

Continental countries that share land borders with other countries have a hard time suppressing the virus because someone infected can just cross the border, which they can do even if borders are officially closed by crossing ilegally over land.

That's why I think that for these countries the pandemic will last either: Until the vaccine is developed and deployed in large quantities to inoculate the population or when herd immunity is naturally achieved through the deaths of a large number of people.

In certain regions of the world fatalities appear to have been high enough to develop some herd immunity: in New York 20-25% of the population already developed immunity to the virus. In other regions that were even more severely affected such as Guayas in Ecuador, Madrid, and Castilla La Mancha in Spain. I think that herd immunity has already been mostly achieved. Which can be noted as death rates have quickly declined in those places:

Just a question: how does a certain number of deaths bring about "herd immunity"?

It would seem the only thing that could be a catalyst for herd immunity would be a constantly increasing number of infected who recover (create the necessary anti-bodies) whether they were symptomatic or carried the virus unknowingly without symptoms...

(Although, since I know little about herd immunity, I don't know how a certain number of recovered could effect it either! Unless anti-bodies are contagious just like the virus is... but I never heard of anti-bodies being communicable.)

Just an aside for those that take data from the Worldometers website - I noticed a small error in figures on one section of their site which I have attempted to alert them to. Two of the last three days the total number of new cases for the continent of Africa when looked at under the 'yesterday' tag has not tallied with the sum of the reported figures for the individual countries/territories (for instance figures for yesterday show a grand total of 4694 new cases whereas the total of the individual figures actually comes to 4798).

We had a Denny's in town setup tables in their parking lot to make an outdoor dining area. That was the most comical thing I have seen
Not sure it’s legal to set up chairs & tables in a parking lot. They have to be set up where cars can’t come. Otherwise gas stations, et al. would have dining areas out front.

Continental countries that share land borders with other countries have a hard time suppressing the virus because someone infected can just cross the border, which they can do even if borders are officially closed by crossing ilegally over land.
The U.K. has the highest number of cases after the USA so being an island without borders per se has not helped them one bit.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Praise be to the Lord ✝️

Looks like we in Connecticut will be able to resume mass the weekend of June 6/7, two weeks from now. Last mass was held on March 15.

There will be restricted seating, etc. Just signed up to be a greeter.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but experts have said that there's no proof anyone who's had Covid-19 and recovered is actually immune.
I read that in samples of people from South Korea that appears to be the case. We are not 100% sure because we don't know how only it lasts given that the virus only got into humans 6 months ago.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I read that in samples of people from South Korea that appears to be the case. We are not 100% sure because we don't know how only it lasts given that the virus only got into humans 6 months ago.
I hope that turns out to be the case. I'm getting tired of wearing a face mask

The U.K. has the highest number of cases after the USA so being an island without borders per se has not helped them one bit.
I didn't mean every island country would be able to supress the virus, I mean that only island countries could supress the virus. Also, currently Brazil is number 2 in cases and Russia is number 3.

*sigh* Sadly had to remove both Western Sahara and Greenland from the list
The former declared 3 new cases yesterday whilst the latter declared just the one new case. Hopefully both can regain that their green status in due course.
Faeroe Islands - 187 cases, all recovered
French Polynesia - 60 cases, all recovered
Macao - 45 cases, all recovered
Eritrea - 39 cases, all recovered
Timor-Leste - 24 cases, all recovered
New Caledonia - 18 cases, all recovered
Saint Lucia - 18 cases, all recovered
Dominica - 16 cases, all recovered
Saint Kitts & Nevis - 15 cases, all recovered
Falkland Islands - 13 cases, all recovered
Seychelles - 11 cases, all recovered
Papua New Guinea - 8 cases, all recovered
Saint Barthélemy - 6 cases, all recovered
Caribbean Netherlands - 6 cases, all recovered
Anguilla - 3 cases, all recovered
Saint Pierre Miquelon - 1 case, recovered

People of Chinese descent in Canada feel the heat of racism from ordinary people and also from Bryan Adams.

People of Chinese descent in Canada feel the heat of racism from ordinary people and also from Bryan Adams.
This is just silly. And saying something sexual to her? How is sex related. Lol

Well one thing, maybe a huge baby boom in 7 months.

Guys, how are you? What do you do at home?
I don’t even know which movie to watch ...

Dominica no longer green as 2 new cases reported today
Faeroe Islands - 187 cases, all recovered
French Polynesia - 60 cases, all recovered
Macao - 45 cases, all recovered
Eritrea - 39 cases, all recovered
Timor-Leste - 24 cases, all recovered
New Caledonia - 18 cases, all recovered
Saint Lucia - 18 cases, all recovered
Saint Kitts & Nevis - 15 cases, all recovered
Falkland Islands - 13 cases, all recovered
Seychelles - 11 cases, all recovered
Papua New Guinea - 8 cases, all recovered
Saint Barthélemy - 6 cases, all recovered
Caribbean Netherlands - 6 cases, all recovered
Anguilla - 3 cases, all recovered
Saint Pierre Miquelon - 1 case, recovered

Things are reopening here. My county moves to the "green phase" on Friday. Salons and some sports leagues are opening with that. We seem to have it better than most for a few reasons, but we'll see what this results in.

Yay, Greenland have regained their green status
Unfortunately New Caledonia have lost theirs though with 2 new cases which went unnoticed by me until now
Faeroe Islands - 187 cases, all recovered
French Polynesia - 60 cases, all recovered
Macao - 45 cases, all recovered
Eritrea - 39 cases, all recovered
Timor-Leste - 24 cases, all recovered
Saint Lucia - 18 cases, all recovered
Saint Kitts & Nevis - 15 cases, all recovered
Falkland Islands - 13 cases, all recovered
Greenland - 13 cases, all recovered
Seychelles - 11 cases, all recovered
Papua New Guinea - 8 cases, all recovered
Caribbean Netherlands - 7 cases, all recovered
Saint Barthélemy - 6 cases, all recovered
Anguilla - 3 cases, all recovered
Saint Pierre Miquelon - 1 case, recovered