Cat Chat on 97.1 MoFoFM


Has Miss Vicky ever bought lingerie for her rats?
Contrary to what you might think, I've never dressed up any of my rats. Also I typically get males so lingerie would just be kind of weird. I only have one rat at the moment though and if I tried to put anything on him I think I'd end up bloody.

And I'm guessing @Miss Vicky ditched her bra the second the second she walked in so she's FREE and LOOSE!!!
I did indeed. I'm in a light blue tank top and some dark blue shorts. I was wearing scrubs earlier. I run really hot so I don't like to wear long sleeved or heavy clothing. I also usually wear nothing at all to bed.

Sounds like you should write a book or a blog. I don't know what it is but anyone who has clients kinf od wants to read about other peoples' ****ty clients. Misery loves company.
I'm far too lazy to keep up with a blog. I have actually written an unpublished book, but it's fiction and not at all related to my work.

I scanned over the questions so if I ask something already asked just let me know.

I lived in Anaheim and Garden Grove and L.A. for a bit back in the mid 80s. Was in Palm Springs in the early 70s as a wee kid. You ever visit any of those areas?
I've only been to southern California maybe three times in my life - twice to visit Disneyland (though the last time I went to Disney was when I was like 14) and once for a Lindsey Buckingham concert.

Sorry have to run, wife just got off work . This looks like fun, hope I can join in more next time. Take care all.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Oh I know it to be a fact. People are moving and can't be bothered to take the pet with them. The pet is older and not as cute. The owner didn't do the research and bought a breed that doesn't suit them and they can't be bothered to find a rescue or another home or work with a behaviorist/trainer. Or in one case, the man's wife was pregnant and he didn't think he could handle a baby and a dog so the dog had to go.
I don't think I could do that job. I'd be the one taking in all those pets and trying to find otehr homes, and end up like the Simpsons crazy cat lady.

I do find it a lot easier on the internet. I think a lot of it is just an issue of self confidence and also being heard. I'm rather soft spoken so getting a word in can be an issue. Plus I'm not as worried about how I look and what the other person is thinking of me on a superficial level.
WOW, I'd have guessed you were loud. Do you not find yourself attractive? I don't mean in a sense that you run around going "Aaah I fancy myself so much, I may as well just stay home watch porn and rub one out" of course...

But a big thing too is the ability to edit myself. So often I type up something and then don't post it because it's too harsh and I have second thoughts. So often I yell expletives while I actually type something much more tactful.
I sometimes edit myself too. I know what you're thinking..


I just leave in the expletives. It's cathartic to swear. Also healthy for the heart.

What's your worst habit?
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

I did indeed. I'm in a light blue tank top and some dark blue shorts. I was wearing scrubs earlier. I run really hot so I don't like to wear long sleeved or heavy clothing. I also usually wear nothing at all to bed.
This is amazing information.

I didn't think Americans slept in the nude.

I'm far too lazy to keep up with a blog. I have actually written an unpublished book, but it's fiction and not at all related to my work.
Oooh, what're you going to do with that piece of work???

Miss Vicky, what was probably the worst moment of your life so far?
I've been really fortunate to not have any terrible injuries or have any close friends or family members pass away. Probably the worst moment was when I was in the hospital after my gall bladder removal surgery in absolutely excrutiating pain begging the nurses to give me some dilaudid or morphine IV and all they would offer was some Vicodin tablets because they said it was too soon for another injection. They also got angry at me for screaming from the pain.

I didn't think Americans slept in the nude.
Cricket has been known to take nude naps.

Oooh, what're you going to do with that piece of work???
Nothing, really. I've sent it to several MoFos to read, but only Sleezy ever actually read it all the way through.

I've been really fortunate to not have any terrible injuries or have any close friends or family members pass away. Probably the worst moment was when I was in the hospital after my gall bladder removal surgery in absolutely excrutiating pain begging the nurses to give me some dilaudid or morphine IV and all they would offer was some Vicodin tablets because they said it was too soon for another injection. They also got angry at me for screaming from the pain.
Do you still have your appendix and tonsils?

Cricket has been known to take nude naps.
Cricket also runs around in the woods nude. He's a wild American.

Nothing, really. I've sent it to several MoFos to read, but only Sleezy ever actually read it all the way through.
Was it fantasy/drama/romance/sci fi/thriller or horror?

Ok probably not horror.

That's interesting that you haven't had family members pass away yet. My whole family's practically dead. Even my father is on his way out now, it seems.
My grandmother passed away while I was holding her hand, but she was almost 92 and had been in hospice care for awhile so I had time to process and accept it.

My dad's had a heart attack and a stroke but keeps on going.

I think it helps that my dad's side of the family is relatively small and there was no mom's side of the family until a little over a year ago. Both of her adoptive parents died before I was born and she didn't have any siblings with them.

Do you still have your appendix and tonsils?

Was it fantasy/drama/romance/sci fi/thriller or horror?
It was part drama, part romance, part erotica. Mostly gay. And depressing. Depressingly gay?

Not really? I mean, I'd like to see parts of Europe but I absolutely HATE traveling. I hate airports. I hate planes. I hate road trips and I get super EXTRA bitchy when I've been stuck inside any kind of vehicle too long.

Not really? I mean, I'd like to see parts of Europe but I absolutely HATE traveling. I hate airports. I hate planes. I hate road trips and I get super EXTRA bitchy when I've been stuck inside any kind of vehicle too long.
Take calming **** and zone out. Europe's worth it. Plus, airline staff are trained to deal with uncomfortable BITCHY travelers. Any part of Europe in particular that attracts you? Don't say France....

Why gay? What attracts you to the gay lifestyle?
I never wrote it with the intention of having anybody read it. I write for myself, or wrote rather. I haven't written anything in awhile but I did it mostly to entertain myself.

Everything else I've ever written revolved around heterosexual relationships, but those stories were also horribly depressing. So I challenged myself to write a simple boy-meets-girl love story with a happy ending. I got absolutely nowhere with that and somehow it morphed into a love pentagon? between a man, two other men, and two women.

As for my interest in gay culture, I'd say that simply stems from being a social reject in school so I made friends with the other social rejects and as it turned out many of them were gay.

Take calming **** and zone out. Europe's worth it. Plus, airline staff are trained to deal with uncomfortable BITCHY travelers. Any part of Europe in particular that attracts you? Don't say France....
Italy and Scotland. Don't give a damn about France.

Italy mainly for the ancient ruins. Scotland because there are those two crazy Scotsmen that I met on this one weird online forum...

It's not as unusual as you think. I once dreamt I got kissed by a gay man.
I watch gay porn. I don't watch much porn, but I go for the gay stuff when I do watch it. I figure 99% of porn is made for men, so if I'm gonna watch stuff that's made for men I might as well watch the stuff that's made for men who like men.

Italy and Scotland. Don't give a damn about France.
Good. I mean, I'm not knocking the sights, fact, I'm knocking the cooking. Yeah, I said it. I had the WORST French onion soup of my LIFE in the champagne district in France.

Italy mainly for the ancient ruins.
Lived there for a while. You'll get amazing food, amazing sights, often equally bitchy people, but in an extroverted way. They tell off. EXPLOOOODE with lots of gesticulating and volume.

Scotland because there are those two crazy Scotsmen that I met on this one weird online forum...
I'm going there next. Will report back if it's as wild as they say.