That's it, I'm leaving!


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On an awesome trip around Europe and then I'm totally coming back!

I'm going backpacking around Western Europe with my best buddy. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning and won't be back for at least two months! This is the route.
Amsterdam - Venice - Rome - Nice - Fuengirola (southern Spain) - Paris - London - Loch Ness - Belfast - Dublin.
I'm giddy and shaky with anticipation right now. I'm gonna see so much stuff and experience so much culture it's crazy... And I'm gonna shout "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?" in the Colosseum. Any suggestions for these?

Just me, my backpack and the coolest person I know alongside me.

Of all the people on all of the internet I'll miss you guys the most and you're the only people I care to tell.
The Freedom Roads

Gah, you scared me. Have a great trip! Sounds very ambitious; I hope you have a great time! I insist you come back with tales of adventure and lots of pictures.

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
Sounds pretty much amazing. Enjoy it fully. ^_^
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

The People's Republic of Clogher
Leaving Ireland to the end was a good idea.

Remember my advice and don't forget to pack two kinds of antibiotics and an egg whisk. Good luck!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

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Checking in from Amsterdaam. Thanks guys, hope all is well. I´m gonna get back to mostly looking at the goodies and only rarely touching them.

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Roma bellissima! Or something to that effect. I had three two-liter beers yesterday with an American guy called Trey. My buddy punched me square in the jar and I didn't puke. Good times! So many laughs and the tender embrace of a hot German chick. Doesn't get much better than this. Hope all is well guys.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Roma bellissima! Or something to that effect. I had three two-liter beers yesterday with an American guy called Trey yesterday. My buddy punched me square in the jar and I didn't puke. Good times! So many laughs and the tender embrace of a hot German chick. Doesn't get much better than this. Hope all is well guys.
That's what I call a complete day! +1

Roma bellissima! Or something to that effect. I had three two-liter beers yesterday with an American guy called Trey. My buddy punched me square in the jar and I didn't puke. Good times! So many laughs and the tender embrace of a hot German chick. Doesn't get much better than this. Hope all is well guys.
love it! ...carry on!

It's all in the reflexes.
Roma bellissima! Or something to that effect. I had three two-liter beers yesterday with an American guy called Trey. My buddy punched me square in the jar and I didn't puke. Good times! So many laughs and the tender embrace of a hot German chick. Doesn't get much better than this. Hope all is well guys.

Sounds great, i'm so jealous.

Gah, you scared me. Have a great trip! Sounds very ambitious; I hope you have a great time! I insist you come back with tales of adventure and lots of pictures.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

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You Americans are a freakin' blast to party with man!
Checking in from Florence. I find myself missing Rome but I probably just miss the people I met there. Trey, Scott (Jake), Emily, Natalie, Courtney, Stacey and that really cool bartender that looked like Keanu Reeves but knew everything there was to know about old movies.
I've discovered how awesome it is to meet new people and how much it sucks saying goodbye.

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Buenas dias Barcelona!
Awesome town, awesome people. We're meeting up with three of the people we met in Rome and I'm so psyched. Got a tattoo yesterday. It took a whopping three and a half hours but it was so worth it. I've earned these stars.
Later guys.

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Day 33 - Fuengirola, Southern Spain.
Sun, blue sky, fruity drinks, senoritas, SUN! The Penthouse we borrowed is bloody sweet! Roof terrace, barbecue, view, pool, SUN! 2 minutes of internet left. Have a good one, I know I am.