Three Lefts Make a Right, and Three Rights Make a Left


If someone wants to get bent out of shape by it this is America and they are free to do that, but it's not my fault they were born white. They gotta take that one up with their parents. I already made my peace with mine.
I don't think skin color has anything to do with anything other than as a tool for those who want to wrongly use it. A bigger problem is people pointing to an example like the one we talked about, wrongfully deeming it racist, and then saying people who voted for him are racist. That is exactly what has divided the country.

You ready? You look ready.
The biggest problem is that people voted for Trump: known cheat, liar, and sleazy individual.

And it was sexism that divided this country. The racism came after.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

The biggest problem is that people voted for Trump: known cheat, liar, and sleazy individual.

And it was sexism that divided this country. The racism came after.
Hey there's a lot of things that you can criticize him for that have some validity. On the other hand you had predator Bill with the chance to go back to the White House along with his wife who tried to ruin victim's lives, among other things. The answer is get better candidates.

You ready? You look ready.
Agreed, and agreed.

That’s why I’m all in: Bullock 2020. I even made a campaign contribution. First one ever. And I plan on saying his name a lot more over the coming months because he is the ONLY candidate that currently scares Republican pundits.

Agreed, and agreed.

That’s why I’m all in: Bullock 2020. I even made a campaign contribution. First one ever. And I plan on saying his name a lot more over the coming months because he is the ONLY candidate that currently scares Republican pundits.
Does he have any chance though? Warren, Harris, Biden, and Sanders seem like the clear front runners and they all get a big no from me.

You ready? You look ready.
@cricket: Yes, he does. He has won 3 elections in a red state, he won a lawsuit against the Trump administration, and he expanded healthcare in his state with a Republican majority in his state’s legislature. He latched onto the only true way to beat Trump and that is to show up in places that voted for Trump and listen.

He is the only choice if you’re looking for a candidate that will work across the isle. And he had an outstanding performance at the first debate. Plus, he has hardly any baggage that Trump can use against him. Believe me when I say that the Trump campaign is not going to want to go up against him.

Listening to the public’s problems and making this election about them and not Trump is the only way to win. He’s the only one doing that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...That’s why I’m all in: Bullock 2020. I even made a campaign contribution. First one ever. And I plan on saying his name a lot more over the coming months because he is the ONLY candidate that currently scares Republican pundits.
But would you still support him if he wasn't gay? Or is him being gay the big sale for you?

You ready? You look ready.
But would you still support him if he wasn't gay? Or is him being gay the big sale for you?
Bullock isn't gay. You're probably thinking of Buttigeg.

Bullock and family

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh, that's right, I can't keep their name's straight. I actually like Buttigeg, based on the first two debates. More so for his personality than politics. I haven't delved into their various stances to have much of an opinion though...I'm not really a political person, more of a movie guy!

You ready? You look ready.
For me it is all about core values right now. We can make this election about Trump and his lack of values, or we can make this election about the people and how they can come together when their values are at odds with each other.

Bullock has me energized in a way that I haven't felt since I was young and dumb and voted for Obama in 2008. I believe that he genuinely cares for the people he is out meeting on the campaign trail, and I plan on supporting him the only way I know how: talk about him a lot.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cool that you have a candidate that you can get behind. Personally I'm undecided. A big part of the problem for me is I'm 50% card carrying liberal and 50% conservative, so there's never one-size-fits-all candidate for me. I need a Franken-candiate. No I don't mean Al Franken either, I mean a composite candidate that would suit me, you know kinda of like how you can build your own pizza

You ready? You look ready.
I don’t vote on party lines. This election it’s going to be a vote for anyone that is not Trump. But I would very much want it to be Bullock. Then I won’t feel bad about voting for a candidate I don’t really want all because they’re just not Trump.

This election it’s going to be a vote for anyone that is not Trump. But I would very much want it to be Bullock. Then I won’t feel bad about voting for a candidate I don’t really want all because they’re just not Trump.
I'm just the opposite. I didn't vote for Trump before but feel I have to now so as not to reward all the race baiting crybabies.

Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke after these horrible shootings-

"What do you think? You know the sh*t he's been saying. He's been calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. I don't know, like, members of the press, what the f**k? Hold on a second. You know, I—it's these questions that you know the answers to."

It's crazy. I continually hear this narrative from leftists and the media that Trump called Mexican immigrants rapists, or more often just that Mexicans are rapists. How do people with a platform get away with making these false claims? It's like the false narrative around the "there were good people on both sides" quote.

This is exactly what Trump actually said-

“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. […] When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.”

In the broader context, he was talking about illegal immigrants who come to America and commit crime. More specifically here, he's talking about illegal immigrants who are pushed out of their country by the Mexican government.

Then after these people repeat their false narratives over and over again until many of the sheep believe them, they turn around and say that it's the president who is responsible for these shootings. But who are the people who are really making Trump out to be a racist white supremist? Understandably, Trump rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but he has continually and consistently condemned racism.

people have to start by realizing that someone that does this is also committing a suicide in a way,
and people always argue or say that's based on religion, prejudice or something else,
but in my opinion, that always comes from a defective social structure, a environment,
i mean, in the old days you followed a style, a sub-culture, in britain the skinhead movement,
in america people dressed like elvis, or the punk movement, the hippie movement, i don't know
nowadays the only movement you have are extreme in a way, the vegan, environmental, nationalist...
people want to belong, and nowadays they defend there ideals like there is no other way to go,
some years ago there were many things i couldn't stand, i wanted to fight against, i didn't had a route,
and to be honest, my life could have had a big turn if i had someone holding my hand,
i'd probably do things like this man did, but thank god or someone that i fond something else,
realize something, they want to make you fell what they felt/fell, and they don't give a flying f-word,
they want to be noticed and have an impact, the same as you, i'll leave you my favorite taxi driver line:

The idea had been growing in my brain for some time: TRUE force.
All the king's men cannot put it back together again.

Must be doin sumthin right
Clinton was a creep, his supporters were delusional

Bush was a dolt, his supporters were yokels

Obama is worshiped by the elite, we hate the elitist worshipers

Trump is worshiped by racists, we hate the racist worshipers

You ready? You look ready.

Words have consequences. Let's not try and cherry pick excerpts of excerpts to portray Trump as being misunderstood. He knows what he is saying and he knows the effect it will have and any defense of it is just as culpable as the dude himself.


Words have consequences. Let's not try and cherry pick excerpts of excerpts to portray Trump as being misunderstood. He knows what he is saying and he knows the effect it will have and any defense of it is just as culpable as the dude himself.
Dead wrong. It's the left who is cherry picking, changing what he said, and removing context. The left contends that Trump said Mexicans are rapists. I posted what he really said.

Yes, words have consequences, so if anyone believes that Trump would be responsible for mass shootings, it's more likely that it's those accusers who are. The left continues to lie about what he said, which I've clearly pointed out, and then brand him a racist. Imagine a messed up kid like one of the shooters; maybe he likes Trump just like half the country does. When he watches TV people keep saying that he called Mexicans rapists, so he decides to shoot up a bunch of Mexicans. Do you blame Trump, who never actually said that, or the people who lie and say he did, thus making the messed up kid believe it? Of course, I'm not stupid enough to blame either, but you should understand the point. You do get that people who make some of these claims are either misinformed, stupid, or flat out lying?

Clinton was a creep, his supporters were delusional

Bush was a dolt, his supporters were yokels

Obama is worshiped by the elite, we hate the elitist worshipers

Trump is worshiped by racists, we hate the racist worshipers
So bizzarre I don't even know what to make of it.