossing (Could be Whip It! once I've seen that)

Clint Eastwood- Unforgiven

Morgan Freeman- Se7en

Employee of the Month
Everyone around here is obsessed with lists

Denzel Washington - The Manchurian Candidate

James Stewart- I have not seen one of his movies

Russell Crowe- Hard Case, he`s one of the best actors around - Gladiator

Adam Sandler- Reign Over Me

Will Smith- Men in Black (still loking forward to watch M. Mann`s Ali)

Rachel McAdams- Wedding Crashers

Marcia Gay Harden- Mystic River (but I hardly remember her)

Clint Eastwood- Unforgiven

Morgan Freeman- Shawshank Redemption

My favorite Morgan Freeman was when he was on television in the early days of The Electric Company kid show, kinda an older kids' Sesame Street. You have to be a real actor to emote when your only line is the definition of a word. He also was good in brief comedy sketches, like the about-to-retire (postman, wasn't it?) trying to teach a younger dufus his route.

Clint Eastwood seems to me to be always playing Clint Eastwood. There's not much difference between his Man With No Name and Dirty Harry. At least when he was playing Rowdy Yates on TV there was sometimes an innocence and uncertainty to his character. In the movies, the biggest stretch of his ability I ever saw was when he played the dying country singer--it wasn't his usual role.

Will Smith is best in light comedy--Men in Black

I'm not as fond of Russel Crowe as most folks--his role that I liked best was Cinderella Man although that film really wasn't fair to the real Max Baer.

Jimmy Stewart always breathed life into his roles, made those characters living, breathing people. He did comedy, drama, Westerns, suspense, you name it. Making Harvey seem real was probably his most outstanding performance. But I have a special place in my heart for the original Flight of the Phoenix in which Stewart--who in real life was a pilot who flew some 20 bomber missions over Europe during World War II--played a pilot under pressure. I just enjoy watching him draw on his own experience in that role, especially when he's trying to keep his crippled craft in the air. A stunt pilot was killed making that film.

Denzel Washington is a very capable actor. I liked him best as Malcolm X.

I wouldn't go see Adam Sandler if they were burning him at the stake.

Never heard of Rachel McAdams or Marcia Gay Harden.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I really think that McAdams is on the verge of becoming a great actress. The problem is that she hasn't taken highly prestigous roles. Once she does, she will do fantastic. She's been good in pretty much everything I've seen.

Denzel Washington- Training Day

James Stewart - Rear Window

Russell Crowe - Gladiator (My Favorite)/ A Beautiful Mind (His Best)

Adam Sandler - Punch Drunk Love

Will Smith - Pursuit Of Happyness/Ali

Rachel McAdams - Wedding Crashers

Marcia Gay Harden - Into The Wild/Mystic River but honestly why is she on this list?

Clint Eastwood - Gran Torino

Morgan Freeman - The Shawshank Redemption
Ladies And Gentlemen:
The New Orleans Saints are Superbowl Champions!
We are New Orleans
We are Louisiana

Denzel Washington – The Equalizer

James Stewart – Shenandoah

Russell Crowe – Gladiator

Adam Sandler – I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

Will Smith – The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (has to be)

Rachel McAdams – Wedding Crashers

Marcia Gay Harden – Pollock

Clint Eastwood – Dirty Harry

Morgan Freeman – Kiss the Girls