This is ticking me off!


Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by OG-
Man this thread is getting kinda dirty, I'm going to have to stay out of this for I fear my virgin ears may be deflowered!
Pff...uh-huh. Try selling me some other kind of B.S. cause, I'm not buying that bag!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Pish!! You know I give it out for free, ain't no selling involved! Except to steve, who gives me a penny. I figured I'd just charge by the inch.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

listening to you guys banter back and forth makes me ALMOST wish i had one of those know,..... the center of your universe.....not that i don't need one.
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by patti
listening to you guys banter back and forth makes me ALMOST wish i had one of those know,..... the center of your universe.....not that i don't need one.
Yeah...ALMOST wish, cuz then you remember that we can be turned on...and no one is the wiser. Boys get turned on and HELLO!!! You gonna poke sombody's eye out with that thing, Cowboy!

whoa sades, you are braver (and younger) than i. i like to let you and thmilin push the limits...or set them

sorry i didn't see that you were online when i was on earlier today sades...

commish, sades and i think we/you/someone should design some additional smilies.......a barf face, perhaps......and what does "sarcasm" look like? any ideas?

I can find others easily...but I'm trying to stay away from big bulky ones that are too huge...there are lots of overly huge ones that jump all around. It gets kinda out of hand. Sarcasm looks like this, IMO ->

Now With Moveable Parts
I want one that is a lovey-dovey face. I also want a barfy I can express puke when you guys get out of line...I mean, I NEVER get that out of line...EVER.>>>>>>>>

Female assassin extraordinaire.
hence, the Yahoo Mssgr Smilies ... my faves.

what's this? OG (and no one else?) had nuthin' to say to my deflowered ear joke? i made that one specially for you!!


wow, TWT, that big, eh? well I tend to have to have change for a $50 for my er, uh ... assets.

thmilin, don't sell yourself short...from the sounds of it you don't need any change...just collect those piles of hundreds...your style alone would demand them. hey, i'm not kissin' butt, just tossing out credit where credit seems due.

commish, yes i see the sarcasm face.....but i've been using that one as more of a demure/did i say that? kinda face.

Now With Moveable Parts
The is my defense against Holden, more than a sarcastic expression. It goes like this:
Holden: Blah, Blah, Blah...


Sades: I love you Holden
Holden: (nothing)
Sades: ...I was just kidding anyways...I don't love you...pff.

i love you sades, even if holden doesn't....or just won't say the words. think of Holden's silence as his accordance or know he'll speak up if he disagrees!

and sades, i love your posts; you ALWAYS crack me up

Isn't it obvious? Holden is trying desperately to act in a Jedi-like manner to earn himself some kind of mysterious reverance among the MoFos.

The simple truth is I stopped reading this thread about three days ago. I'm not reading and not responding, I'm just not reading.

Well, now I'm reading and not really responding.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Now With Moveable Parts
He just responded, patti! We're gaining haedway! Quick, say something flirty to him! Oooh...I will...okay:

um...Holden...what are you wearing right now...

Holden, do you always get this much attention? your name comes up (in threads/posts/my dreams) ..ahem....more often than the word "movie"! think of it as a reward for your awesome contributions......unless you don't like the that case i don't know what to say...