Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Blind Beast (1969)

A nightmarish, psychosexual, grotesquely provocative and haunting film.

Swan, you'll love it.

The Beyond (1981)

This movie does a great job at setting the mood with it's look and musical score. I went into it thinking it would be overly cheesy with bad special effects, but I didn't feel that way at all; I thought the effects were just fine for it's time. A must see for horror fans, and a movie that would be great to see on the big screen.

These posts make me oh so cheery.

Ex Machina (2015)

Oscar Isaac is great in this!

It's OK, but unfortunately it isn't nearly as smart as it thinks it is. Basically it just portrays a certain concept in science fiction that has been done many times before (I won't tell which one or that would be a spoiler) in what's in my opinion kind of an implausible manner. Many plot points don't really make any sense and the characters are pretty interesting at first, until they ultimately become too dumb for which kind of person they're supposed to represent.

Apart from all that, it's still a pretty good and well made atmospheric thriller that offers a cool sci-fi environment and a few surprising scenes along the way. I definitely enjoyed it, but with all the praise it got, I just expected it to be a little bit better and smarter than it ultimately turned out to be. I would still definitely recommend it.

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Buried (2010) - Rodrigo Cortes

The idea was pretty challenging for a feature film, with only one character inside a coffin for 90 minutes...the problem was to keep it going for that long...well, I would say, it's partially succeed in its attempt...it was tough anyway...

7 out of 10
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

Identity (2003) - James Mangold

Most of these kinds of films falter in the end, and the promises that were made earlier come to a barren finale...this was a bit different because it kind of regained its strength to the last stage, what otherwise seemed going towards a perfect predictable ending...it deserves credit for that but having said that, felt it had taken it bit too much...

7.5 out of 10

Exam (2009) - Stuart Hazeldine

Again, a film within a room...I thought the idea was good, but it really couldn't carry it through...

6.5 out of 10

This is going to be unpopular, but I need to rant about this...

Mad Max: Fury Road

I love Mad Max and enjoyed this as a mindless action spectacle, but it's definitely the most overrated movie of the year so far, and doesn't begin to touch the first two films (which were far from mindless and not gratuitously violent as some have stated elsewhere). The script here is practically non existent. It's like Miller sat there with the suits and they said, Hey George! People love that tanker chase in The Road Warrior so lets make the whole movie like that. Forget about the personal touch the original films had, just throw an endless series of stunts and twisted metal at the screen and people will flock to see it. I find it hard to believe there wasn't major studio tampering with such a big budget on the table. Let's throw in a logic defying faux-twist to ensure the protagonists meet head on again for yet another mind numbing chase sequence. Is this really the best script Miller and co could source after a thirty year hiatus from Max? I doubt it.

There's virtually no character development (save for Nux who has the only thing resembling a redemptive arc) and thus I experienced no sense of excitement or tension because I didn't care about any of said characters. Tom Hardy is so vacant and lacking in charisma as Max; he looks like a startled rabbit caught in the proverbial headlights - what a shame they couldn't take a leap of faith and stick with Mel Gibson who was still only mid fifties when they shot this. Theron is great in a Ripley-esque kind of way and the (hardly original) feminist undertones are fitting considering the origins of the genre, but why the hell is she talking with an American accent? Surely an actress of her caliber could have given it some ocker passion. I know it wasn't shot in Oz, but a huge part of Mad Max for me is the Australian identity and this incarnation seems to toss much of that aside. It just doesn't have that strange, crow cawing atmosphere the first films had and as such merely looks like the world of Max on steroids.

Thankfully those looks are fantastically realised and repetitive as they may be, the action scenes are impeccably staged with a minimum of CGI tampering (save for that horrible dust storm sequence, and understandably Immortan Joe's impressive looking citadel) The costume and vehicle designs hold an admirable level of steam punk detail that would make Terry Gilliam proud, and for brief stretches I almost forgot about the complete lack of soul the movie has. Despite this it's highly watchable on the level of Costner's Waterword (odd to think that very similar Max inspired movie got luke warm notices whilst this has received raves) and perhaps more importantly seems to have successfully rebooted (though it isn't one) the Mad Max franchise. I just hope Miller has the moxy to re-cast Gibbo (or anyone but Hardy) in a more personal and restrained sequel. Wishful thinking perhaps, but I sincerely believe that less is more, George...less is more.

Sin Nombre (2009) - Cary Fukunaga (Mexican Drama)
A real Noth American movie - made in Mexico about Hondurans with an American director. This is a good film about some Hondurans trying to migrate to the U.S. It is made more interesting by one of them being a gang member who has just killed the head of his gang. My only real criticism is that it felt a bit sanitised in parts - the gang members look the part but the efforts to show their bad behaviour didn't quite work for me. Still, a good film.

I have Rollerball recorded from TCM as I know HK is a big fan and he wants me to watch all the films on his 100. I have no idea whether I'll like it or not

This is going to be unpopular, but I need to rant about this...

Mad Max: Fury Road

I just hope Miller has the moxy to re-cast Gibbo (or anyone but Hardy).
Hate to break it you, but I've read that Hardy has signed on for three more Mad Max films.

Mel "Sugar T*ts" Gibson is finished as Mad Max.

Anyway, I think Hardy did just fine acting wise and had the physique to make his character's actions believable. I do agree that the film was lacking in story and character development, but I had too much fun with everything else to care.

How the hell does Mad Max 2 score higher than Rollerball? Seriously? How does that happen?

UF's review is the kind of thing which has me questioning myself. Usually this is exactly the kind of film I don't want to see and I had no interest in it before, but there's just something which makes me think I might enjoy it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

UF's review is the kind of thing which has me questioning myself. Usually this is exactly the kind of film I don't want to see and I had no interest in it before, but there's just something which makes me think I might enjoy it.
Watch it.

I'm probably going to see it again this weekend or maybe next Monday since it's a holiday and we're closed.

Week End (1967) - Jean-Luc Godard (French Comedy)
My new favourite Godard movie - a great mix of horror, comedy and social commentary. It's a crazy look at upper class Parisians escaping to the country for a "nice" weekend away. A really enjoyable movie.

The Fighter (2010) - David O. Russell *rewatch

- This is one flick that I cannot stop watching and love it more and more every single time. I love every characters and every performance in that flick. One of the best sport flick that I've ever seen and the best flick by David O. Russell
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Week End (1967) - Jean-Luc Godard (French Comedy)
My new favourite Godard movie - a great mix of horror, comedy and social commentary. It's a crazy look at upper class Parisians escaping to the country for a "nice" weekend away. A really enjoyable movie.

Can't wait for this, I'm pretty sure I'll love it. After my exams are finished there are so many hopefully great Sixties films I've got to watch

How the hell does Mad Max 2 score higher than Rollerball? Seriously? How does that happen?

Rollerball sent me to sleep in parts, Mad Max 2 didn't.

Master of My Domain
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

Really shows that sci-fi is all about ideas, not effects, and how those ideas lead to the ultimate message the film is trying to tell us, which is the main difference from the crappy 2008 remake. I also liked the old, sort of campy look of the film, I though it was awesome. Overall good, and not great.
