Indy Action Thriller with MC released from prison out for revenge


This movie was on a sample DVD I saw through working at a video store back in @2000. We never got the movie in, and it had all the hallmarks of shoestring budget, no name cast, and so forth.

The DVD had this image of an angry looking caucasian male whose body was of huge former american football linebacker(?) proportions. He was wearing a SWAT style bulletproof vest that he gets later in the movie, and was sporting either a shotgun, some other gun, or a hammer on the DVD.

I think the actor's name may have been Tom or Thom, though I don't think he's acted since then.

His character is shown at the start with some accomplices performing an armed robbery with balaclavas, vests and guns, and everything seems to go well, until one of his accomplices shoots him out of nowhere then leaves him lying there for the cops to arrest and throw in jail.

Many years later, we see that he is finally being released from prison. He has one single minded mission, to hunt down his former associate -who know wears suits and runs part of the organized crime in town- and kill him, and anyone else who gets in his way.

On his journey, he gets a motorcycle and the actor is so huge that the motorcycle looks like his butt ate it when he's on it. (and it isn't a small motorcycle either, possibly a harley style bike).

He just goes around looking for leads on where to find his target, with all the charm of a T-800. He holes up in a motel where he meets a woman who may have been a red light district worker who he befriends briefly.

He encounters various gangs mostly of different ethnicities, and there is a few other subplots going on, including two crooked cops in the main bad guy's pockets who become aware of the growing body count the MC is leaving in his wake.

There is a scene where some vietnamese(?) gang members talk to each other for a longish spell in their native tongue, without any translation subtitles.

Eventually the MC goes to a hardware store and takes or buys a hammer, possibly some other things (nailgun? definitely the hammer).

He ends up fighting and or stealing the outfit and bulletproof vest of some SWAT types the bad guy got the cops to send after him.

There's a warehouse scene where some skinny guy with machine pistols leaps down from a stack of pallettes and gets killed.

Our anti-hero gets wounded as he works his way through the mooks, and -knowing he might not get another chance to kill his prey- takes out the hammer and smashes the femur of his other forearm with it repeatedly before blacking out.

He wakes up strapped to a chair in a dark room with the suit guy and some minions standing by, where the suit guy tells him off for killing all his guys/wrecking his operations, then brags about how he can kill him for it.

Our MC laughs, pulls hard on his broken forearm snapping it clean, and tears his own arm apart to jab the suit guy through the throat with his exposed bone, puncturing it and causing him to fall back and bleed to death.

Our MC laughs loudly to himself, having achieved his vengeance, before the suit guy's minions shoot him repeatedly and he dies.

After though, there is a (black and white?) sequence of the MC on his bike, pulling up to a vehicle with the woman he met at the MOTEL (who I think also got killed prior to the MC tracking the suit guy's warehouse location down) and the two exchange words and smile in what looks like an afterlife scene.


Would love to know what this movie was called.

I saw a thread within the last year or so with the plot deatil of the hero snapping the bone in his arm to use as a knife to kill someone. I don't think it was solved.

My suggestions are "Danger Zone II: Reaper's Revenge" (1989)
When Reaper, the leader of a murderous biker gang, is released from prison on a technicality, he swears revenge on Wade Olson, the undercover cop who put him there. And when Reaper swears revenge, everyone better take cover. But when the outlaw kidnaps Olson's girlfriend, Reaper's days are numbered. On this turf, every step you take could land you in the Dangerzone.
"Eye of the Tiger" (1986)
Returning home from prison, a Vietnam War veteran sets out to clean up his hometown which has come under the control of a violent motorcycle gang.
"Boogie Boy" (1998) has similar plot too.

Nah, none of those 3. while I can't remember the name I think it was some 1 or 2 word title. This was from a crew who wanted to do something Tarantino inspired I guess, but without any even vaguely known actors in it. The broken bone scene was probably where all the physical visual effects budget went even. Not even sure if it looked realisitic or not, its been that long.

Nah, none of those 3. while I can't remember the name I think it was some 1 or 2 word title. This was from a crew who wanted to do something Tarantino inspired I guess, but without any even vaguely known actors in it. The broken bone scene was probably where all the physical visual effects budget went even. Not even sure if it looked realisitic or not, its been that long.

Some elements remind me of Payback with Mel Gibson, but it is too new. Do you think that your movie was low-budget?
I'm looking for prison movie:

Registered User
(I don't know the answer, but your description made me think of "The Thing with Two Heads". A mad scientist transplants the head of an old dying white man (played by Ray Milland) onto the body of a black convict (played by former American football player Rosey Grier. There are one or two other similarities with the film you are describing)

Maybe "Texas Payback" (1995) ? Other possibility is "Payback" (1995). There are two different movies.

Or you search this list:

Other possibility is "Bullethead" (1999).

Director Mark Burson is highly creative and in this debut feature there are many moments that reveal the energy of an auteur, but Burson's fondness for shock cinema eventually causes the film to collapse into near chaos. The work begins with a voice-over by immigrant Joe Dekko (Colin Gray O'Hara), his text indicating inner turmoil, while he and two crime partners prepare for a robbery of two drug dealers. Dekko craves a more responsible life but any chance of achieving it is slim as it is soon apparent that Joe consistently makes poor decisions. These generally involve his criminal peers although his donation of his share of the drug rip-off loot to a friend as an investment in the latter's computer business only backfires when the treacherous fellow blackmails Joe. Revenge then becomes the film's cardinal motif as Joe, along with his cohorts and his enemies, all go on the attack during scenes of wildly escalating violence. The eponymous Dekko, with a bullet reposing in his skull, and with a proclivity for extreme self-abuse, ostensibly has also an iron constitution, as he struts along his path of vengeance with unalloyed intensity. Prominent upon Burson's cinematic agenda is development of scenes for their sensationalist value, including repugnant violence, heroin use and stylized sexual activity; unfortunately, few of these advance the storyline and none has narrative worth. However, he uses his players very capably, deriving strong performances from many of the cast, the charismatic Glaswegian O'Hara impressive with his turn, and with his versatility, as well, contributing the music performed during the closing credits. Multifaceted, too, is Burson, as for this low-budget affair, shot in Ohio and released in 2000, he produces, directs, and edits, with more naked force than most directors within any genre; it is a pity that his penchant for frenzied grotesquerie is not a minor imperfection; Mark Burson - - thy name is excess.

Could it be this movie called "Ca$h" starring Thom Doty:

It's on Tubi under the title "Bullets, Blood and a Fistful of Ca$h"

Could it be this movie called "Ca$h" starring Thom Doty:

It's on Tubi under the title "Bullets, Blood and a Fistful of Ca$h"

I think that you nailed it. The plot is almost exact like OP description. I read Polish forum Filmweb and it has only 50 votes. However, photos and several comments are similar to OP description as well.

Could it be this movie called "Ca$h" starring Thom Doty:

It's on Tubi under the title "Bullets, Blood and a Fistful of Ca$h"

THAT'S IT!!! Thanks, man, finally! SOLVED!

THAT'S IT!!! Thanks, man, finally! SOLVED!

Great, I'm so glad! It sounded like a really outrageous film, I'm looking forward to seeing it myself now!

I watched it again on Youtube yesterday, my friend is watching it now.