Teeter_G's Top 50

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I love Bridge on the River Kwai, Citizen Kane and The Pianist, but I'm not the biggest fan of Forrest Gump either although I probably owe it a rewatch sometime.

Anyway, Teeter_G's list...

The Matrix

The Dark Knight

Iron Man

The Avengers
The Exorcist

Mystic River
Never Back Down

Reservoir Dogs
Gran Torino


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The Amazing Spider-Man

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels


Fight Club
(underrated, more people seem to like it for it's style rather than genius dark comedy/story)
Green Street

I really like this list, like many have mentioned you haven't just included classics or art house films for the sake of it, people watch films for different reasons and enjoy all sorts of stuff, this is clearly a list of films you love, and so it should be

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Green Streets at number 2 . As someone mentioned, football factory, rise of the footsoldier and the business are better films than green streets. American History X is a great film, I cant complain about that making number 1.

I've said this on other lists. A personal list is that, personal.

It's one of the main reasons I changed my own a week or two ago. My original had some personal choices, but others were put in high places and others were chosen to kind of "fit in"... but I thought, nah... I'm doing it again, which is why a number were dropped like Rocky films and Rambo films, True Grit and so on... and why LOTR trilogy and Star Wars Trilogy got pushed lower down the rankings too.

I like this list, have repped all of the choices. Though there are some films that I don't like myself, it's teeter_g's list and I like reading up on what other people are into.

I get that everyone has their own opinions, I mean that is why I made my list, to show my opinion. I appreciate everyones' imput.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

If you liked Green Street, you should adore The Firm, one of the best out there, the 1989 film that is and not the later Nick Love one.

I didn't enjoy the next film as much but you might like it, try Awaydays:

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I'm not saying that this list can't or won't possibly change in the future. Who knows, after I watch some more movies these movies may not even make the list any more. Anyway, thanks again you guys for checking out my Top 50 and giving me your feed back. I'm sure there will be a Top 50 Redux in the future.