Animation Hall of Fame


The Last Unicorn is a film I really enjoyed when I was a kid. It has a darker tone, and occasionally more mature themes than you'd typically find in a children's film today, but to me that's really what makes it memorable and worthwhile, even to an adult audience. I'd say that The Secret of Nimh is similar in that respect as well, but that film didn't stick with me the same way The Last Unicorn did. I have no idea how this film will be received for those of you who have no nostalgia for it, but if nothing else you might enjoy Christopher Lee's performance.

Castle of Cagliostro (1979)
Nominated by Rauldc
I think this is the only Miyazaki I haven't seen.

The Last Unicorn (1982)
Nominated by CosmicRunaway
I tried watching this once and turned it off. I guess I'll have to try again.

The Secret of Nimh (1982)
Nominated by Clazor
Like a lot. Seen it many times since childhood. Own it on DVD.

Night on the Galactic Railroad (1985)
Nominated by Jal90
Never heard of it.

All Dogs Go To Heaven (1989)
Nominated by Topsy
Loved this when I was a kid. Not so much now. Own it on DVD.

Genocyber (1993)
Nominated by Guaporense
Never heard of it.

Treasure Planet (2002)
Nominated by MovieMeditation
I saw this in the theater and vaguely remember liking it. We'll see what I think of it now.

Tokyo Godfathers (2003)
Nominated by Miss Vicky
Love it, obviously.

Madagascar 2 (2008)
Nominated by Tatt
I've seen it. I own the DVD. I vaguely remember it being okay.

Wall-E (2008)
Nominated by GBGoodies
Seen it a million times. Absolutely love it. Own it on Blu-Ray.

Waltz with Bashir (2008)
Nominated by Camo
Blind bought this for the animation countdown. Loved it. Voted for it. Have been meaning to watch it again anyway.

Saw 5/11. Out of those there's two i'm not gonna rewatch because there's really no need, i've seen them enough that my opinion is pretty much cemented. They are WALL-E which is one of my favourite Animated films and All Dogs Go To Heaven which was a favourite as a kid but watching it as an adult it didn't hold up for me personally and i only think it's ok now. Other than my own nom i've also seen Castle of Cagliostro and Secret of Nimh: need to see both again.

From the ones i haven't seen Treasure Planet is actually one of the films i want to see most. It's one of eight disney animated classics i haven't seen so the completionist in me is looking forward to it. Tokyo Godfathers as well since it is the only Kon i haven't seen. Don't know much about Guap, Jal or Cosmics noms they look interesting. I watched the first Madagascar when i was 9 or something and barely remember anything about it.

Good selection.

I didn't nominate it to win, and I'm sorry, I could had nominated a movie I know a lot would like but one of my favorites is this one, another one I like a lot was Megamind, I checked the list of animated films of wikipedia then add a tab for every movie I personally loved, but the thing is that there are a LOT of good animated movies, I didn't saw a lot of the new ones, so I was kind of thinking that the older the movie, the more likely for you to have seen it. I said it earlier too, I only know well-known movies so I though I would go with something new that some may not have seen

I am also asking that the committee agree to whether a certain "film" be allowed to be in this HOF, coming up tonight.
What is this Raul? And who the hell are this mysterious committee?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
What is this Raul? And who the hell are this mysterious committee?
Genocyber. Is it a movie/series and is it even accessible? And will GBG even watch it?

I say no. It's a TV Series: Guap knows about the controversy this caused with Destiny last time and he went and did the exact same thing. Why can't he just be normal and nominate a movie?

Sorry not trying to stir up drama, but there was no need for him to nominate a show with his knowledge of animation.

I've watched

That is, The castle of Cagliostro, The secret of NIMH, my pick, All dogs go to heaven, Tokyo Godfathers, Wall-E and Waltz with Bashir. All of them are pretty great, I quite recently got into Don Bluth and loved these two nominations. I don't know what I'll rewatch, but probably the last three will take priority. And of course the four I'm missing.

Camo, Genocyber is an OVA. Seeing that it's only 5 episodes, and that it was originally released in a home video format, it still applies. We can consider it as a mini-series and its overall length is acceptable for this HoF. I'd say yay.

1-1 then. I'm not saying i'd drop out because of it but i am saying if someone else was going to (lets hope it doesn't come to that) i'd rather they stay in than Guap, since he's the one that always needs to be awkward. I mean this is the second time this has happened with him and there was a tonne of bitching about it last time. Was it really that difficult for Guap who loves animation to come up with an actual movie?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
That's what I don't get. I read his top 100 animated thread and there was no talk of a movie like this. So you are telling me he couldn't find anything else.

I think at least 5 of us would appreciate if he changed his nomination, and quite frankly I'll be pissed if people quit because of his antics.

If this had been brought up for consideration for the Animation Countdown, I'd have disqualified it. This isn't a movie, it's a mini-series. The fact that it was released straight to video doesn't somehow transform it into a movie.

I say no.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I've just made a decision, and I'm sorry if it angers anybody.

I will NOT be accepting Genocyber as a nomination here. I'll give Guap some time to search for a replacement.

If this had been brought up for consideration for the Animation Countdown, I'd have disqualified it. This isn't a movie, it's a mini-series. The fact that it was released straight to video doesn't somehow transform it into a movie.

I say no.
What about Puella Magi Madoka Magica? You said it was a movie and I said it was a series, but it's actually both

What about Puella Magi Madoka Magica? You said it was a movie and I said it was a series, but it's actually both
PMMM actually had a theatrical release and for the countdown I specifically said from the start that any or all of the three films could be voted for (but would be counted as three separate films). PMMM 2 made the countdown.

The rules of this HOF were that any film that qualified for the countdown would qualify here as well, so if he had nominated one of the PMMM films (again) that would've been fine. Annoying, but fine.

I had another nomination in case people objected. They are both of the same lenght: 150 minutes. The version of Genocyber that I have is a 150 minutes long video file.

Raul I give you a replacement then.

I watched 8/11 here. All good among those I watched.