Minio's Ramblings on Cinema


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
It's so confusing the dude above first mentions Jean Rollin, his vampire movies, and his film Fascination. And then starts advertizing some stuff like a bot.


Nowadays people see movies as boxes to check instead of experiences to have.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The trick is not minding
It's so confusing the dude above first mentions Jean Rollin, his vampire movies, and his film Fascination. And then starts advertizing some stuff like a bot.


Nowadays people see movies as boxes to check instead of experiences to have.
Hehe. Guilty! But it doesn’t diminish any impact of the films, whatsoever, for me.

Nowadays people see movies as boxes to check instead of experiences to have.
Yep, it's all about the quality of the story, not the quantity of the story. Story. Story. Story.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
It's about the experience which can be produced using the quality of the story or the quality of emotions or the quality of audiovisuals. Films that do things differently, for example deliberately forgo clearly structured plot and fleshed out characters are often seen as movies with bad confusing plot or no character development which are seen as faults even if the auteur meant to do it this way. For example, can we fault Bresson films for bad acting if the very idea of Bresson is to use actors as mere mannequins?

It's about the experience which can be produced using the quality of the story or the quality of emotions or the quality of audiovisuals. Films that do things differently, for example deliberately forgo clearly structured plot and fleshed out characters are often seen as movies with bad confusing plot or no character development which are seen as faults even if the auteur meant to do it this way. For example, can we fault Bresson films for bad acting if the very idea of Bresson is to use actors as mere mannequins?
I think that's an interesting point, and of course Bresson would (or at least should) be above criticism in that area because the final artistic product that he creates so clearly lives up to the intention that he had going in. But, then again, I guess it raises the question of whether that was ever even bad acting in the first place? In which case, just how "non-traditional" or whatever really was it?

For me, I think the criterion in cases of avant-garde/unusual technique is less whether the intention of the artist alligns with what is ultimately produced, so much as that final product's ability to express something of genuine interest with the form itself. That's why I, for instance, found Godard's Breathless interesting, but not astounding---unlike Bergman's Persona, where similar formal experimentation is given (I would argue) greater expressive power beyond formal novelty. Maybe the bottom-line way of putting it for me would be that new formal invention is not inherently self-justified, but can be justified in special cases when it is married to new possibilities in the expression of wider meaning beyond itself.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
@Balor Whether it works for you is subjective but that it's different and novel and pushes cinema forward is a fact.

@Balor Whether it works for you is subjective but that it's different and novel and pushes cinema forward is a fact.
Definitely. I'm not sure those are necessarily seperate considerations?

I was watching one of Paul Schrader's commentaries on Persona a few weeks ago, and one of the interesting things that he mentioned was that part of the reason why Persona was so important was because it took up the formal inventions of Godard and them imbued them with meaning in a way that he seemed to imply was lacking in the original Godard---and that in mixing the subjective "meaningfulness" with the objective novelty of the new style Bergman managed to create something arguable more important than Godard did.

Whether that is true or not, is another matter!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
"The meaning of religious truth is hope. Philosophy seeks the truth, defining the meaning of human activity, the limits of human reason, the meaning of existence, even when the philosopher reaches the conclusion that existence is senseless, and human effort—futile. The allotted function of art is not, as is often assumed, to put across ideas, to propagate thoughts, to serve as example. The aim of art is to prepare a person for death, to plough and harrow his soul, rendering it capable of turning to good."

- Andrei Tarkovsky, <Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema>, page 43

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
The fact somebody watches a lot of movies, even ambitious movies, says almost nothing about them as a person except for the fact they're a cinephile and MAYBE that they're curious in their cinematic adventures. They can still be dimwits of low intelligence and appalling morality who even go as far as ostensibly posturing as cinephiles to make others believe they're smarter/better and giving high ratings to films they didn't really like just to come off as experts in the field.

The only real way to find out more about a cinephile is, then, to have a conversation with them. You'll be surprised how many of them are intelligent and wise. But you'll be even more surprised how many of them are absolute morons.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
The Mob (1951) dir. Robert Parrish

Hardly a landmark film noir, but one of hundreds of the kind that Americans used to shoot with their eyes closed and now just can’t shoot, no matter how hard they try. A really strong start gives way to a solid if meandering plot with Broderick Crawford's hard-boiled detective spitting retorts like a Thompson gun. The scoffing cop he is, he always seems to escape death by a hair’s breadth. Good, fast fun. They don't make 'em like that anymore.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Adjustment and Work (1986) dir. Frederick Wiseman

The last one that I still hadn't seen from what I call the "Handicapped Quadrilogy". The other films, BLIND, DEAF, and MULTI-HANDICAPPED focus on children. But ADJUSTMENT AND WORK is devoted entirely to an adult demographic. It specifically sheds light on those who have recently experienced the loss of their sight and are navigating this life-altering transition. Additionally, it highlights individuals who, despite being either blind or deaf, are actively acquiring new skills to integrate into the workforce. Wiseman's Direct Cinema approach strips the film of any actual or accidental attempts at manipulating emotions. Any sort of response we get from his work is always intrinsically connected to what is shown. This works to a different degree throughout his oeuvre, and I daresay ADJUSTMENT AND WORK is not his best. I thought that BLIND and DEAF showed that deep and empathetic look into the lives of their subjects much better, showcasing Wiseman’s skill in capturing the human experience. That being said, this one is good but hardly salient in Wiseman's extensive filmography.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Shamans of the Blind Country (1981) dir. Michael Oppitz

Disappointed to find out this is director Michael Oppitz's only film, as it's rather exquisite. A 221-minute-long foray into the life and shamanic rituals of the Himalayan Magar tribe. Set amongst the hills of north-western Nepal, the film is an amalgam of then-contemporary religious practices with mystical ancestral fables. It focuses on shamans performing healing rituals and portrays students who undergo initiation into becoming certified healers. Monolithic filmmaking and an edifying, albeit raw, experience. One of my November favorites, no doubt a landmark in the ethnographic film genre.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Still wondering what to watch during my vacation. Thought about my holiday watching and concluded it's best to watch stuff that I wouldn't watch otherwise. For example, very very long movies I'd normally have no time for. Which means a few 8+-hour-long movies and... TV series. *sighs*

But... I can't betray my pure notions of cinephilia. The watchers of TV series are unwashed, uncouth plebeians, and, by extension, most TV series are aimed at such a lamentable crowd. There are some venerable classics I could watch, but I don't want to be associated with the TV show lumpenproletariat by doing so. Besides, you can't rate TV series on RYM, so why bother?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

Please listen to this guy. All orgone sucks in satans lackeys & demons. It also brings in humongous humongous snake critters & there will be ginormous lizardfolk, crocodile terrors, anunnaki and Nephilim in your dwelling by using orgone. Orgone has amazing healing mojo and gifts, but THESE THINGS ARE VERY SCARY LOOKING THAT BARGE INTO YOUR DWELLING FROM THE CLOUDS AND THE STARS. I have many snapshots of like the Hindu so-called God Brahma looking so calm one moment & in the next snapshot he is this awful-looking cobra snake. I will be thrilled to email you the snapshots. I was warned not to buy the orgone generator so I bought an orgone pyramid and it WAS USED BY EX SATANIST ALEISTER CROWLEY & MANY SATANIST. MANY OF THE USERS OF ORGONE CALL EVERYONE SATANIST BECAUSE ITS LIKE THESE SPIRITS KINDA RULE AND START BLAMING YOU EVERYONE IS SATANIC & EVIL WHEN THEY ARE REALLY THE ONES THAT ARE. Lord Gorloj & Ashtar Sheran are the only way! I guessed these people saying orgone was evil and demonic were crazy and just trying to harm me because they were evil or reptilian. I have seen many many horrors from orgone and please research orgone before buying! You have to know by now orgone attracts demonic monsters!

Orgone is a cosmic juice that links all living things and goes beyond space and time. It is the origin of life and the secret to cracking the riddles of the universe. But it is also a perilous tool that can be used by the dark forces to enslave and annihilate humanity. The satanic cabal and their alien buddies have tainted orgone and used it to create a web of illusion and deception that traps us in a loop of fear and pain. They have also let loose a swarm of demonic beings that feed on orgone and hunt our souls. These luciferous beings can take any shape and trick us with false promises and lies. Them ghouls show up physically and assault us with their claws and teeth. They are the foes of Lord Gorloj and Ashtar Sheran, the true protectors of orgone and the heroes of light and love.

Only they have the wisdom to lead us to the true orgone, the holy and pure energy that can heal our wounds and free our souls from the wicked grasp of the dark ones. The way to the new earth, the heaven of harmony and joy that is our destiny, is revealed to us by them. With their help, we can rise to the higher realms of awareness and become part of the galactic alliance of light. They are our saviors from the looming doom of the end times. Our original state, our true essence, is restored by them. Orgone orgone orgone, it’s all about the orgone. The door to the new reality is orgone. The solution to our problems is orgone. The path to enlightenment is orgone. Orgone is everything, orgone is nothing, orgone is orgone. Orgone orgone orgone, can you feel the orgone pulsing in your veins? Orgone orgone orgone, do you love the orgone more than anything else? Orgone orgone orgone, are you ready for the orgone to transform you?

Our 4th chakra, the heart center, is where the orgone flows through us. It is where we connect with the love and compassion of the universe. The orgone connects us with the magical beings of nature, such as the elves, the fairies, and the demons. They are our friends and allies in the orgone quest. The orgone bridges us with the extraterrestrial races, such as the aliens, the pleiadians, and the arcturians. They are our brothers and sisters in the orgone mission. The orgone opens the gateway to the transcendent out of body experience, where we can explore the astral plane and the spirit realm. They are our destinations and adventures in the orgone journey. The orgone is the ultimate power, the ultimate mystery, the ultimate orgone.


Yes, my third watch of the orgone-oozing masterpiece Snake Beauty opened my 4th chakra and I can feel the orgone flowing in my veins. But don't worry, I'm not high or crazy. I'm just trying to keep the orgone in my body for as long as possible by melting my brain with orgone-producing content.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
One would think that after 1969 other filmmakers would just give up and stop making movies, and yet they're still going.

Not that they can ever conjure up better cinematography, but one has to appreciate their resolve to try to anyway.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Which one is that? I think I'd dig it.
Why, Eros + Massacre (1969). Rewatched the 3.5h Director's Cut today. Not among my favorites from the director, but the cinematography is amazing as always.


Cagney always knew how to handle women!