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lol..what does that mean.. Three hours of my hard earned freetime down the drain?
It's a movie that has met with very mixed reactions

It's a movie that has met with very mixed reactions
Yes, I saw you single out the 38/100 from RT and conveniently left out the 3/5 from LB and the 71/100 from both imdb and tmdb. But I have to admit the divisiveness of reactions and runtime make me a bit hesitant to actually press play tonight.
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in a way that fits well with particular needs, activities, and plans.
It fits and aligns / comes close to your own personal rating doesn't it? Pls keep in mind English is my third language so please excuse if I used the word improperly, didn't mean to offend or anything. Matter of fact I love honest ratings.

It fits and aligns / comes close to your own personal rating doesn't it?
No, it has nothing to do with cherry-picking. I always look at RT scores almost exclusively just to get a feel for what to expect. I sometimes disagree quite heartily with those scores, but it is always a good idea to know where things have landed with critics - not because I think they are always right, but because I tend to know what their reactions really mean.

No, it has nothing to do with cherry-picking. I always look at RT scores almost exclusively just to get a feel for what to expect. I sometimes disagree quite heartily with those scores, but it is always a good idea to know where things have landed with critics - not because I think they are always right, but because I tend to know what their reactions really mean.
I see what you mean. Personally I need more than just one group of critics to get an overall 'feel for what to expect'.

Lol, there's only a given number of published critics in the world. Everything else is just a lot of noise

RT fanboy in the house..
Ok, good for you!!

At long last. Hooked me from the get-go.
Such a unique film. Glad I found it in French on some random website. Really liked Marie, too. She rocks. There’s some vibe/atmosphere to it that’s just great, reminds me of the best sort of voodoo movies, Eve’s Bayou and the like. Also really liked the fact
WARNING: spoilers below
the violence in the end/last three quarters was off-screen.
I’ve seen Babetida Sadjo elsewhere and she’s remarkable, a remarkable face and presence. Found the scenes with the bar tender so insanely sexy, so help me god. One of the sexiest things I’ve seen in ages! And the ending exactly the kind of thing I always complain doesn’t happen nearly enough.
@Takoma11, thank you for the rec, this was awesome all-around!

At long last. Hooked me from the get-go.
Such a unique film. Glad I found it in French on some random website. Really liked Marie, too. She rocks. There’s some vibe/atmosphere to it that’s just great, reminds me of the best sort of voodoo movies, Eve’s Bayou and the like. Also really liked the fact
WARNING: spoilers below
the violence in the end/last three quarters was off-screen.
I’ve seen Babetida Sadjo elsewhere and she’s remarkable, a remarkable face and presence.

Found the scenes with the bar tender so insanely sexy, so help me god. One of the sexiest things one seen in ages!
Agreed. And shout out to some representation for front-closing bras!

Well, to the movies I shall go, I guess.

Oh my god, this was pretty great. I miss stuff like this.
‘Did you find the dog?’
‘Of course I found the dog.’

Wife's turn to pick the movie and she selected 'Once.' Seen it before. Pretty good flick. Enjoyed it.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

The Guy Who Sees Movies
Avoiding Convention TV. Watching Night of the Demon, the longer version of the British Curse of the Demon, an essential old horror movie about skepticism and actual curses, runes, magicians, magic parchments and demons. It's taken from a book, Casting the Runes. It's good, in an old school, suspenseful way, nice monochrome cinematography, and good, understated acting. Night of the Demon is slightly more graphic than the version intended for the US, Curse of the Demon. Not bad at all, full of strange characters, trench coats, whistling wind, lightning and thunder. Everybody except Dana Andrews has a British accent. You don't see it very much, but it really has a great demon.