

I only read half a sentence that describes what this is and it includes "watering-hole" "refuge" and "frightened".

Clearly, I'm in.
Ironically, I was slightly drunk when I watched it, but I think the doc offered a highly detailed portrait of the regular customers of the bar, with this extending to the staff members, the backstories/thoughts of a few of the regular customers, and even a few kids trying to get drunk in the back. Some people may have trouble relating to a group of alcoholics, but l saw tragedy in how the bar, where the unorthodox behavior of the various customers was welcomed and fit that environment, was about to close for good. In most other settings, many of those people would be seen as immature, but in there, the bar acted as a refuge for them, albeit a temporary one.

Overall, highly recommended.

One of my favorite films that year, but not a documentary, although it seems, I might be wrong. "I'm proud I became an alcoholic after I was already a failure, because failure alcoholics are boring."

One of my favorite films that year, but not a documentary, although it seems, I might be wrong. "I'm proud I became an alcoholic after I was already a failure, because failure alcoholics are boring."
I was curious, so I went to Google it. Here's an article I came across:

It looks like it's actually a cross between documentary and fiction.

Excellent documentary. COVID as seen inside China from the inception to the present time.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I have zero interest in golf, but I enjoyed this documentary. What a complex character Tiger Woods is. Aired before his latest catastrophic car crash, but plenty of other misjudgments to explore.

Interesting documentary about the legal conflict between a lesbian couple & the sperm donor for their youngest daughter.

I hate to be tacky, but Marcos is one heck of a crazy delusional bitch. Fascinating viewing though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This is the documentary that forced Edward R. Murrow to resign
"Harvest of Shame"
Not according to Wiki:
Murrow's last major TV milestone was reporting and narrating the CBS Reports installment "Harvest of Shame," a report on the plight of migrant farmworkers in the United States. Directed by Friendly and produced by David Lowe, it ran in November 1960, just after Thanksgiving.

Murrow resigned from CBS to accept a position as head of the United States Information Agency, parent of the Voice of America, in January 1961. President John F. Kennedy offered Murrow the position, which he viewed as "a timely gift." CBS president Frank Stanton had reportedly been offered the job but declined, suggesting that Murrow be offered the job.
Murrow resigned from CBS to take a higher profile position in the U.S. Government. It was a career move, he wasn't forced according to his wiki page.

There is this addendum:
Murrow was a member of the National Security Council, a position for life—led to an embarrassing incident shortly after taking the job; he asked the BBC not to show his documentary "Harvest of Shame," in order not to damage the European view of the USA; however, the BBC refused as it had bought the program in good faith. British newspapers delighted in the irony of the situation, with one Daily Sketch writer saying: "if Murrow builds up America as skillfully as he tore it to pieces last night, the propaganda war is as good as won."
That incident didn't cause a resignation either.

Cross-post from my Movie Loot thread, but...

My friend Brian Skutle invited me to his podcast, Sonic Cinema, to talk about documentaries. If anyone's interested, here's the link to check it out...

Sonic Cinema - Episode 95 - Discussing Documentaries

That website has the Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts links for those that prefer those platforms, but I also think it's available on Spotify. Check it out and I hope you like it!
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Interesting documentary about Yves Saint Laurent.

The cost of haute couture is unbelievable. Ditto the work put into these garments.

The Wrecking Crew] This looks interesting, despite Stirchley's views
It's a nicely done documentary which highlights some of the top studio guys in that era. They make a little too much of it being an actual group or guild of guys who were routinely hired.

But it's true that studio guys were the actual musicians on some of the late '60s rock band's initial recordings. Then the rock musicians learned the parts to take on the road.

But every one of those studio guys were the best in the business, and they were fast. Time is money, and these guys didn't take long to record.

This Syrian woman has been living with her 4 children in a tent under a Greek underpass for 2 months. Cannot even imagine how she keeps herself & her kids clean, but she does.

Four sad stories of Syrian refugees.