Game of Thrones Season 3


First off, mention the name again and this whole thing ends real quick. I dunno if you're dense, or doing it deliberately, but neither is an excuse.

Second, he's not mentioned by name, he's mentioned in the context of his relationship to another character. But they have the same last name, Einstein. That alone makes it a spoiler. And even if it didn't (and it does), merely finding out it's X rather than anyone else is a spoiler, even if you don't know who X is. Which you would know, because again, they have the same last name.

I can't believe I had to explain this.

I'm "implying" that you've posted a spoiler, be it for someone who's read some of the books (and thus knows the name but not that they're the person in question), or for anyone who merely hasn't read them all, and therefore didn't know it was a ruse. Which seems like it would've been a pretty cool thing to find out naturally, especially given the way the scene was staged.

You can flail around about this some more, if you want, but there's no combination of words that will allow you to pretend you didn't post a spoiler.

> they have the same last name
> no his last name is technically snow
> uhhhh you are post spoiler
> hodor.

Before last episode this was only a spoiler because it implied that the entire thing with Theon and the mysterious janitor was just a ruse. We now know that it was.
Can you even read?


Are you being dense on purpose?

Here is a [very] brief timeline for you:

Me(1) - post spoilery post about Theon being caught up in a ruse
You(1) - warn me
~episode 4~
Me(2) - post name of character that isn't recognizable to show-only people
You(2) - ban me
Me(3) - admit that me(1) post was spoiler
You(3) - tell me what I already mentioned
Me(4) - show you I already mentioned that
You(4) - hodor.

Also, this. Which should be obvious.
Still not recognizing it as merely a theory/speculation. I mean, I'd say it's pretty 99.99% obvious, BUT, even as a book reader, this part of the show hasn't been revealed to me either. It's not like I have had some special screening of the episode where mysterious janitor boy's actual name is revealed. It's also the most laughable excuse for a "spoiler", putting a name to an unnamed character. The reveal is only meaningful when you actually know who he is in relation to another character. The name, up until that point, is useless.

****, for all we know, this kid could be Reek#1 (unlikely)


Here's how the timeline looks from the perspective of someone who isn't you:

1. You post a spoiler and speculation, together, with no indication that any of it is speculation.
2. The first half of what you said comes true. You are warned.
3. You say the second half again, again not giving any indication it's speculation.
4. You're banned.

See the problem?

I'll make sure to post ***SPECULATIONS BEWARE*** next time, as to not confuse you.

Perhaps I'll do the same for opinions.

It'll go something like this:

***SPECULATIONS BEWARE*** Hodor is Azor Ahai, but ***OPINIONS BEWARE*** I don't think he is very capable to be the prophesized savior of the realm.

Should make things much simpler.

Yeah, or you could just not mix spoiler and speculation while simultaneously phrasing the speculation in a way that sounds completely indistinguishable from a statement of fact.

I'd try that first.