Prey (2022) - Predator 5


Yep, it's coming...

Predator 5...

Starring Amber Midthunder and for some reason a basketball player...

The movie will be a prequel based in the 1800s, release date is "Summer 2022" and will be rated PG.

I got my dad the Predator 4k box set and we just finished watching the second one.

The director for Prey did 10 Cloverfield Lane, which I thought was a well-done flick. So there's hope yet. It's a cool concept.

I got my dad the Predator 4k box set and we just finished watching the second one.

The director for Prey did 10 Cloverfield Lane, which I thought was a well-done flick. So there's hope yet. It's a cool concept.
Predator 2 gets too much hate. It's a decent sequel.
And, well, they sure don't make mainstream movies that nasty or gory any more

I'm really looking forward to this one, Predator is a fun series and setting it in the past is a great idea.

What's funny is that there is an upcoming Danny Trejo knockoff predator movie called THE PREY, it was completed a few years ago but still hasn't been released

Welcome to the human race...
The law of averages is against this being good, but you never know. Could use a source confirming if it's going to be PG anyway.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I have a better feeling about this than any of the recent attempts. Arnold already set the table for defeating one with primitive weapons. Maybe throw in some of the spiritual aspects of her culture, having her be in tune with the environment.

Predator II deserves what it gets, because it is always compared to the first film. That opening sequence is not great.

I liked 10 Cloverfield Lane and the premise sounds okay, so have decent expectations at this point.

The last one was ****ing terrible, but I actually like the Adrien Brody one, barring a few dumb characterizations. Nimrod Antal is a decent craftsman (I also liked Vacancy).

The Danny Glover one? Eh, maybe I'll like it on a rewatch.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
A PG rating is a huge red flag for me. I loved the 1st Predator. Predator 2 was pretty good and doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Predators had some good ideas and ended up being watchable.

The AVP movies were a huge let down. All they had to do was follow the story from the comics and it would have been golden. The more recent The Predator was just awful.

The franchise needs at least a minimum of a 15 certificate with an 18 being ideal to give it the freedom it needs to do it justice.
Did you know that in the 1980s movie PREDATOR the titular character was not originally portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall. It was in fact Jean-Claude Van Damme donning a much more insect inspired full body suit before he left the production which then led to the recasting and redesigning of the famous hunter.

Welcome to the human race...
AvP was the only film to get a PG-13 (not even a PG) and both franchises have managed to avoid anything lower than an R ever since, hence why I'm skeptical about reports of a PG - besides, between AvP:R and The Predator, I think the question of whether it's rated R or not only matters so much when it comes to it being good.

Since when an action scifi film.rated pg was good lol, i don t have high hopes especially after the last one....

Well u got me there, but i was talking about a standalone film not a franchise

PG sounds ridiculous… Can’t be right. That’s like making Freddy or Jason a PG flick. I thought going down to PG-13 was bad enough, but PG? Hell naw.

Welcome to the human race...
Now that I think about it, it wouldn't surprise me if a lighter rating will end up being a side-effect of the Disney merger - they certainly seem to have been dumping the R-rated Fox titles they acquired so I guess it makes sense that their further additions to franchises like this would be like this.

Thing is, even PG-13 would be too low.
That's a 12 rating in the UK.

Star Wars is a U in the UK btw

UK 12 ratings are things like Jurassic World, X-Men, and the MCU.

12 rated Predator movie? Ugh.

I found out though it'll be set in the 1700s rather than the 1800s.
The female lead is a super tough female warrior, the only one capable of defending her entire tribe from a Predator.

I'd have liked to see them carry on with the canon set by the first two movies.

Predators hunt where it's hot.
Anna explains that the terrible things they're witnessing only happens during the hottest years... "and this year it grows hot".
So, a heatwave brings them into L.A for Pred 2...

None of the movies have utilised this... especially the AvP movies, the first of which was based in friggin' Antarctica

It's also explained in Predator 2, they're drawn toward conflict.

So we've seen jungles in 2 movies... a city (concrete jungle) in one movie.
The Predator was a town setting.
I think what would be good is an actual desert. Hot as hell, and like a jungle, everything looks the same.

Like, a war torn city, surrounded by sand on 3 sides, and a coastline on the fourth.
Think Black Hawk Down meets Predator.

Instead we're getting Mary Sue vs a Disney villain.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
I'd have liked to see them carry on with the canon set by the first two movies.

Predators hunt where it's hot.
Anna explains that the terrible things they're witnessing only happens during the hottest years... "and this year it grows hot".
So, a heatwave brings them into L.A for Pred 2...

None of the movies have utilised this... especially the AvP movies, the first of which was based in friggin' Antarctica

It's also explained in Predator 2, they're drawn toward conflict.

So we've seen jungles in 2 movies... a city (concrete jungle) in one movie.
The Predator was a town setting.
I think what would be good is an actual desert. Hot as hell, and like a jungle, everything looks the same.

Like, a war torn city, surrounded by sand on 3 sides, and a coastline on the fourth.
Think Black Hawk Down meets Predator.

Instead we're getting Mary Sue vs a Disney villain.

A desert setting would be good as the heat from the sand gives off plenty of distortions and mirages so the Predator cloak would be ideal there. No place to hide. No place to run. It'd be a case of fight or die.

Welcome to the human race...
If it's going to be set in the Comanche Nation in the 1700s, that would suggest that it's set in the more desert-like areas of North America.