
I enjoyed this. Elizabeth Olsen made this show for me though the rest of the cast is very good too.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

How does this compare to "Candy"? Out of curiosity, which one is better? I watched "Love and Death," but didn't watch "Candy", and while I was watching this, the incident sounded like something I'd read about and it sounded familiar, so I researched and found out they were both depicting the same events. I can't really see myself watching two series about the same incident that were both contemporaneously made. Should I? I think, for me, the main draw was Elizabeth Olsen's performance. It was otherwise not that remarkable. I felt like I'd seen this type of series done before, and there isn't really that much to the story that is interesting until the murder is committed. Surprisingly, when they were making "Love and Death," which I think was filmed first, they apparently didn't know anything about "Candy". I can't really understand how two shows on the exact same crime were made within a year or so of each other. I feel like there should be someone checking on that and wonder how and why they were not aware of each other before they both went into production.

How does this compare to "Candy"? Out of curiosity, which one is better? I watched "Love and Death," but didn't watch "Candy", and while I was watching this, the incident sounded like something I'd read about and it sounded familiar, so I researched and found out they were both depicting the same events. I can't really see myself watching two series about the same incident that were both contemporaneously made. Should I? I think, for me, the main draw was Elizabeth Olsen's performance. It was otherwise not that remarkable. I felt like I'd seen this type of series done before, and there isn't really that much to the story that is interesting until the murder is committed. Surprisingly, when they were making "Love and Death," which I think was filmed first, they apparently didn't know anything about "Candy". I can't really understand how two shows on the exact same crime were made within a year or so of each other. I feel like there should be someone checking on that and wonder how and why they were not aware of each other before they both went into production.
Yes, it’s strange that this story was twice made into a limited series. Haven’t seen Candy & have no desire to. Both limited series got good reviews.

I can make no sense of the synopsis of this. Is it about a scientology family or something?

Very famous here. I actually watched almost all the seasons of this reality show.

I see thanks. Looks like something that would enrage me rather than entertain me.
It was very innocent & wholesome until the oldest son confessed to inappropriate touching of his sisters while they slept. Duggar pater familias tried to keep it hidden, but it was the beginning of the end of their shows.

Yet another limited series about the Sackler Family & OxyContin. This one is excellent & I enjoyed it very much. Always love to see Taylor Kitsch in a prime rôle.

How does this compare, favorably or unfavorably, to "Dopesick"? Also, what are the main differences? I saw "Dopesick already and liked that.

How does this compare, favorably or unfavorably, to "Dopesick"? Also, what are the main differences? I saw "Dopesick already and liked that.
I don’t have time to compare right now. Dopesick was 2021 & some people were puzzled as to why we need the same story in 2023. We don’t, but I enjoyed both. They’re similar, but different. In any case, I love anything that has Taylor Kitsch in a prime rôle, which Painkiller does.

Thanks Stirchley. Appreciate your thoughts on this. Anyone else who has seen both of these have an interest in providing a more detailed explanation on this and sharing your view? I'm not inclined to watch two shows on exactly the same events unless this new one, "Painkiller" is either superior to "Dopesick", or there are major differences between the two shows in what can be learned. This reminds me of the situation between "Candy" and "Love & Death," and in that particular case, I chose to only watch one.

Thanks Stirchley. Appreciate your thoughts on this. Anyone else who has seen both of these have an interest in providing a more detailed explanation on this and sharing your view? I'm not inclined to watch two shows on exactly the same events unless this new one, "Painkiller" is either superior to "Dopesick", or there are major differences between the two shows in what can be learned. This reminds me of the situation between "Candy" and "Love & Death," and in that particular case, I chose to only watch one.
I haven't seen either (but have been off and on eyeing Dopesick).

This review makes it sound like the main difference is the approach being much more quirky in Painkiller. If you look down in the comments, people seem split as to which one they liked more.

I'd say that whichever one has actors you like more, or if you're put off by the idea of a more "funny" approach, maybe go with Dopesick which sounds like the more straight-forward version of the story.

Thanks Takoma. I think I do prefer a straight version of this story, and the cast of dopesick, so since this show based on the review cited seems to have a lighter, more offbeat tone, and I’ve already seen Dopesick, think I will skip watching this newer version. This was definitely helpful.

BBC production based on a true story & set in London. Six parts. Flawed a little (too many characters for one), but I binged the entire thing in a few days. Very well-acted. Available on Paramount+ or Prime.

How does this compare to "Candy"? Out of curiosity, which one is better? I watched "Love and Death," but didn't watch "Candy", and while I was watching this, the incident sounded like something I'd read about and it sounded familiar, so I researched and found out they were both depicting the same events. I can't really see myself watching two series about the same incident that were both contemporaneously made. Should I? I think, for me, the main draw was Elizabeth Olsen's performance. It was otherwise not that remarkable. I felt like I'd seen this type of series done before, and there isn't really that much to the story that is interesting until the murder is committed. Surprisingly, when they were making "Love and Death," which I think was filmed first, they apparently didn't know anything about "Candy". I can't really understand how two shows on the exact same crime were made within a year or so of each other. I feel like there should be someone checking on that and wonder how and why they were not aware of each other before they both went into production.
I hadn't heard of either of these, so I checked out Candy on Wikipedia, than fired it up.

I watched the first two eps. My wife hated it, but it hooked me in. Good acting. Bizarre story. What really captivated me was the lilting and haunting music score. Also some of the photography settings are unusual, and enhance the story.

So I'm in for the last 3 eps, but I'll be watching it solo...

Even Idris Elba couldn’t save this filmed-in-real-time series. Can’t even imagine watching 7 episodes. Probably would have been better as a 2 hour movie.

Even the lovely Grace-Kelly-look-alike Brie Larson couldn’t save this 8-parter. (Can’t even imagine watching all 8 episodes.) The problem with this show is that chemistry is not sufficiently interesting on which to base a tv show.

One of Jamie’s many shows that he recorded in 2010. Interesting young whippersnapper & he has/had some great cooking ideas.

I've seen both "Hijack" and some of "Lessons in Chemistry". I liked "Hijack", mostly because of Idris Elba, but felt the story was needlessly elongated, and the motivation of the hijackers I found to be not really credible. It starts off stronger than it ends.

I've only seen one episode of "Lessons in Chemistry", but did read the book, and was kind of surprised to hear it was being made into a series, as I don't really think it has a compelling enough story for TV.