This is ticking me off!


How do I edit my profile?

How do I take the quizzes? It keeps telling me that I'm not logged in even though I know that I am!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Maybe you shouldn't be so ******* stupid?!?!?!
Horror's Not Dead
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Maybe you should just gobble it!

You got nothin to put in my mouth, so maybe it would best if you just shut the hell up.

How mature. Zwee: go to the dropdown menu labeled "The Forums" up in the right-hand corner and select "Forum Options." From there you can edit your profile, options, and other things like that. As for quizzes: there's a bug that has some people unable to access them...I'm trying to figure it out. The quizzes are listed as under construction for the time being as a result of that, and something else.

Oh, and shutup worship the pole.

I'd like to point out three things:

1)TWT knows Jared's Uncle is Zwee.

2)Peter just schooled the f--k out of Zwee

3)This should be in the feedback/suggestions forum

I admit i do like the pole, but only when your mom is dancing around it TWT.

(I can't say anything to OG)

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally posted by Jared's Uncle
I admit i do like the pole, but only when your mom is dancing around it TWT.

Originally posted by Jared's Uncle
(I can't say anything to OG)
Can you say O-W-N-E-D?!?!

If it's big enough for my mom to dance around, it sure as hell ain't yours. And yeah, Peter owned your a**. You can tell he sits in his room practicing this crap all day.

If this is going to turn into a mom thing. Then OG you need to stay out of it cause i dont want to hurt your feelings.

By the way thanx for the advice TWT. Ohhh... and your mom told me to tell you "hi" as she was leaving this morning.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally posted by TWTCommish
If it's big enough for my mom to dance around, it sure as hell ain't yours. And yeah, Peter owned your a**. You can tell he sits in his room practicing this crap all day.
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!! Zwee just start packing your backpack, cuz TWT just took you to school! And no I don't!! It just flows, im up for starting an insult thread, cuz i can go all night. Plus the only reason he isn't saying anything to me is just out of respect.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally posted by Jared's Uncle
If this is going to turn into a mom thing. Then OG you need to stay out of it cause i dont want to hurt your feelings.
Yea i know, but its just so much fun!

Originally posted by Jared's Uncle
By the way thanx for the advice TWT. Ohhh... and your mom told me to tell you "hi" as she was leaving this morning.

Respect, fear, or respect through fear? What kind of a little b*tch wears a backpack, anyway?

I've never understood the "your mom" thing...what if you say it to someone who's mom is disfigured, or ugly as hell?

A little B*tch that doesn't have to be home-schooled you dork. As for the other Q: It doesn't matter if your mom's ugly I'd just put a bag over her head.

What if she's fat, too?

Damn man, didn't you see that one episode of "South Park"? Being homeschooled means I get to sit around and talk sh*t with people like you all day. Beats the hell out of going to school, where you have to talk to pole-worshippers like Steve and get freaky with the old crusty dude who teaches the English class to avoid getting an F which your old man would beat you for, assuming he'd made bail, of course.