The new Chucky movie looks like sh*t.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I am a long time fan of Chucky. I was scared of him as a kid, yes, but that was because he could kick my ass back then. Nowadays, I realize I could just knock him out with a kick in the face. Today, I view the Child's play series as comedic gold.
I'm all for making a darker and more serious Chucky movie, but this just looks like complete dogsh*t. Why is he going after a girl this time? Is he trying to possess her? The CGI they used to enhance his face looks stupid. It's about a doll, so you should use a f*cking doll for your horror movie. Practical effects make a difference because they look creepier. And then, of course, the final nail in the coffin is the very end of this trailer where it turns out that this is going straight to DVD. I'm not even going to watch this garbage. I learned my lesson after Texas Chainsaw 3D.

I see Chucky like I see Kruger... loved the first film, forgot the rest.
I'm actually on opposite sides with Kruger. I like some of the sequels more than the original, though the first was the only one that scared me.

If he didn't look like crap, I'd be very excited. Hate the new look. Other than that, this movie has been written and directed by Don Mancini, who wrote all of the Chucky movies, created Chucky and directed Seed of Chucky. I would rather see a sequel that picks up after Seed of Chucky, though -- but that storyline has been going on forever, so I can understand the desire to move on from it.

Child's Play was great. The concept was played straight for the most part and Chucky was genuinely scary.

It's all downhil from there but I will say Bride Of Chucky was kinda goofy fun as it was trying to be a Scream-type self-aware horror... poorly. Seed Of Chucky was a fascinating travesty. I was glued by how ridiculous it was.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Well I like the look of it, more like the tone of original trilogy and less like the silly last two things we got, was not a fan of them.

So will give this a chance, looks decent.

And then, of course, the final nail in the coffin is the very end of this trailer where it turns out that this is going straight to DVD.
It's not, it's getting limited screenings and if you are in England you can see it at the cinema in August during the London Fright Festival.

On the outside looking in.
Child's Play was great. The concept was played straight for the most part and Chucky was genuinely scary.

It's all downhil from there but I will say Bride Of Chucky was kinda goofy fun as it was trying to be a Scream-type self-aware horror... poorly. Seed Of Chucky was a fascinating travesty. I was glued by how ridiculous it was.

Interesting though that Brad Dourif's daughter is playing the kid in this one...

meh, just another stupid and utterly pointless 'horror' aimed at teenage audiences. I honestly wouldn't even consider wasting time on something like this.

I've seen some rather decent reviews that have good things to say about it and apparently fans of the series, especially the original trilogy, should love this new addition.

Here is one I just found that has some interesting things to say:

Set in a gothic manse, the film follows a family brought together after the untimely death of dear old mom. Nica (Fiona Dourif, daughter of the Chuckster himself, Brad Dourif), the film's wheelchair-bound protagonist, is against selling the home and soon she's linking her mother's death to the arrival of Chucky, who was shipped to her doorstep not long before. The film, retro to the core, abides by the dictates and clichés of the slasher drama, but director and series creator Don Mancini still finds a way to implement his personal voice into the proceedings, his strengthened confidence behind the camera and fondness for sexual and gender critique shining through; this is the certainly the most female-centric entry of the franchise. Mancini has clearly listened to his fanbase: The last 15 minutes of the film, including a scene following the end credits, are sure to blow the minds of even casual Child's Play supporters, playing as both a diehard's wet dream and a perfect culmination to the series.

WARNING: "Curse of Chucky" spoilers below
Andy (Alex Vincent from the first two Child's Play movies) has a cameo at the end of Curse of Chucky.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I have all of the Childs Play movies on DVD, will probably add this to round out the collection. I would have prefered to see a movie that would pick up right after Seed of Chucky as well, or maybe a movie about the son. Might have been nice to change it up some and have the son and Chucky as a team or something.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Eh, at this point, I don't care anymore about Chucky's family, really. By now, Chucky should be a grandpa.

You know what they should do? A Chucky reality show. With Chucky and his family. It would be like Duck Dynasty with dead bodies.

They should ignore all those lame sequels and retcon the original so that Chucky manages to possess the kid and kill everybody.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I've always been a horror-fan, my entire life, it basically defined my childhood. I was Freddy Krueger for Halloween with claws made out of Popsicle sticks wrapped in tinfoil. My earliest childhood memory is watching the Tigger movie before watching Bride of Chucky. I love 'em, and that's never going to change. I'll be watching Child's Play 52 when it comes out, and that's just the way it'll be. And honestly, I don't think this movie looks that bad, Chucky looks a little stupid, but he never really looked quite "right" until he got all of his scars. However, I think it looks like a Child's Play 1-2 kind-of movie, which I really enjoyed. It looks like the kind-of 6/10 horror-movie sequel that I'll love.

I've just watched the trailer and can't wait to see this! However, I'm completely agreeing with Deadite that the original film was great - that really frightened me upon first viewing. Got me wanting to watch that tomorrow night again in the dark!

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I see Chucky like I see Kruger... loved the first film, forgot the rest.
Off Topic: I liked A Nightmare on Elm Street but I liked the third movie, as well as Wes Craven's New Nightmare. I'll admit, however, that all the other movies in the sweat-wearing man were godawful, especially Freddy's Dead. Although, I did like Freddy vs. Jason, if only because Robert Englund was amazing, and Jason was finally in a movie that didn't suck. Freddy's remake was mediocre, but I still have it in the top-five Freddy flicks. I liked Jason's remake more than the original series, however. If only because all the Friday the 13th's were pathetic cash-ins on Halloween.

The Elm Street remake was pure *****. It doesn't belong on any list except a ***** list and it makes all those goofy sequels look brilliant by comparison. At least they were somewhat inventive and darkly amusing and even creepy at times.