What are you doing at this very moment?


Texting - I hate texting, but cant call (dont ask). My fingers are too big for this crap. Isnt there an online place to send and receive texts that is free?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul
happy turkey day, mofos!!

i am up getting ready for work and its gonna be a long day. i cannot wait to come home already to eat my traditional pizza after work. hope its a good day and goes quickly.

see you all when i get back.....

Happy Thanksgiving Em, and the rest of you all.

Just put turkey inoven, a bit of a late start cause it was not all the way defrosted, but all going well now.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I havent been around her much had problems with the laptop again, the replacement charger that we got given by the guy who fixed the laptop decided to melt inside the charger port and get stuck, then not charge at all. He has fixed it now and we are up and running again... (but for how long)

In the picture thread I have posted some pics of our newest member to the family... Peaches a 2 year old shih tzu we are so happy with her she is stunning and very friendly she has slotted into our family nicely. Just need to train her to make coffee now
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul
just staying off my latest oh crap move!!!! i fell yesterday at work and sprained my ankle.

and just watched THE best football game EVER!!

undefeated, babeh!!!!

Oh, I love Season 3. I think season 4 is better, (and John Lithgow gives the kind of performance that people think Tony Hopkins gives in SotL) but I liked Season 3 a lot more.

I can always count on HK to have the exact opposite opinion I do. I like all four seasons quite a bit, but I think season 3 is probably the weakest. Not much weaker than the others, but a bit. But really, I find all of them far closer to each other in quality than I do in any other show of at least as many.

I don't know if I could choose a favorite, though. I like the other seasons for very different reasons and it's hard to parse it all out. I usually have stronger opinions about this sort of thing, but it really goes out the window with Dexter for whatever reason.

Anyone mind if I move a few of these posts to the Dexter thread, by the by? I'd love to drum up some more discussion in there, particularly about the current season.

What can I say? I'm an unusual guy.

I'm fine with moving the posts, though I would say that Dexter's only upto season 3 on dvd and season 4 on tv over here. I only mention it because I'll definately stay away from anything I think will be season 5 related and other non N.Americans may do the same if they don't want to find anything out. Season 4 had less impact for me because I read something about one of the actors in another programme. It's hard not to put 2 and 2 together.

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul
watching wizard of oz again as julesee and the dog naps on me.

i am writing a new short story so stay tuned for updates...