Worst/Weakest/Least Favorite Movie In a Series


"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series was quite interesting in terms of its continuity (adding a remake in 2003 and a prequel to that film came out in 2006). However, the worst in the series IMO is 1994's Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation aka Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Despite it being known for early performances by Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger, the movie was a total failure in which there was some sort of Illuminati-organization behind what goes on with the Sawyer family (now comprised of Leatherface and brothers Vilmer and W.E.). The even more sad thing was that the film was written and directed by Kim Henkel, who co-wrote the original 1974 classic.
It's All About the Movies

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation, OMG. I was 12 when I caught it on cable back in the later 90s and even at that age I knew I was watching something atrocious.

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The truth is in here
Star Wars - The Phantom Menace

Alien - Alien: Covenant (Haven't seen the crossover movies, but this was a huge disappointment)

Spider-Man - The Amazing Spider-Man. It's an all right movie, but not really as fun as the other ones. Haven't seen The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Hulk - The Incredible Hulk is incredibly forgettable. Hulk was far more interesting, not to mention the Hulk acted more like the Hulk.

The Godfather - The Godfather Part III, that being said it's very underrated actually.

Back To The Future - Back To The Future III, and it's still one of my favorite trilogies of all time.

Planet Of The Apes - I've seen most of the movies, but not the remake and War For The Planet Of The Apes. My least favorite would go to Battle Of The Planet Of The Apes, but you know what? It's still pretty good. I think this might be one of the film series I had most fun watching.

Final Destination - The Final Destination is the only truly bad installment in the series. The fifth movie was at least decent, but this was so lazy and poorly put together with uninteresting characters that it was just irritating to watch. I dreaded it from the start, but wanted to see all of them since I think it's a cool concept. But it was just bad. The first three movies are the ones I recommend.

Beverly Hills Cop - Beverly Hills Cop III, just doesn't capture the magic of the first two.

Cube - Cube Zero, I hate this movie so much I don't even want to think about it.

Jaws - Jaws: The Revenge despite what everyone says is not funny enough to be certified so-bad-it's-good. Mostly it's really boring and you feel like literally nothing of importance happens at all until maybe the last 20 minutes. I will give it credit though for creating one of the most famous plot holes of all time: the shark swimming all the way to Bahamas. Now that's genius writing!

Friday The 13th - Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives I never understood the love for. There's being self-aware and clever, and there's trying so hard it's painful. I didn't care for ANY character in this movie. NONE of them. Not even Tommy was as interesting as before. The story was pretty much nothing, and the final fight is not exciting. I like the part where they are on the boat, that's it. Luckily, the series redeemed itself a little with New Blood.

Shrek - Shrek The Third. This is mostly a good series, but this one missed the mark. It's not a bad sequel, there are far more offensive ones out there. But it's just... bland. If you took this movie out, it wouldn't have any impact on the series, save Shrek and Donkey each having kids.

Ice Age - Continental Drift. Okay, I've always been of the opinion that this series only ever needed one good movie, or one good and one decent. That's it. The rest of the sequels are completely unneccessary, and by the time this one arrived I had just grown tired of them. I can't even imagine how bad Collision Course is.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Star Wars - Attack of the Clones

Indiana Jones - Have only seen 1 and 2,

Lord Of The Rings - Fellowship of the Ring

Alien - Alien 3

Terminator - Watching them this year, so excited.

Jurassic Park - Don't remember if it was 2 or 3, but both were pretty subpar.

Batman - Batman and Robin

X-Men - Watching all this year

Spider-Man - Spider-Man 3, although I actually quite like all of them.

Iron Man - Iron Man 2

Hulk - Never liked any of them.

Transformers - Stopped torturing myself after 3, so maybe 4 and 5 are worse, I just wouldn't know.

With Terminator, the first two are easily the best and the rest can be skipped, although you'll still want to see them for completion's sake. But the series definitely takes a big tumble downhill after T2.

Seeing as the new Fifty Shades movie is coming out soon that series will be eligible for this now that it's three movies long. They all look absolutely terrible and they'd be a funny addition for this simply because picking the worst would actually be fun. I've go no interest at all to ever see them.

Death Wish is another I remembered. Seen all but the second film and from my memory I actually enjoyed the original the least. I don't dislike it but I found 3-5 more entertaining. The upcoming remake looks pretty good.

Black Panther is the newest addition to the MCU and so far has been well-received. I'll be seeing it tomorrow. I've liked all the MCU films so far, even Iron Man 3 which is my least favorite but still a film I like. They've kept consistantly good quality so far.

I'll do the mainstream horrors!

Friday the 13th: Part 6 - Jason Lives!
Absolute tosh; the first friday the 13th was a great and refreshing movie, the 2nd film built on the first but felt a little bit like retrod ground, Part 3 is my favourite film in the series and its the movie I think of when someone asks me to think about the Friday the 13th films. Part 4 was my favourite but a recent rewatch has really knocked it down in my estimations its got waaay too much padding and all the deaths pretty much happen in the last 20 minutes, part 5's a return to form with a good original idea that doesnt outstay its welcome...but part 6...Part 6 is the shark jumping moment if ever there was one...for some reason they thought that the franchise could benefit from a weird dark comedy streak running through it. as a result all the teens are overly cocky and they play quite a bit of the movie for laughs. this film was also the point where Jason went from super strong but ultimately still human killer. to supernatural super zombie...and it just sucks so bad in my opinion...I will watch part 6 only once more in my life. and it wont be for a good while yet...

Nightmare on elm street - Part 5 - the dream child
Okay; so Part 1 is a classic, part 2 is a deeply underrated classic and part 3 is a brilliant continuation of the 1st film; fleshing out the characters and adding some much needed backstory to proceedings that nicely tail off the first films storyline. it's great. Part 4 is a somewhat sharp decline in terms of script, acting and general quality...but part 5. I hate part 5 with an absolute PASSION. not because it's worse than part 4; objectively part 4 is worse than part 5 on almost every level technically. but what I hate about part 5 is the fact that they actually had a really good idea (a pregnant woman keeps getting thrown in and out of reality and the dream world because Freddy is entering her feotus's dreams) and they just pee it away so unceremoniously that I totally lost all respect for the film. the idea had so much potential and they really could have messed with the audience in playing up whats really happening in the real world and whats being implanted into the lead's reality by Freddy...and they just do non of that. there are grand set pieces and clear indicators that "This is all a dream now" its so obvious and literal it hurt...It's also Robert Englunds worst performance as freddy in my opinion and just totally devoid of creativity...there are a couple of okay effects shots...but even the effects shots suck in that film...much like friday the 13th one that I'll probably only ever watch 1 more time...and then I'll probably file it under "Bin"...thank god that "Freddys dead" came along and did the whole dark comedy but with straight horror thing (Much better than Jason lives did at any rate)

Halloween: - Part 5.
Parts 1 and 2 are classics. Nuff said really. I'd argue that part 1 on its own is not only essential horror but essential cinema, Carpenter hits it out of the park. Part 3 is one of my favourite movies of all time. A brutally neglected horror cult classic thats slowly getting the respect it deserves. its absolute gorgeous. Part 4...eh...part 4 sort of limps by...it has good cine and some decent direction but the scripts a bit lacklustre and Im not a fan of the soundtrack...good ending though...but part 5...*Shudders* part 5 is just an absolute mess...a poor script that just stops and never really properly resolves coupled with tired performances fromt he core cast...the weird introduction of mysticism and the supernatural to the franchise...which...was just odd and out of place to me. and a general feeling that this was made to make money rather than to actually be good. I'd rather sit through "Halloween: Ressurection" than part 5 again...and that film features Busta rhymes...ugh...part 5's baad...and by proxy it pretty much tainted the films around it (Part 6 was no masterpiece...even if the producers cut is better than the theatrical cut)...the franchise wouldnt recover again till H20...and Im really hoping that the new movie doesnt dissapoint this October

Black Panther is the newest addition to the MCU and so far has been well-received. I'll be seeing it tomorrow. I've liked all the MCU films so far, even Iron Man 3 which is my least favorite but still a film I like. They've kept consistantly good quality so far.

Black Panther is another winner from Marvel. I have a tough time ranking the MCU as I really like and enjoy all the films in their own way. Iron Man 3 is my least favorite but I still enjoy it very much. It's impressive how the MCU has kept consistantly good quality that even their lesser films are still solid.

The World's Most Dangerous Man
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. While visually beautiful, it's the only Star Wars movie that I would rate as low as 6/10.
Rocky 5 was the worst of the Rocky movies. A 6/10 from me. The movie felt a bit tame...
I regard the LotR movies and the Hobbit movies as one series and the first Hobbit movie was the worst movie in that series. Just too childish for such a great franchise. 6/10.

6/10 seems about right for the Phantom Menace. It's not bad but ultimately feels like the least consequential and essential film of the series.

It dawned on me The Maze Runner is eligible for this with the third film that came out not long ago. I enjoyed all three of them and am sort of hard-pressed to pick a least favorite as they all sort of blur together for me.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
The last Jedi for the Star Wars films and the last Hobbit movie the battle of the 5 cgi armies. I don’t recognise them with the Masterpeice that is TLOTR but my least favourite would be the return of the king. Least favourite blade by a large margin in blade 3.

The last Jedi for the Star Wars films and the last Hobbit movie the battle of the 5 cgi armies. I don’t recognise them with the Masterpeice that is TLOTR but my least favourite would be the return of the king. Least favourite blade by a large margin in blade 3.

What about the rest of the series in the original post?

I notice more and more Star Wars fans are expressing displeasure with The Last Jedi. I'll watch it again soon and how how it holds up. I liked it the first time but definitely noticed some of it's issues. It'll be interesting to see if my opinion on it sinks next time I see it. More and more are saying it ruined Star Wars for them.

Originally Posted by I_Wear_Pants
I barf on this thread for the 1000000th time

That was a most insightful and meaningful contribution Why not just ignore a topic that disinterests you? Not exactly a monumental task to accomplish.