
At long last. Hooked me from the get-go.
Such a unique film. Glad I found it in French on some random website. Really liked Marie, too. She rocks. There’s some vibe/atmosphere to it that’s just great, reminds me of the best sort of voodoo movies,
Eve’s Bayou and the like. Also really liked the fact
WARNING: spoilers below
the violence in the end/last three quarters was off-screen.
the violence in the end/last three quarters was off-screen.
I’ve seen Babetida Sadjo elsewhere and she’s remarkable, a remarkable face and presence. Found the scenes with the bar tender so insanely sexy, so help me god. One of the sexiest things I’ve seen in ages! And the ending exactly the kind of thing I always complain doesn’t happen nearly enough.
Takoma11, thank you for the rec, this was awesome all-around!
Last edited by AgrippinaX; 07-18-24 at 12:57 PM.