What new feature do you most want next?


What new feature do you most want next?
15 votes
Searchable/sortable log of seen films
5 votes
Expanded/upgraded lists area
6 votes
Statistics on posts, rep, etc.
2 votes
Overhauled forum structure
5 votes
Something else (specified below)
33 votes. You may not vote on this poll


Feel free to elaborate below. Or to suggest something else entirely.

("Overhauled forum structure" probably means something a little IMDB-ish, like automatically creating discussions "attached" to movies in the movies area, so people can get into discussions that way rather than with a totally freeform forum/thread system. It would not replace the current system, just augment it.)

You ready? You look ready.
Oh nice, augment. They say augmentation is big these days. Wait till you have to augment the augmentation, though. That'd just be augmentable.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Trouble with a capital "T"
("Overhauled forum structure" probably means something a little IMDB-ish, like automatically creating discussions "attached" to movies in the movies area, so people can get into discussions that way rather than with a totally freeform forum/thread system. It would not replace the current system, just augment it.)
Please, please no!!! MoFo is one of the most logical designed sites, it's darn near perfect, and looks great. Oh please don't overhaul it

But new features I voted for Searchable/sortable log of seen films. I think that would be very useful. I signed up for Letterboxd, but I've not spent more than 5 minutes there and will most likely delete my account. It be great if MoFo had the same type of movie watch score keeping. I think MoFo's LOVE to make list, so it would be a natural.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...automatically creating discussions "attached" to movies in the movies area...
I don't think there's enough in-depth discussion right now to support such a feature. I mean it's hard to get people to talk about movies as it. But as long as it was an augment and not a replacement, then maybe? Oh and if you do, please none of that lame nested threads like IMDB use. To this day I could never figure out how that went. Keep it linear please

A system of cells interlinked
I voted for Searchable log!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
Expanded/upgraded lists area

Statistics on posts, rep, etc

Both of those would be nice.

I've said this before but I'd like to see the score board for the movie reviewers be expanded from the Top 5 to the Top 10 reviewers. It doesn't affect me, I'm just thinking how other reviewers might enjoy being able to make it onto the score board. Might also help spark more reviews here.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Voted for searchable/ sortable log.

I am curious about what you have in mind for expanded list section if you don't mind elaborating a little.

Please, please no!!! MoFo is one of the most logical designed sites, it's darn near perfect, and looks great. Oh please don't overhaul it
You don't need to worry, even if this happens, it'll be a) an addition to the current system, rather than a full replacement, and b) probably done on some kind of trial basis, to see how it goes.

You're right in that there's probably not enough discussion to merit it at the moment, but my thinking is that this will generate more. I think there's too much of a barrier to entry right now.

I also think, because it's an addition to the current setup, it won't be a problem if it takes awhile to get going. Off the top of my head, for example, I was thinking of housing all movie-specific threads in a hidden forum, basically. I'm not sure how visible that would be here (should it show up in New Posts, for example?). Might even give people the option to hide them. Still mulling that part over. I don't like IMDB's setup where almost every discussion is this way, but I do think it makes sense to let movie pages be an entry point, since a lot of people look for a movie forum like this after seeing a specific film and wanting to talk about it, so that process should definitely be easier.

But new features I voted for Searchable/sortable log of seen films. I think that would be very useful. I signed up for Letterboxd, but I've not spent more than 5 minutes there and will most likely delete my account. It be great if MoFo had the same type of movie watch score keeping. I think MoFo's LOVE to make list, so it would be a natural.
Yeah, obviously I'm not looking to duplicate Letterboxd, and it wouldn't be feasible anyway for one person. But since we introduced the movie pages, with the Seen button, and I integrated that into Lists, the foundational programming work is mostly done, so I should clearly do the front-facing part and let people see it and all that.

I am curious about what you have in mind for expanded list section if you don't mind elaborating a little.
That's vague in part because I'm not positive what that would entail, but it would definitely involve a new layout and, in all likelihood, custom lists, which I've wanted to do for a long time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd be happy to give Individual Movie Discussion threads a try, maybe if enough people do it, it can take off and become popular. I've often watched a movie then wanted to post about it and or read about it, but can't always find a thread for the movie, so I just don't comment on it.

I never used IMDB much but I would sometimes look at the discussion on individual movies that I had just seen. So yeah as you described it, it could be a cool thing.

A few questions/thoughts:
...I was thinking of housing all movie-specific threads in a hidden forum, basically. I'm not sure how visible that would be here (should it show up in New Posts, for example?). Might even give people the option to hide them. Still mulling that part over.
How about a trial period where you replace the forum: Home Theater Questions & Information with the new Individual Movie Discussion idea? (you could fold Home Theater Questions & Information into another forum as that forum doesn't get much response, seems like days go by before there even a post there.)

Seems to me the Individual Movie Discussion needs to be visible to get exposure. I know the Directors Clubs didn't get much interest, maybe because people didn't readily see it?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I would argue that changing up the structure might actually increase the potential for more movie discussions as well as possible growth in dedicated users. That depends on how the structure is handled, of course, and there's probably any number of right, wrong, and in-between right or wrong ways to go about it. As to the argument, as I understand the site now then a post about a movie can easily get swallowed up by other unrelated threads if comments are slow. It can be difficult to track if I'm looking for a thread, and that's assuming that I know a thread exists because it's sitting on random page 43 due to lack of comments.

Search works, but when it doesn't, that supplemental search page full of filters can be intimidating. Having a dedicated branch of threads (however that gets sorted) can give users looking strictly for topical conversation a static location to find it and return to it without chasing it around the thread list. I know there is a bookmark option (or whatever it's called) for threads that I want to track, but to be honest I think I've used that all of one time and only because I accidentally found the feature. I couldn't tell you how to activate that at will. *focuses really, really hard like Zach Galifianakis in Dinner for Schmucks* no. Didn't help =\

There's also an odd site culture here (IMO!), where users post completely random movies commentary in threads like What Are You Watching Tonight? That seems to fill a void as it appears popular, but really it's all just one-off hits. If any discussions start, I would image they get swallowed just as threads do in the general lists, assuming minimal conversation is taking place. It's a quick in-and-out for bite-sized reviews and little room for honest conversation. I can understand if a new user pops in for conversation, but not able to find it, pops out. I have no proof of that, I'm just stating that I can empathize with one who might do that. Threads like TWD or GoT or any other ongoing series shows that there is discussion to be had, but those are popular topics and those threads seem to hang around the first or second page more than most. I think that approach is halfway there, but it does little to support lesser known threads for other shows and movies. If anything, those few threads at least show that there is desire for dedicated conversation. Though this may only be a correlation that they have high page counts due to popularity of the show rather than as proof that dedicated threads are some solution to a perceived problem.

I honestly think that SOME type of structural considerations could be helpful to the site as a whole. Again, that depends on the goal and how it is handled.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

As long as its user-friendly. I could never follow IMDB's forum. This forum is like most forums I have belonged to, simple enough to enjoy.

I think we should get rid of the kickers in fantasy football. Oh, sorry. Wrong thread. Dammit! Still stuck with those lame ass kickers I guess.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Out of those, the film log.
A proper list of what you have watched.

One thing I'd like is a "Next" and "Previous" alphabetical function on MoFo's movie pages, but we spoke about that before and Yods says it's down to MoFo's connection with TMDB.

Damn, I shoulda gone with the Searchable Log, but I wasn't sure what it meant. I have been wanting an expanded/updated list section for a while - but I'd go with the Log thing over that, if it's like Letterboxd.


I mean, other sites have it. Why not here, Yoda?

Trouble with a capital "T"
It can be difficult to track if I'm looking for a thread, and that's assuming that I know a thread exists...

I know there is a bookmark option (or whatever it's called) for threads that I want to track, but to be honest I think I've used that all of one time and only because I accidentally found the feature. I couldn't tell you how to activate that at will...
The bookmark option is called Subscribe to a thread. It's easy and effective. When you find a thread you want to Subscribe to (bookmark) you do this:

Tools>Subscribe to this Thread>Add Subscription

Then to check your subscribed threads click User CP and there listed is all the threads that you've subscribed to...and it shows you threads with recent post.

Also there's a link to View All of your Subscribed Threads. It's one of the best features on the board. I'm currently subscribed to 73 threads. You can delete subscriptions at any time too.

I think the search engine is very inconsistent. Definitely the thing I want improved most
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I vote for a bot that automatically posts pics of cute Asian girls in Female Beauty We Appreciate every day at noon.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.