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I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Which one?
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Haven't seen it yet, but I suppose I'll have to as it has Gregory Peck and I'm wanting to watch his filmography.

30 Seconds Over Tokyo (1944) (yes this is the second time I've mentioned this excellent war film today!)

it has Gregory Peck and I'm wanting to watch his filmography.
I'm already doing that, watching The Bravados tonight.

Haven't seen 30 Seconds Over Tokyo, but looks good, watch listed.

Ryan’s Daughter 1970

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm already doing that, watching The Bravados tonight.
Very cool. Are you watching Gregory Peck's filmography in chronological order or randomly? BTW The Bravados was in my Top 10 profile movies for a long time. I only changed it out when I put all film noir in my Top 10.

Very cool. Are you watching Gregory Peck's filmography in chronological order or randomly? BTW The Bravados was in my Top 10 profile movies for a long time. I only changed it out when I put all film noir in my Top 10.
Top 10 huh, well that raises expectation, can't wait. Watching randomly, not in order and not in a row maybe one or two a week, top 5 actor for me btw.

Children of a Lesser God 1986

Very good, love William Hurt and Marlee Matlin. Their chemistry is great. The romance is difficult and complex. It really examines the teacher's need to shroud his attraction to the janitor in an attempt to fix her.

Brute Force (1947)