Movies like After Hours by Martin Scorsese?


By that I mean distinctly pre-2000's NYC, with a dark and grimey aesthetic. I just watched After Hours and really enjoyed it and it's tone, as well as the slight absurdism and surrealism going on in the world around the main character.

This might just do nobody any good.
The only one I can think of right now is Good Time, but that one’s contemporary (totally worth a look though.)

The only one I can think of right now is Good Time, but that one’s contemporary (totally worth a look though.)
good time is amazing, and yeah it fits the bill perfectly. i love how only the first 20 minutes and last 15 or so are during the day and the rest is one long treacherous night, so by the time it gets to the end it feels like a whole different environment

Welcome to the human race...
I'd say The Warriors has a solid combination of both pre-2000 NYC grit and somewhat surreal absurdity (its most iconic moments involve stuff like baseball players wearing clown makeup and a guy putting glass bottles on his fingers to intimidate someone), plus it's got a similar basic narrative in that its heroes also have to make their way home through an incredibly dangerous NYC over the course of one crazy night.

For something that's a more obvious companion to After Hours, I'd suggest Quick Change - it's a broader comedy that takes place largely during daytime, but it also has the narrative of a protagonist trying to get from one part of NYC to another but constantly being obstructed by a variety of zany characters.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
By that I mean distinctly pre-2000's NYC, with a dark and grimey aesthetic.
I got one for you, Night on Earth (1991) it's has the same dark & grimey, slightly deadpam comic feel that After Hours had. It has 5 segments about 5 different taxi cab drivers in 5 different cities around the world. One is set in NYC. Jim Jarmusch the director is famous for his ultra realism city-scapes and you'll see a part of NYC and side streets that will make you feel like you're right there. I think you'd dig it.

I got one for you, Night on Earth (1991) it's has the same dark & grimey, slightly deadpam comic feel that After Hours had. It has 5 segments about 5 different taxi cab drivers in 5 different cities around the world. One is set in NYC. Jim Jarmusch the director is famous for his ultra realism city-scapes and you'll see a part of NYC and side streets that will make you feel like you're right there. I think you'd dig it.
wow that sounds amazing, going straight on my watchlist