Survivor 9: A Journey through the World


Has anyone every played Littlefinger from GOT before? If not I think I will go with that, I want to make sure it is an original character so if someone has done him before I have a couple of backups.

As far as a location I imagine it has to be a real place - If he were from Earth I would say as a location I pick - Delphi, Greece -

As I said before, I could guest participate or host a challenge, but that's all I can commit to. I'll explain further if anyone cares to read it.

Survivor 7, with all its twists and drama, really took a lot out of me. I worked very hard from the start of that game, then even harder after the reset that undid everything my team had accomplished. Trying to get three different groups lead by strong players to work together when each of them wanted the others out first was incredibly time and energy consuming, but it was worth it because it eventually worked and the two people I wanted into the final made it there (Dan and Raul). Even though I knew it was going to happen the minute I read the challenge, getting killed by the host during the Final 5 challenge, instead of being voted out by my fellow players, kind of killed the game for me.

Even though it was still a good time, I didn't really want to play another Survivor after that one. After much debate, I was compelled to join 8 because the set-up and promise of longer "do it at your own pace over this period of time" challenges was too good to refuse. Also, I figured out a character to suit the theme that I really wanted to play. I really did have fun being that character, playing Suspect's game, and being part of the whole murder-mystery story he was writing. However, people (including some in this thread) complained about the slow pace, and it seemed like a lot of people, a few players included, stopped caring because of it.

It seems like the audience wants live challenges, and I'm sure at least a few players prefer those as well. Due to my time zone being an hour and a half ahead of EST, combined with my early work schedule and other commitments, I just can't sign up for that. I wouldn't mind playing a few games, but after Survivor 7 I don't really want any part in the whole scheming and making alliances side of the game. I just don't have the heart for it any more.

Yeah a few games kind of killed the playing aspect for me. Had alot of fun (and frustration) during 4 and 5 but i've never been that compelled to seriously play another one, i know it's a dumb game but it takes alot out of you. Every few Survivors should flush out the old guard and a new one should rise!

Even though I knew it was going to happen the minute I read the challenge, getting killed by the host during the Final 5 challenge, instead of being voted out by my fellow players, kind of killed the game for me.
That was a lousy challenge, and I thought of an even better way that could have been handled sometime ago, but I forget what I was thinking now. I think it was -- if nobody could "hypnotize" (the challenge was called "The Hypnotist") someone into quitting the game, instead of me choosing the loser, I could have used a randomizer and picked someone in the game who would then choose someone else to leave. Instead of me picking somebody myself. I don't know if that would have been better, but, the blame wouldn't have been on my hands.

I honestly wanted to eliminate Daniel M instead of you... but I didn't want my preference for who I didn't want to win the game be so obvious. I chose you since you had won the last game.

I honestly wanted to eliminate Daniel M instead of you... but I didn't want my preference for who I didn't want to win the game be so obvious. I chose you since you had won the last game.
This actually brings to light another reason why some of us might be hesitant to play again. Past moves and old grudges have a tendency to follow players into new games, meaning it's never a new beginning for returning players.

Did Cosmic not ask you to pick her since she won the last game? Or am i remembering that wrong?
SC wanted us to force another player to quit the game, or else he'd choose who left. We didn't want to cause unnecessary drama intense enough for someone to legitimately quit (the fake drama challenge was fun, but this was something different). I offered to leave willingly myself, but was talked out of it by everyone else, so we left it up to SC.

Did Cosmic not ask you to pick her since she won the last game? Or am i remembering that wrong?
At least she can't say she made it to the Final 4 and got eliminated because "we want this other person to win because she's going through a hard time and it'll cheer her up." And after they vote you out and you have a hissy fit, Miss Needs Cheering Up quits the game, leaving her two caring friends in the finals who didn't even want to win.

This actually brings to light another reason why some of us might be hesitant to play again. Past moves and old grudges have a tendency to follow players into new games, meaning it's never a new beginning for returning players.
But I still didn't come after him. I purposely didn't pick him to leave just because I didn't want it to seem like a grudge was the whole reason. And I didn't cause him to lose the whole game, either. I would have been fine with a Daniel M win. Wasn't what I was hoping for, but I would have been fine.

SC wanted us to force another player to quit the game, or else he'd choose who left. We didn't want to cause unnecessary drama intense enough for someone to legitimately quit (the fake drama challenge was fun, but this was something different). I offered to leave willingly myself, but was talked out of it by everyone else, so we left it up to SC.
Hey -- even though I just said it was a lousy challenge... maybe it wasn't. If you are ruthless and cold enough, you'd talk someone else into quitting the game. You could have manipulated Daniel M to quit. "Sexy's just gonna rig this game so you won't win anyway," you could have lied. It's fine if you're mad, but I meant for that challenge to be challenging. You coulda survived it. Suspect probably would have tried to.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Yeah a few games kind of killed the playing aspect for me. Had alot of fun (and frustration) during 4 and 5 but i've never been that compelled to seriously play another one, i know it's a dumb game but it takes alot out of you. Every few Survivors should flush out the old guard and a new one should rise!
This sums it up for me. I loved playing 4 and 5, and I hope they'll be remembered, but I don't really feel like playing again. I love the role playing side to it, and some challeneges were brilliant so I will miss it, but the drama (as juicy as it was) was too much at times I'd happily be a guest host or whatever, though!

Survivor isn't a pit. Survivor is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling to the forum, or trusted friends, or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

Might as well get into charter now

This sums it up for me. I loved playing 4 and 5, and I hope they'll be remembered, but I don't really feel like playing again. I love the role playing side to it, and some challeneges were brilliant so I will miss it, but the drama (as juicy as it was) was too much at times I'd happily be a guest host or whatever, though!
You don't wanna play because you coulda won Survivor 5 and you just handed it over to Camo.

But I still didn't come after him. I purposely didn't pick him to leave just because I didn't want it to seem like a grudge was the whole reason.
I get that. It just reminded me of the fact that not all players can let aspects of past games go, so I thought I'd bring that up since it's a legitimate concern, especially for someone like Suspect who would have a target on his back within seconds.

It's fine if you're mad, but I meant for that challenge to be challenging. You coulda survived it. Suspect probably would have tried to.
Oh, I'm not mad at all. My goal in that game was to get Dan (and then later Raul after his return) into the finals, so I was happy to get as far as I did. When I say leaving that game killed the idea of Survivor for me, I don't mean that it was because you killed me. It was just how much work had gone into that entire game. It was exhausting, and I'm still not ready for that again.

Though after Dan, Raul, and Topsy talked me out of giving up my place for them, I thought that it would be really interesting to see what would happen after Dalek (who honestly had only been with us for the numbers) left. Could we get Topsy out like intended, or would Raul and Topsy turn on me and Dan forcing a stalemate? Would Dan, Raul, and Topsy vote me out instead? The possibilities were more interesting than what happened, since the game sort of lost a bit of momentum and it seemed like you cut things short when you went with a Final 3 instead of a Final 2.

I get that. It just reminded me of the fact that not all players can let aspects of past games go, so I thought I'd bring that up since it's a legitimate concern, especially for someone like Suspect who would have a target on his back within seconds.
I screamed and screamed and screamed and SCREAMED at people to get Suspect out in Survivor 3.

He made Final Two. He lost by one vote. Had Godoggo taken my vote (I made a public vote in favor of Suspect, she didn't take it because I made it public) -- Suspect would have been a two time winner by Survivor 3.