"Getting To Know You" Song Tournament


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I know it hasn't been decided yet who will receive the nominations, but when is the day that you are, as of right now, still planning on the deadline being? Was it supposed to be started by this coming Friday?

I am only asking so I know I have all of the songs sent long before then. Truth be told, I haven't finished my list. I actually need a few more days to work on this (it isn't as easy as I thought it would be ). I like knowing that I have the time to give it some thought, but I don't want to be lazy about it. And that is why I was curious to know when you are hoping to still start this tournament. Having a maybe deadline for the nominations will push me a little to think a little harder about the last few that I need.

I was going to wait until about Wednesday or Thursday, and then post here asking how people were doing with their nominations, but I don't expect the tournament to start before Friday, or maybe even as late as Monday depending on how quickly people can decide on their nominations. I know that some people are already done, but some people may need some extra time for their nominations, so I want to be able to give them enough time to decide on songs that they're happy nominating. But if everyone is ready earlier, then we might be able to start earlier.

I haven't finished my list of nominations yet either, and I started thinking about them before I even posted about it on the other thread.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just want to let everyone know that I received a message from Sexy Celebrity saying that he is dropping out of this tournament because of his own immature reasons. (I'll let him explain it to everyone if he wants to do so.)

I just want to let everyone know that I received a message from Sexy Celebrity saying that he is dropping out of this tournament because of his own immature reasons. (I'll let him explain it to everyone if he wants to do so.)
This is exactly why I'm dropping out -- because of you speaking about me like this. I'll never participate in another one of your tournaments.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This is exactly why I'm dropping out -- because of you speaking about me like this. I'll never participate in another one of your tournaments.

Why don't you tell everyone the REAL reason that you're dropping out?

Why don't you tell everyone the REAL reason that you're dropping out?
Because it's none of their business.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Just remember, you're the one who closed the door behind you, not me.

And just for the record, (for anyone who might be curious), his reason to drop out has nothing to do with THIS song tournament, or who's collecting the nominations.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Just saw the post in the chill club. If no one else has offered yet I'd be willing to accept and then forward on the nominations to help out

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Just saw the post in the chill club. If no one else has offered yet I'd be willing to accept and then forward on the nominations to help out

Thank you for helping us out. Basically we just need someone to accept the nominations by private messages, and forward the complete list to me without the names of who nominated what songs. If you know how to use a randomizer, (such as random.org), it would help if you could randomize them before you send me the whole list, but if not, that's okay too. Just make sure that there are no usernames with the songs. I can randomize them when I get the list if necessary.

Also, please do not tell ANYONE who nominated what songs, including anyone who is not in the tournament. The idea is that nobody knows who nominated what songs so we can all guess, and it would spoil the surprise if it got out.

I don't think most people are done with their nominations yet, so it may take a few days for everyone's nominations to come in, but the list of participants is in the first post of this thread, and there should be eight (8) nominated songs per person.

If you have any questions, let me know. Thank You very much for your help.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
JayDee has offered to help us out by accepting the nominations for this tournament, so when you have chosen your eight (8) songs, please send your list by private message to JayDee.

I'm not trying to rush anyone. There's still time to decide on your nominations. I'll post here later in the week, (probably around Wednesday), to find out how everyone is doing with their noms.

For those of you who are new to these tournaments, if you are using YouTube videos, please link your video to the artist's name and song title, and please remember to change the "www" part of the YouTube link to the letter "m". This will make the link show up in the posts here as a text link, instead of the actual video.

If you have any questions about this, let me know. Thank You.

It's 100% sure I don't win that tournament but I put song I love and represent me.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Can we assume we have all the participants we're going to get now Gbg? I'm getting close to having my noms decided and they'll probably be ready to send to JD tomorrow but I'll hold on if there's a possibility that we'll have more than 16 playing and some of us will actually end-up with less than the full eight .... not fair on JD to start messing and saying to remove one after they've been sent across imo.
Still taking noms for this?

This is kind of a unique tournament because of the songs being personal, so I'd rather not turn anyone away who wants to play, and I also don't really want to ask anyone to drop any of their songs, so unless there are objections, The Sci-Fi Slob can join, but we'll have to have one extra match in a few sets, (or I can do one extra set with less matches), and we'll probably have one match in one of the later rounds that has three songs.

I told JayDee to send me the complete list after he has everyone's noms. Other than randomizing the list, (if he wants to), he won't have to remove any of the noms.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Nice work JayDee, although my noms will be like an open book so no point in secrecy

I'm sure that everyone will know which are my noms too, and I'll be shocked if any of them make it through to round 2.

What the Hell. I'll rejoin if you'll have me. Let's just put the past behind us.