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That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I should add that I earned the Blade of Fire technique last night. Maybe it was the night before? Dang. Have I already posted that?? Anyway, I turned the difficulty back down to whatever "normal" is and I sliced through the guy like warm buddah.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I'm playing two games at the moment,

One is a personal project as I'm hoping to do a historical write-up of it: Final Fantasy III.

The other is this,

I'm playing Super Mario RPG every Monday with a friend of mine. We've been playing games every Monday during this whole lockdown time. How we do this via COVID is to call each other up, start up the game, and then touch base over a convo of the wheres-abouts of where we are in gameplay. So far it's worked out nicely and it's kept us from getting too much cabin fever. Never played SM RPG before, and I'm glad I suggested to try this game out... it's surprisingly smooth, artistic, and entertaining! Definitely recommend.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Also. Prepping my room for a 20 inch CRT TV, complete with most any console I can find and CIB games that I think are relatively stellar and should be owned...

Also. Prepping my room for a 20 inch CRT TV, complete with most any console I can find and CIB games that I think are relatively stellar and should be owned...

ahhh my childhood
u better keep them as ur memories!!

Also. Prepping my room for a 20 inch CRT TV, complete with most any console I can find and CIB games that I think are relatively stellar and should be owned...

There’s a 20” Sony Trinitron Wega in NC thats been looking for it’s forever home. Just perfect for a retro gaming setup.

You ready? You look ready.
Hello beautiful.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Moving on to Little Nightmares 2 after finishing Last Campfire (which got pretty tiresome by the end), and it definitely feels more like Limbo so far than the first one. It still has unique style though.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
The artwork of Little Nightmares implies something cute, with a spooky vibe. What's that about? Yeah, I could just goto YouTube, but I'd rather hear opinions

Slightly on topic, does anyone play horror-themed games? I've never been able to. The closest is maybe Bioshock. I tried F.E.A.R. once, but that tripped me out a bit. I could never get into Resident Evil, either. I totally get those of you laughing at this point, but it is what it is. I don't care for the then famous jump-scares. Concepts are great. Atmosphere, cool. Horror. Alrighty! But jump scares feel cheap and I hate the adrenalin bursting sensations when they occur. For that, I usually don't explore the genre.

I saw a title last night on the PS4 store that got my attention. A few video clips show it to have an atmosphere of Demon Souls? ish? But darker? It's called ....ah crap. I forgot... It's got an "O" in the one-word title that's shaped like a sideways shark jaw. Not Lore. oh. Agony.

Anyone play Agony on PS4? Or anything similar?

The Adventure Starts Here!
The artwork of Little Nightmares implies something cute, with a spooky vibe. What's that about? Yeah, I could just goto YouTube, but I'd rather hear opinions

Slightly on topic, does anyone play horror-themed games? I've never been able to. The closest is maybe Bioshock. I tried F.E.A.R. once, but that tripped me out a bit. I could never get into Resident Evil, either. I totally get those of you laughing at this point, but it is what it is. I don't care for the then famous jump-scares. Concepts are great. Atmosphere, cool. Horror. Alrighty! But jump scares feel cheap and I hate the adrenalin bursting sensations when they occur. For that, I usually don't explore the genre.

I saw a title last night on the PS4 store that got my attention. A few video clips show it to have an atmosphere of Demon Souls? ish? But darker? It's called ....ah crap. I forgot... It's got an "O" in the one-word title that's shaped like a sideways shark jaw. Not Lore. oh. Agony.

Anyone play Agony on PS4? Or anything similar?
I'm worse than you in this regard then. Meaning, I play Minecraft on Peaceful, and I hesitate to enter Skull Cavern in Stardew Valley unless I've got the best sword the game offers and it's not dark outside here at my house.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Anyone with a PS5:
Can you tell me if the streaming app menu is customizable, static, or if Sony randomly moves and changes your streaming app menus for no apparent good reason like it does on the PS4?

That may be the one thing that I truly hate on this thing. I pay for a few services. Those should be priority. If not for that, then for the fact that they are my most used apps. If not for that, then at least because these apps are actually installed rather than randomly throwing up app icons into my menu that----takes a moment to calm myself---THAT I HAVEN'T EVEN INSTALLED!!!!

So, played Portal. Didn't finish it. I think I got to level 12 before calling it quits. The game is just too repetitive for my liking, but the puzzles were a lot easier than I remember.

EDIT: Never mind.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
So, played Portal. Didn't finish it. I think I got to level 12 before calling it quits. The game is just too repetitive for my liking, but the puzzles were a lot easier than I remember.

EDIT: Never mind.

awwwe no fair! what was the nevermind!?

I respect that you played through 12 levels. That'll do, MonnoM. That'll do. Just watch a youtube video for the final level and be done with it. Thanks for posting the update!

awwwe no fair! what was the nevermind!?

I respect that you played through 12 levels. That'll do, MonnoM. That'll do. Just watch a youtube video for the final level and be done with it. Thanks for posting the update!
I just asked a question about Xbox Game Pass. I got my answer elsewhere. Now I'm just wondering if I have to have a microsoft store account to use it. I'll find out soon enough.

Ha, I already did. The second I quit I looked up the ending on youtube. Have to say I was a little underwhelmed.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I just asked a question about Xbox Game Pass. I got my answer elsewhere. Now I'm just wondering if I have to have a microsoft store account to use it. I'll find out soon enough.

Ha, I already did. The second I quit I looked up the ending on youtube. Have to say I was a little underwhelmed.
Fair enough and I can't fault you for not liking stuff. You gave it more attention than probably anyone else with similar feelings would have bothered to. whadaboutportal2??? hmmmmmm?

Maybe that's another youtube option, to at least hear all of J.K. Simmons' lines. Especially the lemonade one.

Started playing The Outer Worlds. It's giving me serious Fallout/Mass Effect vibes and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Started playing The Outer Worlds. It's giving me serious Fallout/Mass Effect vibes and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
mass effect is releasing legendary edition with all 3 mass effect games