How Much Money Will Star Wars Episode VII Make?


around like 1,8 billion

Suck maybe, lose money, not likely.

Even though Star Wars isn't at the height of it's popularity anymore I still predict it will make quite a bit - just considering how much many of the comic book/super hero films continue to make (I don't think I know one person who grew up in the 90s-2000s reading Iron Man or Thor comics, yet those movies still managed to gross quite a bit for example).
Of course it will. That was just an extreme reaction of mine to Rodent's even more extreme claims.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

We've gone on holiday by mistake
If it sucks, around $1 Billion, if it's fairly good $1.5 billion and if it's awesome $2 billion+.

I have no clue on overall, but over 1 billion for sure.

Opening week: $125 mil.

If it sucks, Id say a billion.

If its awesome, and best seen only in a theater (got to take Netflix into account killing the theater industry) then 2 1/2 billion. Yes, 2 1/2 BILLION dollars.

Ok, I was looking at the numbers for the prequel trilogy and I stand by my previous number. I say about $1.4 billion. I expect it to make more than episode I due to inflation/3D, but I don't expect it to be crazy more. If it's not good, then episode VIII will make $900 million.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Just a random guess, but I'm going to guess:

If word-of-mouth is bad: $500-800M
If word-of-mouth is good: $1.2-1.5B

Give or take a couple hundred million.

Registered User
More than the Avengers but less than Avatar. Like, $1.8b, maybe.

So many potentially massive sequels these next two years. Avengers 2, Star War 7, Batman v. Superman, Avatar 2...

I had a dream the other day where George Lucas was being an insecure little sh*t and rubbing into everyone's face that the new Star Wars made $700 million on opening weekend.

I don't know how much but with this fanbase it will be profitable for sure.

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
Star Wars Episode VII will become the highest grossing film of all time, and if it doesn't, it will be deemed a failure (at least in business terms).
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


<>Dances with Wolves<>
I bet millions will buy a ticket and it will be one of the most successful movies ever produced.

I'm changing my prediction.

It will make at least $1.8 billion. I don't know where it will top out. When adjusted for inflation Episode one would have made over $700 million domestic and I think this movie is more hyped than that one was.

Episode 7 could topple James Cameron as the box office god...