The MoFo Top 100 of the Seventies

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jaws, taxi driver, star wars, and the godfather all have decent chances of winning.
I would guess so. In the 1990's list most people were betting on Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas took the prize, in the 1980's list most people were betting on Raiders and The Shining won. Now most people are betting on The Godfather.

Don't see the thing with A Clockwork Orange.

Most overrated film of all time methinks.

If I made a Top 1000, it'd probably be in the 900s somewhere. Maybe.
With Young Guns taking the 1000th spot, of course.


I don't see the point in conforming because everyone else says they like those films.
I don't like them... and I'm saying so.

I watched The Jerk last night after seeing it discussed here.

I was thoroughly underwhelmed. I didn't laugh or even crack a smile the entire movie.
Me neither.
Well, that's you being Miss Vicky. I liked The Jerk.
No, it's because The Jerk isn't funny. Y'know, like most movie comedies.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The Jerk relies to much on clown like humor for it's attempted laughs and it really didn't work on me, I'm with honeykid on this. However I did laugh when Steve Martin exclaimed

I'm a N*gger!
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

My biggest LOL moment in The Jerk was when his black mother tells him that he is adopted and then Martin cries out:

"You mean I'm gonna stay this color??"

Priceless delivery.

I thought it was a solid comedy, but it won't make my list.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

If I was sitting next to someone during this movie and they didn't laugh out loud at at least two of those scenes, I think I'd assume they were an alien.

Are these decade threads like what I did with the horror list a loooong time ago?