Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The last movie I saw was Robocop 2015 I saw everybody slating it and wated to see how ot compared to the originals myself - blah it was dire. Absolutely awful, pretty much all special effects and briefly touching the story line.

I think the best I can do is give it 2 out of 10.

Ghostbusters 2.

Rick Moranis and Annie Potts had the best parts it was enjoyable watching them mess around when they became boyfriend/girlfriend. Apart from that the story was shite.

Welcome to the human race...
Once Upon a Time in the West -

(also, this movie looks hella good on a cinema screen)
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Bigger Stronger Faster* (2008)

This film takes an honest view at steroids in American culture. Very informative, well done documentary, really is one of the best documentaries I've ever watched...

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Dragon blade...actually Jackie Chan played serious in this movie, although SPOILER!!! I expected him to die at the end of the movie 8/10

Son of God...it's the movie closest to the Holy Scriptures, but still some flaws 9/10

Slow West...slow, but fun 8.5/10

The Dead Lands...Awesome!!! 10/10

Sicario, Denis Villeneuve.
I'll have to agree with everyone who's raving about it. It's a really good movie. Like, really good. It's merciless, powerful, violent. Nothing is pretty down there at the border between Mexico, Arizona and Texas, and Villeneuve really makes it obvious with many long shots of miles and miles of desert and cold, ghostly skies. One of the best things is how the story is built and how its shifts from one main character (Blunt) to the other (Del Toro) towards the end of the movie. There really is no room for both, it's a land of wolves and wolves only.
The soundtrack is also worth mentioning, minimal and super effective
Definitely one of the best movies I've seen in theaters this year.

Goodnight Mommy, Severin Fiala and Veronika Franz
Nice psychological horror that in the last part grows more and more bloody. Thinking about it, the plot twist was super obvious from the beginning but I'm not the smartest guy in town so I was pleasantly surprised by it.
Cinema Italiano.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Inside Out (2015)

Wow!!! Where was this Pixar? This is probably the best thing they've done since Toy Story!
A film without a bad guy or a love story but with such creativity and depth! The soundtrack is also beautiful!


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (George Miller, 1981)

Well, it's definitely better than the first one, much more than I expected. The acting is more solid, especially by Mel Gibson (though I wouldn't say it's great either), the script s*cks a little bit less, the sountrack is better and the general plot is way way better - that was probably the element which made this a much better sequel than the first one.
I also liked the fact that the story develops from the first one, instead of just copying what was already done! I disliked the ending, too much plot holed for my taste, but overal it's a very solid film.

Master of My Domain
National Lampoon's Animal House (Landis, 1978)

Really loved this one. First off, as always, Belushi is hilarious (might cause controversy, but Belushi > Aykroyd) as I enjoy his style and humor. To think that this was his second film ever is amazing. For the film itself, it was all over the place, filled with an abundance of supporting characters - one might criticize this aspect as being hectic, but for me it meant good synergy. The raw anarchic nature is what makes this a classic.


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick, 1972)

What to say about this glorious piece of film? I feel humbled by witnessing such a genius as Kubrick himself was shouting to all my senses! The colours, the music, the script, everything so damn perfect! Since the opening scene till the twisted brilliant last segment, Kubrick makes you travel through the mind of Alex, makes you feel everything he feels... Stanley Kubrick was no regular man, he was a true artist, an immortal!


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Definitely more of an 80's action flick which I know a lot of people from my generation love but is a negative for me. I really love the look and feel of this world but the characters in this one ...not so much. This movie even has me rethinking my love for Paxton. I like Ripley but not nearly as much as the first one. In fact everything in this one is a couple steps below the first for me and I am not even the biggest lover of that one ever. All in all I am glad I am finally getting to these movies but they won't be replacing Star Wars as my favorite franchise any time soon.

Jumper (2008) - Doug Liman

- I appreciate it. Entertaining and cool flick nothing more than that. The plot is pretty interesting and got a nice potential. Young cast is also good imo.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Welcome to the human race...
So I guess The House of 1000 Corpses and The Lords of Salem get negative ratings?
I currently have House of 1000 Corpses as a
and it (along with Zombie's Halloween remake) were in the top half of my "worst movies" list a few years back. I have not seen The Lords of Salem but it's anything like the other Zombie movies I've seen I can probably afford to miss it.

Walk of Shame

Better than what I was expecting. And what a sexy actress, she would make a good barbarella!


Bill paxton and matt mcconaughey in a crazy film about a father that gets a "message" from god telling him to start killing sinners.

The Amityville horror

Never saw anything amityville but I've heard the name before. I didn't know it was just a Shining rip off.
It was alright.. a lot of obvious horror film tricks crammed into this one, seemed like it was very 'by the book' horror.

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8 1/2 (1963)

No doubt immaculately filmed and the autobiographical story was brilliantly executed but I just found this all a bit exhausting and hard to enjoy. It has left me intrigued so i'll hopefully get to watching it again ASAP.

Maybe after how i felt about La Dolce Vita I was expecting too much.

with room for improvement.