Derek Vinyard's Top 75 Horror movies !

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I've not seen the first two, but you obviously are getting rep for The Wicker Man. It's a brilliant film.
5-time MoFo Award winner.


The Descent (2005) - Neil Marshall

- a Claustrophobic freak. I love this movie and The Crawlers are awesome the ending is nice.


Night Of The Living Dead (1968) - Georges A. Romero

- The real first original zombie movie is an instant-classic of horror and also one of the most horrific movie of all-time I love it.


Drag Me To Hell (2009) - Sam Raimi

- This movie is scary as hell, well-acted and the mood is incredibly awesome. I love Sam Raimi as a director and he again prove it with this amazing flick. The ending is very good.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I have started to watch the "Descent" but didnt finish it.. I think we were leaving to go somewhere.. and I have seen "Night of the Living Dead"... Seen "the Collector" and Loveeeee "The Wicker Man"...

Another great set! The Descent and Drag Me To Hell are great modern horrors, and Night of the Living Dead is a classic of the genre. Keep them coming.

Like everyone else has said, The Wicker Man is classic and arguably Christopher Lee's best performance. And The Descent is awesome. Great stuff!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."


The Changeling (1980) - Peter Medak

- This movie freak me out a lot ! and imo a classic of horror with a brilliant performance from George C. Scott.


The Omen (1976) - Richard Donner

- Brilliant movie with awesome acting and awesome soundtracks. Love the storyline and Damien is creepy as hell.


Trick 'r Treat (2007) - Michael Dougherty

- Strange movie but I very appreciate it! Many back-story and parts in this flick but everything is really creepy and interresting. Love it.

Glad to see a young guy appreciate The Omen. I have it higher but that's only logical since it's a childhood favorite from almost 40 years ago.

I want to see Trick r Treat and The Changeling, the latter of which I really have no excuse for not seeing yet, given when it came out.

Glad to see a young guy appreciate The Omen. I have it higher but that's only logical since it's a childhood favorite from almost 40 years ago.

I want to see Trick r Treat and The Changeling, the latter of which I really have no excuse for not seeing yet, given when it came out.
Hell Yeah !!

Both worth the viewing !

The Omen and The Changeling are both excellent picks Derek, good choice. Still to see Trick r Treat.
watch it !! it's very good


Black Christmas (1974) - Bob Clark

- A classic of horror. One of the first horror movie I've ever seen and scary as hell.


Army Of Darkness (1992) - Sam Raimi

- Bruce Campbell is brilliant and the whole movie is pure fun and I really like it.


Halloween 2 (1981) - Rick Rosenthal

- Great sequel with nice acting and one of the most amazing vilain of all-time in a movie. Micheal Myers is back! Watch your back Curtis

Black Christmas is so great and I like Halloween II as well.

I saw Army of Darkness once, at the movies when it was out. I didn't like it at all and never tried it again.