How Much Money Will Star Wars Episode VII Make?


Star Wars 7 has broken more records now that more numbers are rolling in... and has jumped up the list yet again and is now in 4th place of the highest grossing movies of all time.

It has surpassed Fast And Furious, The Avengers Assemble and Jurassic World.

Only Titanic, Harry Potter and Avatar are ahead of it, and are ready to topple once Ep7 is released in China in 4 days time from now.

Ep7 is now in 2nd place of biggest movies list in the USA, behind only Avatar, and again is ready to topple it.

Adjusted for inflation... Star Wars 7 has broken the top 10 movies... ahead of it are things like Star Wars Episodes 4, 5 and 6, Titanic and Jurassic Park.

It is the biggest movie ever in the months of December AND January. The January numbers are of course only 5 days in as well.

It is in the #1 spot of the largest single day takings. This record also covers weekends and weekdays.

It is the fastest movie to hit $50m, $100m, $150m, $200m, $250m, $300m, $350m, $400m, $450m, $500m, $550m, $600m, $650m, $750m in the US alone.

It is the biggest movie ever in the months of December AND January.
Cripes. I'm glad I got to the theater an hour early.
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Adjusted for inflation... Star Wars 7 has broken the top 10 movies... ahead of it are things like Star Wars Episodes 4, 5 and 6, Titanic and Jurassic Park.
Not yet actually. It needs 900 million dollars to do so:

Still the way ticket sales are going I expect it to make around 1 billion dollars overall. Making the 9th place overall corrected for inflation in the US.

Star Wars isn't popular outside the US?
Nobody said that.

Not as popular as it is in the US. The UK also shares the love for Star Wars in the US but the performance outside of the US and UK has been weak compared to the US performance, though the overvalued dollar now makes it harder for films to gross in foreign currency.

One reason why Avatar made so much money was that it was released when the dollar was weak against foreign currencies and so foreign tickets were more valued in terms of dollars.

That's just it, I would prefer it to be a movie that appeals to the nostalgia of classic movies, than one that manages to be remembered mainly by turning actors into CG blue cat people.
At the current rate it will not overtake avatar, probably will be very near like around 2.5 billion, like Phantom Menace it will make relatively more money in the US.

At the current rate it will not overtake avatar, probably will be very near like around 2.5 billion, like Phantom Menace it will make relatively more money in the US.
Damn. And here I thought laser swords could outsell ethernet hair.

Not really. Most Asian countries weren't accepting American films at the time of the original trilogy, so there's no sentiments value in that. Phantom Menace has the second highest % of its money made in America among all billion dollar movies, meaning that not a ton of people in foreign countries saw it, and those that did (probably) disliked their first taste of Star Wars. It's going to make money overseas, but it's not making Furious 7 money in Asia.
Star Wars is extremely popular in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. Outside of the English speaking countries, which are the bulk of the world's box office market today, Star Wars is not very popular although it has it's admirers in Brazil, for instance, but in Japan, Germany, France, Brazil, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Korea and China, it is not extremely popular.

Let's make an estimate of how much Star Wars will gross:

Jurassic World, a very similar release in blockbuster terms, grossed 1.66 billion worldwide.

In the US in the first 17 days it grossed 500 million out of it's 650 million US gross. Star Wars 7 grossed 740 million, so it will probably gross about 970 million in the US.

Outside of the US, Jurassic world made 1,020 million. In most countries the bulk of that money was made in the first 17 days aroudn 2/3 of all gross. Star Wars made 750 million in those 17 days. So it will make around 1,180 million outside of the US and China.

In China, Jurassic World made 230 million, Star Wars will probably make much more, like ca. 350 million. Since in the US it will make 50% more and outside of the US and China it will make 1,180 million compared to 790 million for Jurassic world.

So in total Star Wars 7 will gross about: 2,500 million dollars.

Avatar grossed 2,780 million. So it will hold the record still.

It is certainly not remotely as ppular as in the US or UK. It's a very American kind of movie the Star Wars culture is very American and it is what makes it break US box office records.

In Japan, Star Wars 7 hasn't grossed much so far.

It's $46,100,000 dollars according to box office mojo. Avatar grossed, $171,990,531 dollars in Japan, that's almost 4 times more. In the US both movies are even so far. Overall it's impossible for Star Wars 7 to beat Avatar in Japan.

Japan likes cute movies and Star Wars 7 is gritty and not very cute as well. What American movie the Japanese liked the most in the past few years? Frozen, it grossed $249,036,646, that's almost 6 times what Star Wars 7 has grossed so far. Why Frozen grossed more? Because it's a cartoon with cute girls. And that's the type of film that Japan likes the most.

For instance, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha As the movie was a top DVD/Blu Ray seller in Japan even though it's super underground otaku movie. Its sales were comparable to many blockbusters in blu ray sales like Fast 6 and The Avengers.

I guess if they redid Star Wars 7 with cutesy animated characters it would be significantly more popular in Japan.

It is certainly not remotely as ppular as in the US or UK. It's a very American kind of movie the Star Wars culture is very American and it is what makes it break US box office records.

In Japan, Star Wars 7 hasn't grossed much so far.

It's $46,100,000 dollars according to box office mojo. Avatar grossed, $171,990,531 dollars in Japan, that's almost 4 times more. In the US both movies are even so far. Overall it's impossible for Star Wars 7 to beat Avatar in Japan.
I know. Just pointing out that it has it's fans over there.

I know. Just pointing out that it has it's fans over there.

Yes, but I am talking about predicting box office performance. And Star Wars is not relatively popular in Japan compared to other Hollywood movies like Frozen even though it has its fans. In Brazil we also have people cosplaying like stormtroppers but its not as popular in Brazil compared to the UK or the US.

What a popular thread! Not even about the movie, just the money!
Well, the most interesting thing going on with hollywood now is the possibility of a highest film of all time emerging. It's more interesting than the movie itself for me.

Yes, but I am talking about predicting box office performance. And Star Wars is not relatively popular in Japan compared to other Hollywood movies like Frozen even though it has its fans. In Brazil we also have people cosplaying like stormtroppers but its not as popular in Brazil compared to the UK or the US.
Star Wars may not be extremely popular in Japan, but Final Fantasy and Danny Choo are.

Guap, can I ask?
Your reasoning for Star Wars not being popular outside the US, is that it's not popular in Japan?

So, there's the US... and outside the US is Japan.

Sure SW isn't huge in Japan and it hasn't topped the box office there, but Ep7 has topped the box office in every single other country.
The Chinese release is still just over 2 days away too and the hype is pretty solid over there.

There's other countries out there apart from Japan. Just because something is massive in Japan isn't a reason to say something isn't good or worthy of what it's doing.

Box office performance of Star Wars in Brazil, Germany, France, Korea, India and Japan, among other countries is weaker than would be anticipated. If they captured these markets with the same degree of success as the US market the box office figures would be several times higher.

At the current rate Star Wars 7 will not even break Titanic's record.

Guap, can I ask?
Your reasoning for Star Wars not being popular outside the US, is that it's not popular in Japan?
Obviously not.

Sure SW isn't huge in Japan and it hasn't topped the box office there, but Ep7 has topped the box office in every single other country.
No, not in Brazil, not in India, not in France, not in Mexico, not in Germany. I don't think it has topped Avatar in the UK already as well.

Star Wars is more of an Anglo Saxon thing. Its popular in some countries, US, UK, Canada and Australia. Its not as popular in the world as a whole. Avatar managed to become a worldwide phenomenon while Star Wars 7 is more localized.

There's other countries out there apart from Japan. Just because something is massive in Japan isn't a reason to say something isn't good or worthy of what it's doing.
Japan is the third largest film market in the world. So if a movie is popular there it is important for influencing box office rankings. Also, I was making an EXAMPLE, a concept that you don't appear to understand