What's your power animal?????


Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Yep, I'm still on my Fight Club mode, so as in the film, if you were to retreat to your special cave what would be your power animal and why???

P.S. Penguin's that say " Slide " are already taken!!!

Mine would be a giraffe, that way I could look down on everybody!
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

No offence darth..i like you much but its threads like these that make me wonder about the future of MoFo lol.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

rhymes with Goebbels
hah, aw, leave him alone.

Although I did read " Mine would be a giraffe, that way I could look down on everybody!" as "that way I could go down on everybody!" which made me worry for your sense of decency and bizarre sex tactics.

But then I realised you totally didn't write that and feel dumb.

But yes, I would be a capybara.
A devilish combination of slightly bored and quite hungry

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
No offence darth..i like you much but its threads like these that make me wonder about the future of MoFo lol.

Aw, where's your sense of fun?
OK, I'll stay off the moonshine before I post next time!

Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
Aw, where's your sense of fun?
OK, I'll stay off the moonshine before I post next time!
lol dont take it personally you're a cool guy...you're just...extremely bored

I want to be a so I can sting Libby in the bum
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Threads about studying abroad and smoking dope are so much more constructive...

Anyway, I'd be a gnu...

Lord knows what gnu's do but I love saying the name.

EDIT - A gnu is a wildebeest, aka 'the corner shop for lions' and my victim mentality is under-developed so scrub that one.

I'll change the paddle-yer-own gnu to a Galapagos Tortoise - a crusty old bugger who speeds up for no man...

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Some people say i'm a moose...

Mine is a lesbian. She says "word up".

Hey, lesbians are people, and people are technically animals too.

By the way, my cave has been redecorated.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Mine is a lesbian. She says "word up".

Hey, lesbians are people, and people are technically animals too.

By the way, my cave has been redecorated.
Personally, I love threads like this, and especially posts like this one.
When creative people can't post silliness on sites about a creative profession, there IS no future for Mofo.

Power animal: Cougar. A big, strong, graceful cat, and slang for 'woman who likes younger men'.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by nebbit
Nice to see your moose arse again
I missed you too

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Power animal: Cougar. A big, strong, graceful cat, and slang for 'woman who likes younger men'.
and its posts like this that keep me coming back to MoFo, who cares if it has a future!

I'd have to say I'd be a bear, big, strong, no need to shave and your expected to still be in bed anytime in the winter. and the ladies will think im cute and cuddly, while the blokes are scared im going to rip their stomachs out.

rhymes with Goebbels
right, I'm meant to actually explain why, aren't I?

Capybara's hold the high title of 'biggest rodent in the world' which is both pretty impressive and utterly useless at the same time, and I think that describes me completely.

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
No offence darth..i like you much but its threads like these that make me wonder about the future of MoFo lol.

And you doubted it!!!!!

As Homer would say : " in your face, in your face!!! "

( ok your repost about me being bored was spot on, but sometimes daftness rules boredom, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM......)

Randomly visiting for now
I would be a seal cause they walk real funny and when they swim it's like they're flying. Sometimes I feel like flying away from situations and people (as everyone does at times) so to have that power would be powerful indeed

Is That Your Best?
The Tiger
See Ya At The Movies
